A person with a beard and glasses




DATE OF BIRTH           April 14, 1954


PLACE OF BIRTH          Santurce, Puerto Rico


MARITAL STATUS        Married


CHILDREN       4


OFFICES ADDRESS (Four offices included)


1) Lobby Office, San Jorge Medical Bldg., 252 San Jorge St., San Juan, Puerto Rico 00912.


2) Department of Pediatric Surgery, Office 2-A

2nd floor, University Pediatric Hospital.

PR Health Science Center, San Juan PR 00936.


3) Calle 1 #46 Urb La Campiña, Rio Piedras, PR 00926.


4) J-5 Costa Dorada, Dorado del Mar, Dorado PR 00646





SEX  - M          



PO Box 10426

Caparra Heights Station

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922






Tel (787) 340-1868 or 999-9450



Tel (787) 439-0373 Ext  7240



Tel (787) 439-0373



Tel (787) 340-1868





COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY                    DEGREE                       YEAR OF GRADUATION


1. University of Puerto Rico (U.P.R.)   BS Chemistry   1975   

    Rio Piedras Campus                        Magna Cum Laude



MEDICAL SCHOOL                                           DEGREE           YEAR OF GRADUATION



1. University of Puerto Rico -              MD                              1979

    School of Medicine                         Alpha Omega Alpha



INTERNSHIP (Institution and dates)


            INSTITUTION                                                               DATE


1.         University of Puerto Rico -                                                      1979-1980

            Affiliates Hospital      





            TYPE OF TRAINING                  INSTITUTION                           DATE


1.         General Surgery                                  University of Puerto Rico -                  1980-1984

                                                                        Affiliates Hospitals     

2.         Pediatric Surgery                                University of Puerto Rico -                  1984-1985

                                                                        Affiliates Hospital and University

                                                                        Pediatric Hospital




LICENSE TO PRACTICE MEDICINE (Place, dates, and numbers):


            PLACE                          LICENSE NUMBER                               DATE


1.         Puerto Rico                             7214                                                    1985 to present




MILITARY SERVICE (Type of experience and dates): none



            SPECIALTY: General Surgery



            SUBSPECIALTY: Pediatric Surgery







                        BOARD                                                            DATE


1.                     American Boards of Medicine                        1980


2.                     American Board of Surgery                                        1986-1996


3.                                American Board of Surgery                                        1996-2006



4.                     European Board of Pediatric Surgery Part 1              June 9, 2023



HOSPITAL AFFILIATION (Nature and dates):


                        HOSPITAL                                                                    DATE


1.                     University Pediatric Hospital                          1985 to present

                        Active Faculty Member         


2.                     San Pablo Medical Center                                          1986 to present

                        Active Faculty Member


3.                     Bayamón University Hospital                         1985 to 1996

                        Active Faculty Member


4.                     Hospital Hermanos Melendez                                    1986 to 1996

                        Active Faculty Member


5.                     San Jorge Children Hospital                            1988 to 1996

                        Active Faculty Member                                              2009 to present




EMPLOYER                                                      POSITION HELD                       DATES


1. UCC – School of Medicine              Chief – Section of                    1985-1996     

Hospital Universitario Bayamon                     Pediatric Surgery


2. San Pablo Medical Center              Chief – Section of                    1995-2008

                                                                        Pediatric Surgery


3. Hospital San Pablo                          Staff Pediatric Surgeon           1986 to present


4. Boletin Asociación Medica de PR   Editorial Board Member         1996 to 2001

Asociación Medica de PR


5. American Academy of Pediatrics    Web Information Manager    1997

Section on Surgery


6. Revista Cirugia Infantil of                Editorial Board Member         1997 to present



7. University Pediatric Hospital                      President Medical Faculty      1997-98


8. Revista “Prensa Medica”                Editorial Board Member         1998 - present

Asociación Medica de Puerto Rico


9. American College of Surgeon                     Program Chairman                 1998-1999

Puerto Rico Chapter


10. Bone Marrow Transplant Board   Chairman                                1999-2000

University Pediatric Hospital


11. American College of Surgeons      President                                 2001-2002

Puerto Rico Chapter


12. Revista “El Galeno” Colegio                      Editorial Board Member         Sept 2002-2003  Medico Cirujanos de PR                                                                             


13. Boletín Asociación Medica de PR Editorial Board Member         Feb 2004-Feb 2015

Asociación Medica de PR                                                                   


14. Boletín Asociación Medica de PR Editor in Chief             Feb 2008-Feb 2015

(Peer reviewed Journal included in PubMed)                                   


15. Prensa Medica                                          Editorial Board Member         Feb 2008-


16. San Jorge Children’s Hospital                   Staff Pediatric Surgeon           2006 - present


17. San Jorge Children’s Hospital                   Chief – Section                        Dec 2010 – Dec 2022

                                                                        Pediatric Surgery


ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS (Include all appointments ever held):


            RANKS                         INSTITUTION                           DATE


1. Assistant Professor Surgery            Universidad Central del Caribe           1985-present

                                                            Hospital Regional de Bayamon

2. Assistant Professor Surgery            UPR School of Medicine                     1985-1995


3. Associate Professor Surgery           UPR School of Medicine                     1995-2001


4. Professor Surgery                           UPR School of Medicine                     July 2001 – present


5. Associate Professor                        Ponce School of Medicine                  March 2017 -present

Pediatric Surgery Ad-honorem



OTHER APPOINTMENTS (Administrative, Consultative, Others):


            TITLE                                                                                                   DATE


1.         Administrative Director – Department of Surgery     July 1998 – June 1999

            University Pediatric Hospital

2.         Liaison Representative in Computers & other Tech.             1997-98

American Academy of Pediatrics Section of Surgery

3.         President Internet Committee                                               1997-98

            Puerto Rico Medical Association

4.         Health Representative                                                            1998-2000

            Nilitas Vientos de Gastón Foundation

5.         Reviewer of Manuscripts for                                                  1999 to present         

“Journal of Pediatric Surgery”                                                (78 completed assignments)

6.         Guest Editor                                                                            2000

            “Seminar in Pediatric Surgery”

7.         Founding member “”                                         2000


8.         Member - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group    1995-2000

            Houston, Texas


9.              Member - Committee on Surgery Education in Medical Schools of the American College of Surgeons                                                                              2000-2003


10.       Associate Director – Dept. Pediatric Surgery                        

            University Pediatric Hospital                                                  2001-2002     


11.       Moderator Morbidity & Mortality Conference                                 

UPR School of Medicine

General Surgery Residency Program                                      2002 to 2009


12.       Moderator - Third Year Medical Students UPR                      2002 to 2016

            Pediatric Surgery Rotation


13.       Academic Director Pediatric Surgery                                     2002 to 2011

            UPR School of Medicine


14.       Resource for Pediatric Surgery Conference                           2000 to present         

            To medical students UPR School of Medicine                                   


15.       Presiding Judge – ACS Poster Section –                                  February 20, 2009

            59th Annual Meeting


16.       Editor-in-Chief “Boletin Asoc Med PR”                                  2008 to 2014


17.       Chief Section of Pediatric Surgery                                          Dec 2010 to February 2022

            San Jorge Childrens’ Hospital, San Juan, PR.


18. Children Oncology Group (COG) Associate Membership            January 2011-present


19. Reviewer of manuscript for “Pediatrics”                                      June 2011-present


20. Reviewer of manuscript for “World Journal of Pediatrics”          September 2011-present


21. Reviewer of manuscript for “Annals of Medical and                   December 2012 to present

      Health Science Research.


22. Member American Thyroid Association                                       May 2014-present


23. President Board of Directors Costa Dorada 1, Dorado                January 2019 – February 2021


24. President – Ethics and IRB Committee – SJCWH                          February – August 2019


25- Member - Education Committee APSA                                        September 2019-2022


26- Member – Committee Informatics/Telemedicine APSA              September 2019-2022


27- Member – Nomination Committee Dean of Medicine                September 2019

                        UPR School of Medicine


28- Member Task Force Ciudadano Covid-19                                    June 2020 – present


29 – Member - Academic Senate RCM                                               August 2020 – September 2023


30- Member Education Committee APSA – Telehealth Subcommittee        Sept 2021 – August 2022


31 – Judge Oral Presentations – 12th Annual Convention PR Medical and Surgical college (CMCPR) – Convention Center of Puerto Rico – 9-12 December 2021.


32- Member Ad-Hoc Committee to select the President UPR                       January - May 2022


33- Treasurer/Vicepresident -  Board of Directors Costa Dorada 1,

Dorado, PR                                                                                                      March 2022 – April 2023


34- Member – European Pediatric Surgery Association                                June 2022 - present


35- Member Ad-hoc Committee to select Chancellor RCM                           September 2022


36- Evaluator Abstracts 43rd Annual RCM Research and Education

Forum – March 29-31, 2023                                                                           Feb-Mar 2023

37- Editorial Board Member – Pediatric Surgery in Tropics                             January 2024-present

38- Editorial Board Member - EC Pediatrics Journal                                         July 2024-present

39- Miembro del Comite de Utilizacion del HoPU                                         July 2024 – present

40- Tutor a cargo - Grupo Interes Humanismo Medico – Art Brevis - RCM   September 2024-present

41- Miembro Comité Historia 75 años Escuela de Medicina UPR                 Octubre 2024 - present





1. Treasurer – Natural Science Student Council, UPR, Rio Piedras Campus 1974-75


2. Facundo Bueso Award - Natural Science Division Top Award, UPR Rio Piedras Campus - 1975


3. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society member since 1978


4. President Medical Class 1975- 1976


5. Editor-in-Chief Medical Yearbook 1979


6. Editor-in-Chief “Pediatric Surgery Update” PSU © 1993-present


7. Doctor of the Year – Centro Medico San Pablo 1995


8. Reconocimiento Revista “Prensa Medica” Año 8 Num 2 April 1996


9. Honorary Member - Dominican Republic Society of Pediatric Surgery 1996 to present


10. Chair Pediatric Surgery Committee - Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 1999 to 2000


11.           Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2000.


12.           Honorary Member – Colombian Society of Pediatric Surgery – March 2001


13.           Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2001


14.           Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2002


15.           Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2003


16.           Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2004


17.           Doctor’s Choice Award – Rervista Buena Vida – June 2005


18.           Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2006


19.            Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2007


20.       Editor-in-Chief “Boletin Asoc Med PR”  - January 2008 to 2015


21. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2008


22. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2009


23. “Vidas Unicas” Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 29 de marzo de 2010, pag. 57.


24. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2010


25. Doctor’s Choice Award -  Revista Buena Vida – June 2011


26. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revist Buena Vida – June 2012


27. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2013


28. BOHIQUE Award – Puerto Rico Medical Association – July 27, 2013


29. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2014


30. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2015


31. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2016


32. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2017


33. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2018


34. Certificate of Recognition as Keynote presentation on “Thyroid Cancer in Children” at the 17th Annual Congress on Pediatrics & Neonatology held druing August 13-14, 2018 in Osaka, Japan.


35. Award (Plaque) recognition as Profesor of Pediatric Surgery during the Pediatric Residency Program as Ramon Ruiz Arnau Regional Hospital 1985-1996. Given August 23, 2018.


36. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing – February 2017


37. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – April 2019


38. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida - April 2020


39. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – April 2021


40. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2022


41. Doctor’s Choice Award – Revista Buena Vida – June 2023





1. Alpha Omega Alpha – 1978 to present - Member


2. American College of Surgeons  - 1988 to present - Fellow


3. American Academy of Pediatrics (Surgical Section)  -1991 to present – Specialty Fellow


4. American College of Surgeons (PR Chapter) – 1988 to present - Fellow


5. American Academy of Pediatrics (PR Chapter) – 1991 – Specialty Fellow


6. Puerto Rico Medical Association  - 1989, 1999 - Member


7. Southeastern Surgical Congress –1994 - Member


8. Panamerican Association of Pediatric Surgery  - 1994 to present - member


9. American Academy of Pediatrics (Section on Computers and Other Technologies)  -1995 to present - Member


10. Colegio Médico y Cirujanos de Puerto Rico – 1996 - Member


11. Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons – 1996 to present - Member


12. Pediatric Oncology Group- 1996 to 2000 – Associate Member - Surgery


13. Children Oncology Group – 2000 to present – Associate Member - Surgery


14. American Pediatric Surgery Association (APSA) – Associate Member May 2009 to present


15. Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Pediatria – Member – 2011-2012


HISTORIC LANDMARKS OF Dr Humberto Lugo Vicente in Pediatric Laparoscopy:


Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgery in Puerto Rico:


1994 - 1st laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a child


1996 - 1st laparoscopic appendectomy and splenectomy in a child


2002 - 1st laparoscopic fundoplication in a child


2007 - 1st laparoscopic adrenalectomy in a child


2008 - 1st laparoscopic nephrectomy in a child


2012 - 1st laparoscopic esophagomyotomy (Heller) in a child.



TEACHING EXPERIENCES (With interns, residents, medicals students, graduate students, others):


1.     Conferences to Residents & Medical Students:


“New Concepts in Pediatric Surgery: Part 1” Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital

July 6, 1995 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30AM


"New Concepts in Pediatric Surgery: Part 2" Pediatrics Residents, University Pediatric Hospital

August 10, 1995 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30AM


"Laparoscopic Surgery in Infants and Children" Pediatrics Residents, University Pediatric Hospital

October 19, 1995 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30AM


"Prenatal Congenital Malformations" Pediatrics Residents, University Pediatric Hospital

March 1, 1996 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30AM


"Esophageal Atresia in the 90's" Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital

October 10, 1996 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30AM


"NEC: Pathogenesis and Surgical Management" Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital

November 21, 1996 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30AM


"Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Has the Pendulum Swifted?" Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital January 23, 1997 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30 AM


"Laparoscopy in Infants and Children" Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital

March 20, 1997 Conf Room 1A-37 7:30-8:30 AM


“What’s New in Pediatric Surgery?” – Pediatric Residentes, University Pediatric Hospital, January 28, 2009. Centro Pediatrico 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM.


“Surgical Correctable Causes of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children” – Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital, March 25, 2009. Centro Pediatrico 7:30 AM-8:30 AM.


“What’s New in Pediatric Surgery”, Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital. January 28, 2004. Room A HoPU, 8:00 am to 9:00 am


“Current Concepts in Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Conf Room A-957, February 3, 2004, 8:00 am to 12 pm.


“What’s New in Pediatrics Surgery”, Anesthesia Dept. (Faculty & Residents) UPR School of Medicine, Room 622, September 18, 2007, 4-5pm


“Current Concepts in Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 822-A, January 23, 2009, 8:00 AM to 12 PM.


“Current Concept in Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 957-A, August 14, 2009, 8:30 am to 12 pm.


“Congenital Bowel Obstruction” – General Pediatric Residents, University Pediatric Hospital, September 30, 2009. Room 2B, 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM.


“Logical Approach to Intestinal Obstruction in Children” – General Surgery Residents, Room 957-A, October 29, 2009 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM.


“Current Concept in Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 957-A, October 30, 2009, 8:30 am to 12 pm.


“New Standars of Care in Pediatric Surgery” – Pediatric General Residents. February 24, 2010. Univ Ped Hospital. 7:30 am – 8:30 am. 


“Current Concept in Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 822-A, April 16,, 2010, 8:30 am to 12 pm. (Closed circuit to Mayaguez and Ponce).


“Pediatric Surgery “ Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 957,

 November 12, 2010, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM.


"Thyroid cancer in children" - General Surgery Residents & Faculty. September 7, 2011. 6th floor amphiteather. 4:30 pm


"Abdominal Surgery in Newborns" -General Pediatric residents & Faculty HOPU. September 27, 2011. Centro Pediatrico Conf Room. 7:30 am.


“Acute Abdomen in Children and Infants” – General Pediatric Residents & Faculty Municipal Hospital San Juan. October 26, 2011. Third floor Municipal Hospital. 7:30 am 


“Pediatric Surgery “ Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 822,

 November 3 2011, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.


“Pediatric Surgery “ Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 822,

 February 9 2011, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.


“Pediatric Surgery “ Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545-A,

 May 3 2012, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.


“Concepts in Pediatric Surgery: Part 1” - General Pediatric Residents & Faculty Municipal Hospital San Juan. October 9, 2012. Third floor Municipal Hospital. 4:30 pm 


“Surgical Causes of Hyperbilirubinemia in Newborns” – General Surgery Residents and Faculty – November 7, 212. 6th floor Amphitheater, RCM. 6 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 822, November 8, 2012, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 822, February 7, 2013, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 957A, April 25, 2013, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, Octobre 31, 2013, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, January 30, 2014, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 822, May 27, 2014, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, November 20, 2014, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, March 17, 2015, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, May 26, 2015, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Room 545A, RCM.


“Esophageal Atresia: State-of-the-Art” – Pediatric Residents, San Juan Municipal Hospital, May 27, 2015, 7:30-8:30 am. Conference Room 3rd floor San Juan Municipal Hospital.


“Esophageal Atresia: State-of-the-Art” – Pediatric Surgery Academic Activities, June 9, 2015,  3:30-4:30 pm. Conference Room 6th floor University Pediatric Hospital.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, November 17, 2015, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Room 545A, RCM.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, February 23, 2016, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Room 822A, RCM.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, Room 545, April 26, 2016, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Room 822A, RCM.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, December 1, 2017, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Room 545, RCM.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, February 9, 2018, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Room 545, RCM.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, November 9, 2018, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Room A-822, RCM.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, February 15, 2019, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm. Room A-822, RCM.


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, May 3, 2019, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Room A-922, RCM. (NOTE: This marks the 35th consecutive year of this lecture to medical students level 3 in the UPR School of Medicine).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, November 1, 2019, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Room A-822, RCM


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, January 31, 2020, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Room 545-B, RCM. (NOTE: This marks the 35th consecutive year of this lecture to MS3 in the UPR School of Medicine).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, November 19, 2020, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Via Google Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, February 25, 2021, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, May 20, 2021, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, October 21, 2021, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, February 17, 2022, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, May 17, 2022, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, October 13,, 2022, 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, February 9, 2023, 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).


“Pediatric Surgery” Third Year Medical Students UPR School of Medicine, April 27, 2023, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Via Zoom Meet (virtual).



2. PBL (Problem Base Learning) Evaluation to Medical Students III


Academic Year 2011-2012:

--October 2011, University Pediatric Hospital.

--November 15, 2011, University Pediatric Hospital.

--January 24, 2012, University Pediatric Hospital.

--February 21, 2012, University Pediatric Hospital.

--May 8, 2012, University Pediatric Hospital.

--May 29, 2012, University Pediatric Hospital.


Academic Year 2012-2013:

--November 7, 2012, University Pediatric Hospital.

--November 21, 2012, University Pediatric Hospital.

--December 5, 2012, University Pediatric Hospital.

--February 6, 2013, University Pediatric Hospital.

--February 20, 2013, University Pediatric Hospital.

--May 8, 2013, University Pediatric Hospital.

--May 22, 2013, University Pediatric Hospital

--November 6, 2013, University Pediatric Hospital

--November 20 & 27, 2013, University Pediatric Hospital


Academic Year 2014

--January 29, 2014, University Pediatric Hospital

--February 19, 2014, University Pediatric Hospital

--April 30, 2014, University Pediatric Hospital

--May 14, 2014, University Pediatric Hospital


Academic Year 2015

--March 4, 2015, University Pediatric Hospital

--March 11, 2015, University Pediatric Hospital

--November 11, 2015, University Pediatric Hospital


Academic Year 2016

--February 10, 2016, University Pediatric Hospital

--February 24, 2016, University Pediatric Hospital

--March 2, 2016, University Pediatric Hospital

--May 4, 2016, University Pediatric Hospital

--June 8, 2016, University Pediatric Hospital

--November 16, 2016, University Pediatric Hospital

--November 30, 2016, University Pediatric Hospital


Academic Year 2018

--October 31, 2018, University Pediatric Hospital


Academic Year 2019

--February 13, 2019, University Pediatric Hospital

--April 24, 2019, University Pediatric Hospital


Academic Year 2020

--December 9, 2020, via Google Meet (virtual)


Academic Year 2021

--February 17, 2021 via Google Meet (Virtual)


Academic Year 2022

--May 18, 2022 via Google Meet (Virtual)


RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (Describe and include the title and year of investigation conducted):


1. 'Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group' Ten Year Experience at the University Pediatric Hospital Associated with Dr Pedro Serrano/Dra Gloria Reyes Fellow and Assistant Professor Pediatrics respectively Part of the Congenital Diaphragmatic Study Group run by the ELSO and Critical Care Subcommittee of the American Pediatric Surgical Association 1995 to present


2 'Esophageal Atresia w/o TEF: The last five years' Clinical Investigation of EA/TEF at UPH Associated with Dra Carmen Perez PLIII Pediatric Department, University Pediatric Hospital 1995-1996


3. 'Central Venous Catheter: Indications and Complications' Dr. Belarde PLIII Pediatric Resident. Ramón Ruiz Arnau University Hospital Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine 1994-95


4. 'Thyroid Surgery: Ten Year Experience at UPH' Project with Hilda Irrizary, MSIII University Pediatric Hospital UPR School of Medicine 1996-1997


5. Laparoscopic vs Open Splenectomy in Children - Medical Students in charge: Maribel de Hoyos MSIV, Yaritza Rivera MSIII 1997-1998


6. Iturregui L, Mauro I MS-IV, Lugo-Vicente HL: Pitfalls in the Management of Intestinal Atresias. 1998-99


7. Montalvo JA MS-III, Lugo-Vicente HL: Perforated NEC: Physiologic variables affecting the decision to Drainage or Operation. 1999-2000


8. Dent RE MS III, Lugo-Vicente HL, Carlo J: Muscle Biopsy in Children: Indications, Technique, Results and Complications. 1999-2000


9. Winchester M, Lugo-Vicente HL, Reyes G: Impact of adding lavage during percutaneous peritoneal drainage in VLBW infants with perforated NEC 2000-2001 – 2008-2010 research.


10. Lugo-Vicente H, Romero Estremera N: Thyroid nodules in children: What should be a minimal work-up before surgery? – 2010 research.


11. Lugo-Vicente H, Carmona J, Osterman A: Fistula in Ano in Children: A Case Series – 2010 Research.


12. Lugo-Vicente H, Medero Rodriguez P, Sanchez Rivero Y: Advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy for complicated appendicitis in children. – 2010 research.


13. Thyroid Surgery in Children, Thyroid Cancer in Children – Edwin Alvarez Torres MS2, several other co-authors 2018-present. RCM.


14. Does the common bile duct dilate after removal of the gallbladder in children?. - Co-author Abizaire Sanchez Feliciano. Feb 2020- present. UPR Rio Piedras Campus.


15. Pediatric Appendicitis During COVID-19 Pandemic: Delayed Diagnosis and Increase in Complication Rate – Indira Barbosa Rios MD PY11, Sanet Torres Torres MD, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD Feb 2021 – present. SJ Municipal Pediatric Residency Program.


16. Neuromonitoring in Children Thyroid Surgery: Review of Literature – Lucila Martinez Diaz MSII, RCM.




                        TITLE                                                   PLACE                          DATE


1.     Internal Suturing and Knot Tying Course              IV International in Children    May 95            Led by Dr Zoltan Szabo                             Congress for Endosurgery                 

Orlando, Florida


2. Current Techniques in Laparoscopy                       Mobile Infirmary Med Ctr       Dec 1994

Basic/Advanced Video-Endoscopy Course     Mobile, Alabama

Led by: L. Lamar Snow, MD, FACS


3. Advanced Pediatric Laparoscopy Course   IV International Congress       May 1995

Led by: International Faculty                          for Endosurgery in Children


4. Advanced Pediatric Laparoscopy                Memphis, Tennessee  March 1996 and Thoracoscopy Course

Led by: Thom E Lobe, and Keith Georgeson


5. State of the Art Pediatric MIS Web Symposium – Cleveland, Ohio – January 20-21, 2011


6. Tricks of the Trade and Difficult Cases in Pediatric Surgery Web Symposium – Cleveland, Ohio – March 4, 2011


7. Pediatric Surgical Oncology Review Course for Fellows and RI’s – St. Jude Children Research’s Hospital, Memphis TN, March 24-25, 2012.


8. High-fidelity Endosurgical Simulation Course - May 3, 2013 at APSA 44th Annual Meeting, Marco Island, FL, USA.




1. American Pediatric Surgery Association - Pediatric Surgery Self-Assessment Part I (PSSAP) – October 6, 2009.


2. American Pediatric Surgery Association - Pediatric Surgery Self-Assessment Part II (PSSAP) – January 21, 2011.         


3. American Pediatric Surgery Association - Pediatric Surgery Self-Assessment Part III (PSSAP) January 26, 2011.


4. American Pediatric Surgery Association - Pediatric Surgery Self-Assessment Part IV (PSSAP) December 18, 2011..


5. American Pediatric Surgery Association - Pediatric Surgery Self-Assessment Program Part V (PSSAP) December 24, 2011.


6. American Pediatric Surgery Association - Pediatric Surgery Self-Assessment Program Part VI (PSSAP) November 6, 2012.





June 11 & 12, 2014 – 3rd Annual Gordon S. Cameron Visiting Professor in Pediatric Surgery at McMaster University and McMaster Children Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Conferences: 1- “Thyroid Cancer in Children”, & 2- “Esophageal Atresia”.


August 13-14, 2018 – 17th Annual Congress on Pediatrics & Neonatology - Pediatric Summit 2018 Keynote Speaker – Conference: “Thyroid Cancer in Children” in Osaka (Hyatt Regency Osaka), Japan.


EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (Community activities, special interests, talent, skills, hobbies):


1. "Wine, Health and other things..." Seminar - Boutique du Vin - March 20, 1999, Hato Rey, PR


2. "Basic Wine Course and Tasting" - 40th Convención Anual - Sociedad Medicos Graduandos -Escuela de Medicina - Universidad de Puerto Rico. September 3-6, 1999.


3. Member of the American Society of Wine Educators 1997-2000


4. Wine Journalist for Periodico El Nuevo Dia (see attached list of written articles and dates)


5. Contributor for “Salud al Dia” Newspaper monthly supplement (see attached list of written articles)


6. Webmaster for:                                                                              1997-2000

            a) Section on Surgery AAP

            b) Dominican Republic Society of Pediatric Surgery

            c) American College of Surgeon Puerto Rico Chapter


7. Oil Painting Expositions

-- Hospital San Pablo Annual Meeting Convention 2005 Dorado Beach Hotel.

-- East End Guild Exposition 2005 at ‘Kroma Gallery’.

-- Hospital San Pablo Annual Meeting Convention 2006 Westin Rio Mar Hotel.

--“Oncology on Canvas” Eli-Lilly Exposition 2006 at New York & London.

--Participation in “Artist” magazine Annual Art Competition 2007

--Virtual Gallery at

--Hospital San Pablo Annual Meeting Convention 2007 Embassy Suites, Dorado, Puerto Rico.

--"ENLACES" - Asociacion de Conyuges de Dentistas de PR - Casa Alcadia de San Juan - 29 de mayo a 19 de junio  de 2008




            NAME                                                                                                  DATE


1.         Personnel Committee                                                             2000

            Department Surgery UPR

            School of Medicine

2.              Chairman                                                                                            1999-2000

Bone Marrow Transplant Board

3.              Liaison Representative                                                                       1997-98

Computers & other Technology Section

American Academy of Pediatrics Section of Surgery

3.         President Internet Committee                                                           1997-98

            Puerto Rico Medical Association

4.              Chairman Program Committee                                                          1998-99

American College of Surgeons Puerto Rico Chapter             

5.         Member Committee on Surgery Education in                                  

            Medical School – American College of Surgeons                               2000-2003

6.         Member – Committee Education                                                      

            American Pediatric Surgery Association                                            2019 – 2022

7.         Member – Committee Informatics/Telemedicine APSA                   

            American Pediatric Surgery Association                                            2019 – 2022

8.         Member Academic Senate RCM                                                         2020-present

9.         Member Ad-Hoc Searching a President for the UPR                         2022

10.       Member Ad-hoc Committee Searching Chancellor RCM                    Aug-Nov 2022




MEETING                                 PLACE HELD    DATE                           PRESENTOR

                                                                                                                        (Yes or No)


1. “International Congress      Melbourne                  March 1995                YES (4 papers)

    of Paediatric Surgery           Australia

    and Paediatric Radiology”


2. “V Central American            San Salvador  September 1996         YES (7 lectures)

    of Pediatric Surgery”           El Salvador


3. “IV Jornada Nacional          Dominican                   October 1996  YES (4 lectures)

    de Cirugia Pediatrica”         Republic


4. “II South Cone Congress     Cordoba          November 1996          YES (2 papers)

    of Pediatric Surgery”                       Argentina


5. “5thAnnual Meeting                        Orlando           December 1996          YES (1 paper)

Society of Laparoendoscopic Florida, USA

Surgeons - Endo Expo 96”


6. “49thAnnual Meeting                     New Orleans   November 1997          YES (1 paper)

Section on Surgery – AAP”                 Louisiana


7. “XIV Panamerican Congress           Dominican       June 1998                   YES (5 papers)

of Pediatric Surgery”              Republic

8. “7th International Meeting            San Diego        December 1998          YES (1 paper)

Society Laparoendoscopic                  California

Surgeons Endo Expo 98”


9. “IX Congreso Nacional                    Managua         July 2000                     YES (4 lectures)

de Pediatria”                                       Nicaragua


10. “45thAnnual Meeting                   San Juan          February 1995 YES (1 lecture)

American College of Surgeons            Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Chapter” 


11. “19th Anniversary Scientific         Bayamon         November 1995          YES (1 paper)

Meeting San Pablo Medical Ctr          Puerto Rico


12.  “46thAnnual Meeting                  San Juan          February 1996 YES (1 lecture)

American College of Surgeons            Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Chapter” 


13. “17thAnnual Research      PR Health        March 96                                YES (1 paper)

& Education Forum”                           Science Center


14. “20thAnniversary Scientific          Bayamon         November 1996          YES (1 paper)

Meeting San Pablo Medical Ctr          Puerto Rico


15. “47thAnnual Meeting                   San Juan          February 1997 YES (1 lecture)

American College of Surgeons            Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Chapter”


16. “17th F.L. Raffucci Surgical           San Juan          February 1997 YES (1 paper)

Research Forum”                                Puerto Rico


17. “48thAnnual Meeting                   San Juan          February 1998 YES (1 lecture)

American College of Surgeons            Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Chapter”


18. “19th F.L. Raffucci Surgical           San Juan          February 1999 YES (1 paper)

Research Forum”                                Puerto Rico


19. “50thAnnual Meeting                   San Juan          February 2000 YES (1 lecture)

American College of Surgeons            Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Chapter”


20. “5thPediatric General                   Bayamon         February 1995 YES (1 lecture)

Course Hermanos Meléndez” Puerto Rico


21. “1stNeonatal Intensive                 San Pablo        May 1995                    YES (1 lecture)

Course”                                               Medical Ctr


22. “2ndMedical Staff             Dorado            July 1995                     YES (1 lecture)

Convention”                                        Puerto Rico


23. “36thAnnual Convention  Dorado            September 1995         YES (1 lecture)

Society Medical Graduates                 Puerto Rico

UPR School of Medicine”


24. “5thAnnual Convention                Ponce              October 1995  YES (1 lecture)

Pediatric Graduates from                   Puerto Rico

University Pediatric Hospital &

South Medical Academy Section

Of Pediatrics”


25. “21st Annual Meeting of   San Juan          October 1995  YES (1 lecture)

Association of O.R. Nurses”    Puerto Rico


26. “XVIII Auxilio Mutuo                     San Juan          October 1995  YES (1 lecture)

General Pediatrics Course”     Puerto Rico    


27. “6thGeneral Pediatric                   Bayamon         February 1996 YES (1 lecture)

Course – Hermanos Meléndez”         Puerto Rico


28. “American Cancer Society Bayamon         March 1996                YES (1 lecture)

Post Graduate Course”                       Puerto Rico


29.  “3rd Medical Staff                        Dorado            July 1996                     YES (1 lecture)

Convention”                                        Puerto Rico


30. “XIX Auxilio Mutuo                       San Juan          October 1996  YES (1 lecture)

General Pediatrics Course”     Puerto Rico    


31. “XI Ashford Presbyterian  San Juan          March 1997                YES (1 lecture)

Community Hospital General Puerto Rico

Pediatric Course”


32. “4thMedical Staff              Dorado            July 1997                     YES (1 lecture)

Convention”                                        Puerto Rico


33. “23rdAnnual Meeting of   San Juan          July 1997                     YES (1 lecture)

Association of O.R. Nurses”    Puerto Rico


34. “Annual Meeting Academy          Dorado            August 1997                YES (1 lecture)

Medical Directors”                              Puerto Rico


35.  “7thAnnual Convention   Dorado            October 1997  YES (1 lecture)

Pediatric Graduates from                   Puerto Rico

University Pediatric Hospital


36. “21stAnniversary Scientific           Bayamon         November 1997          YES (1 lecture)

Meeting Program”                              Puerto Rico


37. “5thMedical Staff              Dorado            July 1998                     YES (1 lecture)

Convention”                                        Puerto Rico


38. “Pavia Health Annual                    Rio Grande      August 1998                YES (1 lecture)

Medical Meeting”                               Puerto Rico


39. “40thAnnual Meeting                   Dorado            September 1999         YES (1 lecture)

Medical Graduates UPR                      Puerto Rico

School of Medicine”


40. “47thAnnual Meeting                   San Juan          February 2000 YES (1 lecture)

Pediatric Section PR Medical  Puerto Rico



41. “Annual Meeting PR Society         Isla Verde        February 2000 YES (1 lecture)

of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition       Puerto Rico

& Society Critical Care Medicine”


42. 51stAnnual Meeting                     San Juan          February 16, 2001      YES (1 lecture)

American College of Surgeons            Puerto Rico

PR Chapter


43. 48thAnnual Meeting                     San Juan          February 16-19           YES (3 lectures)

Pediatric Section                                 Puerto Rico     2001   

Puerto Rico Medical Association


44. XIII Colombian Pediatric   Pereira March 14-17               YES (4 lectures)

Surgery Congress                                Colombia         2001


45. 32ndAnnual Meeting                    Naples May 20-23, 2001         NO

American Pediatric Surgery    Florida



46. XXIV Auxilio Mutuo                       San Juan          September 25, YES (1 lecture)

General Pediatrics Course                  Puerto Rico     2001


47. 52ndAnnual Meeting                    San Juan          February 6-9, 2002     NO

American College of Surgeons            Puerto Rico

PR Chapter


48. XVI Pediatric Course                     San Juan          March 6, 2002 YES (1 lecture)

Ashford Presbyterian              Puerto Rico    

Community Hospital


49. 9na Convencion Sociedad Dorado            November 1, 2003      YES (1 lecture)

Egresados Pediatria RCM                    Puerto Rico


50. XVIII General Pediatric Course     Asford March 31, 2004  YES (1 lecture)

                                                                        Presbyterian Hosp


51. XXVII Jornadas Chilenas de           Santiago, Chile Octubre 21-23,  YES (4 lectures)

Cirugía Pediatrica                                                                    2004


52. 55th Annual Meeting American   Isla Verde        February 19,   YES (1 lecture)

College of Surgeons PR Chapter                     Puerto Rico     2005


53. XXVIII Auxilio Mutuo                                 San Juan          Sept 27, 2005  YES (1 lecture)

General Pediatric Course                                Puerto Rico


54. 58th Annual Meeting American               Condado  February 21, YES (1 lecture) College of Surgeons PR Chapter                   Puerto Rico            2008


55. 39th Annual Meeting American   Phoenix,          May 29-31, 2008 NO

Pediatric Surgery Association             Arizona


56. 49th Annual Meeting Society MD Graduated from UPR, August 30, 2008, 1 lecture, Ritz Carlton Hotel, San Juan, PR


57. XV Congreso Associacion Latinoamericana de Pediatria, Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico. 17 y 19 de noviembre de 2009, 2 lectures.


58. 40th Annual Meeting American Pediatric Surgery Association, Fajardo, Puerto Rico. May 2009.


59. 60th Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons, Puerto Rico Chapter. San Juan Puerto Rico. February 25-27, 2010.


60. 41th Annual Meeting American Pediatric Surgery Association, Orlando, Florida. May 2010.


61. 9th Medical Convention San Jorge Children’s Hospital, Wyndham Garden Hotel, Palmas del Mar, Humacao, Puerto Rico June 2012.


62. 63rd Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons – Puerto Rico Chapter. February 22-23, 2013. La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


63. 44th Annual Meeting American Pediatric Surgical Association – May 2-5, 2013, Marco Island FL, USA.


64. 10ma Convencion Pediatrica, Hospital de Niños San Jorge, Rio Mar Beach Resort, Rio Grancde, Puerto Rico, Octubre 4-6, 2013.


65. 64th Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons, Puerto Rico Chapter, La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 21-22, 2014.


66. 3rd Annual Gordon S. Cameron Visiting Professor in Pediatric Surgery at McMaster University and McMaster Children Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


67. 4to Simposio de Gastroenterologia Pediatrica, Hotel Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 9 de Agosto de 2014.


68. 55th Annual Convention UPR Sociedad de Medicos Graduados, 30 de agosto 2014. The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.


69. San Jorge Academic Symposium, November 15, 2014, Condado Vanderbilt Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


70. 65th Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons, Puerto Rico Chapter, La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 19-21, 2015.


71. 46th Annual Meeting American Pediatric Surgery Association – April 30 – May 3, 2015, Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.


72. 66th Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons, Puerto Rico Chapter, La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 18-20, 2016.


73. 67th Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons, Puerto Rico Chapter, La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 23-25, 2017.


74. 47th Annual Meeting American Pediatric Surgery Association – May 3-6, 2018, JW Marriot Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, California USA.


75.  17th Annual Congress on Pediatrics & Neonatology – Keynote Speaker - August 13-14, 2018, Osaka, Japan.


76. Hospital San Jorge Medical Faculty Convention 2018, Octob3r 19-21, 2018, Rincon Beach Resort, Rincon, Puerto Rico.


77. XXXIX Annual Convention and Symposium of Autism and Antibiotics Management. AMPRO 2021 Webinar Program. September 4, 2021. 11:10 – 11:40 AM.


78. 1st Symposium for Primary Care Medicine – Pediatric Surgery Conference – August 27, 2022 – Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Aguadilla, PR.


79. 1st Symposium for Primary Care Medicine – Pediatric Surgery Conference – November 5, 2022 – Casa del Medico, Arecibo, PR.



 NOTE: The title of the conference or paper can be found in Addendum A, B and C.



LEARNING RESOURCES AUTHORED OR CO-AUTHORED (Video tapes, movies, self study units, others):


                        TITLE                                                               DATE


1.         “Pediatric Surgery Update” Web Pages                     1993 - present

(Subscription   to the monthly newsletter can be

done by e-mail only. There are actually 590

subscribers from all over the world)



2.         “Pediatric Surgery Handbook”                                   1996 - present



Index “Pediatric Surgery Update”                                    1993 - present




3.         VIDEO: “Trans-Anal Modified Endorectal                   1999

           Pull-through (Soave-Boley) Procedure

for Hirschsprung's Disease without

Abdominal Incision in a Neonate”







                        TITLE                                                                           DATE


            “Pediatric Surgery Handbook”                                               1996-2022

            for Residents and Medical Students

            UPR School of Medicine

            [Pediatric Surgery Handbook used during third year clinical rotation]

            Copyright UPR School of Medicine





BIBLIOGRAPHY (Please include all your publications specifying authors, titles, journal, volume, pages and year):






1.     "Colangiopatías Infantiles" Capítulo de Texto de Cirugía Pediátrica del Dr Jose Ma Valoria Villamartín - Fundación Jiménez Díaz - Clínica de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción Avda Reyes Católicos 2 28040  Madrid, España. Ediciones Diaz de Santos S.A. páginas 210-220, 1994


2. CIRUGIA PEDIATRICA Vol I y Vol II - edited in Venezuela by Dr Leopoldo Briceño-Iragorry and Gaston Calcaño Loynaz. Published in 2003. Libreria Medica Paris. ISBN 980-002126-4

Chapters written:

a) Capitulo 20 - "Atresia Esofagica" pag 435

b) Capitulo 2 - "Laparoscopia Pediatrica" pag 27

c) Capitulo 52 - "Biología Molecular y Genética de Tumores Solidos en Niños" pag

d) Capitulo 37 - "Colestasis Infantil" pag 789


3. Book to be edited by Dr Iftikhar Ahmad Jan FRCS Ed, FCPS - Paediatric Surgeon - The Children's Hospital - Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. Published in 2004.

Chapters written:

a) "Antenatal Diagnosis"

b) "Esophageal Atresia"

c) "Intestinal Atresia"

d) Necrotizing Enterocolitis"

e) "Failure to Pass Meconium"


4. CIRUGIA PEDIATRICA Vol I y Vol II – 2nd edition in Venezuela by Dr Leopoldo Briceño-Iragorry and Gaston Calcaño Loynaz. Published in 2013. Libreria Venegraf C.A. ISBN 978-980-00-2731-8


Chapters written:

a) Capitulo 20 - "Atresia Esofagica"

b) Capitulo  4 - "Laparoscopia Pediatrica"

c) Capitulo 54 - "Biología Molecular y Genética de Tumores Solidos en Niños"

d) Capitulo 38 - "Colestasis Infantil"


5. Germ Cell Tumors in Children – Send December 2022





1. Lugo-Vicente HL, Márquez-Grau E: Diagnostic and Therapeutic problems arising from a Celiac Axis Pheochromocytoma in a Child: A case report. Boletin Asoc Med PR 79:325-328, 1987.


2. Aponte-López LA, Lugo-Vicente HL: Ruptured Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in a Newborn: A case report. Boletin Asoc Med PR 79:502-504, 1987. PMID: 3440046


3. Lugo-Vicente HL: Pyloric Stenosis: 137 Consecutive Cases. Boletin Asoc Med PR 84(10): 249-252, 1992.


4. Lugo-Vicente HL: Congenital (Pre-pyloric) Antral Membrane: Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment. J Pediatr Surg 29(12): 1589-1590, 1994. PMID: 7877039


5. Lugo-Vicente HL: The Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: Is contralateral exploration justified? Boletin Asoc Med PR 87(1): 8-11, 1995. PMID: 7786359


6. Lugo-Vicente HL: Prenatally Diagnosed Choledochal Cyst: Observation or early surgery? J Pediatr Surg 30(9): 1288-1290, 1995 PMID: 8523226


7. Santini I, Pacheco R, Lugo-Vicente HL: Apéndice Peforada en Niños: Evaluacion de un Diagnóstico Tardío. PR Health Science J 14(4): 263-267, 1995. PMID: 8637965


8. Lugo-Vicente HL: Biliary Atresia: An Overview. Boletin Asoc Med PR 87(7,8,9):147-153, 1995. PMID: 8703270


9. Lugo-Vicente HL: Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia: A Role for Surgery? Boletin Asoc Med PR 87(3-4): 60-63, 1995. PMID: 7546026


10. Morales-Tañon J, Lugo-Vicente HL: Quiste de Colédoco en Infantes y Niños. Médico Interamericano 14(12): 41-548, 1995.


11. Santiago-Sánchez C, Garau-Díaz P, Lugo-Vicente HL: Trichobezoar in a 11-year old girl: A Case Report. Boletin Asoc Med PR 88(1-3): 8-11, 1996. PMID: 8885440


12. Lugo-Vicente HL: Trends in Management of Gallbladder Disorders in Children. Pediatr Surg Internat 12(5-6): 348-352, 1997. PMID: 9244096


13. Lugo-Vicente HL: Gallbladder Dyskinesia in Children. Journal of Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 1(1): 61-65, 1997. PMID: 9876649


14. Lugo-Vicente HL: Impact of Minimal Invasive Surgery in Children. Boletin Asoc Med PR 89(1-2-3): 25-30, 1997. PMID: 9168633


15. Lugo-Vicente HL, Ortíz V: Pediatric Thyroid Nodules: Insights in Management. Bol Asoc Med PR 90 (4-6): 74-78, 1998. PMID: 9866271


16. Lugo-Vicente HL: The Role of Internet in Modern Medicine. Boletin Asoc Med PR 87(4-5-6): 82-87, 1997. PMID: 9284605


17. Lugo-Vicente HL, Ortíz V, Irizarry H, Camps JI, Pagán V: Pediatric Thyroid Nodules: Management in the Era of FNA: J Pediatr Surg 33(8): 1302-1305, 1998. PMID: 9722010


18. Lugo-Vicente HL: El Rol de Internet en la Cirugía Pediatrica. Revista de Cirugía Infantil 7(2): 74-80, 1997.


19. Herrera L, Lugo-Vicente HL: Primary Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Breast in an Adolescent Female: A Case Report. J Pediatr Surg 33(10): 1582-1584, 1998. PMID: 9802822


20. Serrano P, Reyes G, Lugo-Vicente HL: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Mortality Determinants in a Hispanic Population. PR Health Science J 17(4): 317-321, 1998. PMID: 10028538


21. Lugo-Vicente HL: Internet Resources and Web Pages for Pediatric Surgeons. Seminar Pediatr Surg 9(1): 11-18, 2000. PMID: 10688381


22. Whalen TV, Lugo-Vicente HL: Preface: Information Technology in Pediatric Surgery. Seminar Pediatr Surg 9(1): 1, 2000.


23. Lugo-Vicente HL: Molecular Biology and Genetics Affecting Pediatric Solid Tumors. Boletin Asoc Med PR 92(4-5-6-7-8): 72-82, 2000. PMID: 11143824


24. Lugo-Vicente HL: Profile on Internet Users: Survey of the Surgical Section of the AAP. Boletin Asoc Med PR 92(4-5-6-7-8): 63-64, 2000. PMID: 11143822


25. Rodriguez-Quiñones A. Quiñones R, Lugo-Vicente HL: Presacral Neuroblastoma in a Child: A Case Report. Bol Asoc Med PR 93(1-6): 23-25, 2001. PMID: 12755071


26. Lugo-Vicente H: Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Bol Asoc Med PR 95(2): 17-22, 2003. PMID: 14531196


27. Correa-Rivas M, Colon-Gonzalez G, Lugo-Vicente H: Cavernous Hemangioma Presenting as a Right Adnexal Mass in a Child. PR Health Science Journal 22(3): 311-313, 2003. PMID: 14619460


28. Fernandez-Sein A, Coorea-Rivas MS, Pratts K, Lugo-Vicente H: Renohepaticopancreatic Dysplasia: Diagnostic Dilemma. PRHSJ 24(1): 45-48, 2005. PMID: 15895877


29. Lugo-Vicente: ‘Pediatric Surgery Update’ Monthly Column at “Medicina Primaria” Monthly publication from 1994 to 2007. This incluyes from Volume 6 to Volume 41 and still continuing.


30. Muniz-Aragunde JR, Correa-Rivas MS, Lugo-Vicente H: Duodenal duplication with accessory papilla causing recurrent pancreatitis in a child: A case report. PRHSJ 25(4): 363-365, 2006. PMID: 17550106


31. Diaz R, Lugo-Vicente HL: Malrotation of the intestine and preduodenal portal vein associated with abdominal situs inversus: A case report. PRHSJ 26(1): 75-77, 2007. PMID: 17674877


32. Mendez K, Sabater R, Chinea E, Lugo-Vicente HL: Is there a safe advantage in performing outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children? J Pediatr Surg 42(8): 1333-1336, 2007. PMID: 17706491


33. Colon Casasnovas C, Lugo-Vicente HL: Distal Fragmented Port Catheter: Case Report & Review of Literature. Boletin Asoc Med PR 100 (1): 70-75, 2008. PMID: 18763398


34. Colberg R, Sanchez Carlos, Lugo-Vicente HL:  Aspiration and Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection of Wrist Synovial Cysts in Children. J Pediatr Surg 43(11): 2087-2090, 2008. PMID: 18970945  


35. Lugo-Vicente H, Correa M, Brunet H: Double Cystic Duct in a Child with VACTERL Association. Boletin Asoc Med PR 101(2): 56-58, 2009. PMID: 19954104


36. Gonzalez Hernandez J, Lugo-Vicente H: Esophageal Atresia: New Guidelines in Management. Boletin Asoc Med PR. 102(1): 33-38, 2010. PMID: 20853572


37. Lugo-Vicente H, Zequeira J, Antongiorgi J: Transanal Circular-Stapled Reanastomosis as a Management alternative for anastomotic colonic strictures: A Novel Technique in the Pediatric Patient. Bol Asoc Med PR 102(1): 56-58, 2010. PMID: 20853576


38. Carmona J, Lugo-Vicente H: Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Infarcted Splenoptosis in a Child: A Case Report. Bol Asoc Med PR 102(2):  47-49, 2010. PMID: 20939205


39. Lizardo-Sanchez L, Lugo-Vicente H: Failure to Pass Meconium. Bol Asoc Med PR 102(3): 62-67, 2010. PMID: 23875523


40. Vega Y, Zequeira J, Delgado A, Lugo-Vicente H: Spigelian Hernia in Children: Case Report and Literature Review, Bol Asoc Med PR 102(4): 2010. PMID: 21766551


41. Carmona J, Osterman A, Lugo-Vicente H: Fistula-In-Ano in Children: A Case Series. Boletin Asoc Med PR. 103(1): 14-17, 2011. PMID: 21696097


42. Marino Nieto J, Lugo-Vicente H: Rib Osteosarcoma in a Child: Case Report and Review of Literature. Bol Asoc Med PR. 103(1): 47-50, 2011. PMID: 21696103


43. Camelo M, Font Aponte L, Lugo-Vicente H: Dopamine-secreting Adrenal Ganglioneuroma in a Child: Beware of Intraoperative Rebound Hypertension. J Pediatr Surg 47(9): E29-E32, 2012. PMID: 22974632


44. Rodriguez MA, Lugo-Vicente H: Pulmonary Metastasectomy for Children with Malignant Tumors. Boletin Asoc Med PR. 104(3), 27-32, 2012. PMID: 23156890


45. Dieguez-Santiesteban N, Lugo-Vicente H: Intrathoracic Kidney in a Child: Case Report and Review of Literature. Boletin Asoc Med PR. 104(3), 39-41, 2012. PMID: 23156892


46. Lugo-Vicente H, Romero-Estremera Nahir J: Thyroid Nodules in Children: What should be a minimal work-up preceding surgery? Boletin Asoc Med PR. 104(4): 33-38, 2012. PMID: 23763220


47. Guzman L, Oppenheimer E, Lugo-Vicente H, Correa M: Chylous jejunal cyst causing volvulus in a child: Case report and literature review. Boletin Asoc Med PR. 105(1): 42-47, 2013. PMID: 23767385


48. Abdul-Hadi A, Lugo-Vicente H: Rectoverstibular Fistula with normal anus: A treatment alternative. Boletin Asoc Med PR 105(3): 45-49, 2013. PMID: 24282921


49. Garcia E, Cordero Gallardo G, Lugo-Vicente H: Adrenocortical Carcinoma in an Infant Girl: A Case Report. Boletin Asoc Med PR 105(4): 52-55, 2013. PMID:


50. Lorens-Marina CI, Cedeño A, Lugo-Vicente H, Chapel C, Rivera G, Diaz A: Wandering Spleen Torsion Causing Acute Abdominal Pain in a Child: Case Report and Review of Literature. Boletin Asoc Med PR 106(1), 57-59, 2014. PMID: 24791368


51. Couto RA, Zequeira JJ, Lugo-Vicente H: Operative techniques: Recalcitrant coloanal strictures in children managed by transanal circular stapled reanastomosis.  J Pediatr Surg 49(11): 1686-1688, 2014. PMID: 25475819


52.  Rivera G, Lugo-Vicente H: Thyroid Cancer in Children. Boletin Asoc Med PR 106(3): 48-54, 2014. PMID: 25470911


53. Angel Buitrago L, Lugo-Vicente H: Handlebar Hernia: Case Report and Literature Review. Boletin Asoc Med PR 107(1): 58-61, 2015.  PMID: 26035988


54. Diaz-Ramos NM, Lugo-Vicente HL: Choledochal Cyst: Hepaticoduodenostomy or hepaticojejunostomy? Bol Asoc Med PR 108(1)- 41-46, 2016. PMID: 29193916


55. Gely L, Lugo-Vicente H, Correa-Rivas M, Bouet K, Reyes Bou Z, Suleiman M, Garcia I: Case Report: Neonatal Sacrococcygeal Neuroblastoma Mimicking a Teratoma. Case Reports in Pediatrics. Volume 2017 (2017), Article Id 3624847. 3 pages. PMID: 28116200


56. Rodriguez-Reyes D, Valle-Rodriguez I, Lugo-Vicente H, Alvarez-Torres E: Grave’s Disease in Children: A Comprehensive Revire on Diagnosis, treatment, and Long-Term Considerations. Medical Research Archives. October 2023.

11i10.4549. ISSN: 2375-1924

57. Lugo-Vicente H, Ramirez-Rivera E: Clinical Update: Biliary Atresia. Pediatric Surgery in Tropics. 1: 59-63, 2024. DOI: 10.528 1/zenodo.10648272

58. Rodriguez-Reyes D, Bonilla JC, Lugo-Vicente H: Using Veress Needle for Laparoscopy in females with Prior Cesarean Section: Consideration and Safety Implications. Medical Research Archives. May2024. ISSN:

59. Rodriguez-Reyes D, Lugo-Vicente H, Acosta-Julbe JI, Cruz J: Hashimoto Thyroiditis in Pediatrics: Insight into Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management with Consideration of Cancer Risk. MedicalResearch Archives. June 2024. ISSN: 2375-1924

60. Alvarez-Torres E, Lugo-Vicente H: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. Pediatric Surgery in Tropics. Volume 1, Issue 4, Oct-Dec, Pages 262-268, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13893578

61. Lugo-Vicente H: Guest Editorial: Inguinal Hernia Repair in Preterm Infants. EC Paediatrics. 13 (12): 01-03, 2024.

By December 2024:
CITATIONS……………………………….> 500





1. Serrano P, Reyes G, Lugo-Vicente HL: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Ten-Year Experience (ABSTRACT). Pediatrics (Supplement) 100(3): 511, 1997 25


2. Synchronous Breast and Bilateral Ovarian Tumor an unusual presentation of Burkitt's Lymphoma. Leslie A. Soto-Vélez, Nilka Barrios-Vázquez, María Correa-Rivas, Humberto Lugo-Vicente, Nicole Sifonte-Claudio, Mónica Martínez-Rubio, Gloria Colón-González. 33rd ANNUAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION FORUM, MARCH 13-15, 2013, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan.





  1. Mendez K, Lugo-Vicente HL: Is there an advantage in performing outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Children? 14th Annual Congress of Endosurgery  in Children hosted by the International Pediatric Endosurgery Group. June 1-4, 2005, Venice Italy
  2. R. Colberg-Garcia, MS IV, C.F. Sanchez-Glanville, MS IV, H. Lugo-Vicente MD:   Aspiration and Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection of Synovial Cysts in Children. 58th Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons Puerto Rico Chapter, February 22, 2008, La Concha Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  3. Rivera Morell M, Reyes Bou Z, Reyes G, Garcia I, Rivera J, Lugo-Vicente H, de la Vega A, Valcarce M: Case Report: Prenatal Diagnosis of Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome. First Annual Research Forum AEMPR. November 17, 2010. RCM University of Puerto Rico.
  4. Marino J, Lugo-Vicente H: Rib Osteochondroma in a Child: Case Report and Review of Literature. Second Annual Research Symposium of Puerto Rico Medical Students Association. March 31, 2012. Hotel Gran Melia, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
  5. Dieguez Santiesteban N, Lugo-Vicente H: Riñon Intratoracico en un Niño: Informe de un caso y revision de la literatura. February 15, 2013. 60th Annual Puerto Rico Pediatric Society Congress. Sheraton Puerto Rico Convention Center Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  6. Guzman L, Oppenheimer E, Lugo-Vicente H, Correa M: Chylous Jejunal Cyst Causing Volvulus in a Child: A Case Report and Literature Review. February 15, 2013. 60th Annual Puerto Rico Pediatric Society Congress. Sheraton Puerto Rico Convention Center Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  7. Muñoz D, Lugo-Vicente H, Clavell L, Negron OG: Fournier’s Gangrene in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Female Pediatric Patient. 24th Annual Scientific Meeting American Pediatric Surgical Nurses Association. April 27-30, 2015 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
  8. Muriel B. Garcia, Humberto Lugo-Vicente, Mohammad N. Suleiman, Maria Correa: Asymptomatic Giant Mesenteric Chylous Cyst in a 7-year-old-boy. 15th Medical Convention, PR Medical College, December 9-11, 2016 PR Convention Center, San Juan, PR.
  9. K. Meléndez-Otero MD,  F. Garcia-Robles MD, H. Lugo-Vicente MD: Internal Hernia: Rare Cause of Small Bowel Obstruction in the Pediatric Population. 37th Annual Reserach and Educational Forum. April 19-21, 2017 UPR Medical Science Campus.
  10. J. Santos Rodriguez MD, H. Lugo-Vicente MD: Esophageal Epiphrenic Diverticulum and Achalasia: A rare cause of dysphagia in an 18 year old male.  65th Annual Meeting Puerto Rico Pediatroc Society. February 15-18, 2018. Sherato PR Convention Center, San Juan, PR.
  11. Yasmin A. Ortiz MD, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD: Giant Fibroadenoma in a 15-years-old adolescent patient: A Case Report. 65th Annual Meeting Puerto Rico Pediatroc Society. February 15-18, 2018. Sheraton PR Convention Center, San Juan, PR.
  12. Carlos Diaz MD, Victor Figueroa MD, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD: Cecal diverticulum mimicking acute appendicitis in a child: A Case report and review of literature. 17th Annual Convention Puerto Rico College of Physicians, Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel & Casino, San Juan, PR. December 7-9, 2018.  
  13. Maricarmen Burgos-Ríos, MD; Inés García-García, MD; Zayhara Reyes-Bou, MD; Humberto Lugo-Vicente, MD; Maria Correa-Rivas MD; Eduardo Medina-Parrilla MD: Appendicitis in the Preterm Newborn: The Diagnostic Dilemma. 66th Annual Congress Excellence in Pediatrics of the Puerto Rico Pediatric Society. February 14-17, 2019. Sheraton PR Convention Center, San Juan, PR.
  14. Carlos Diaz MD, Victor Figueroa MD, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD: Cecal diverticulum mimicking acute appendicitis in a child: A Case report and review of literature. 66th Annual Congress Excellence in Pediatrics of the Puerto Rico Pediatric Society. February 14-17, 2019. Sheraton PR Convention Center, San Juan, PR.
  15. Christian Negron Rodriguez, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD: Neurothekeoma: Case Report of 17-year-old female and review of literature. 41st Annual Research and Education Forum Virtual Modality, May 17-28, 2021.   
  16. Edwin Alvarez Torres, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. 69th Puerto Rico Pediatric Society Annual Convention, Sheraton Hotel, Center of Conventions, San Juan, Puerto Rico. February 19, 2022.  
  17. Edwin Alvarez Torres, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. 91th Annual Meeting American Thyroid Society (ATA). Montreal, Canada. October 22, 2022.
  18. Edwin Alvarez Torres, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. 21st Convencion Anual Colegio Medico Cirujanos Puerto Rico. Diciembre 10, 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico.






1.     Mendez K, Lugo-Vicente HL: Is there an advantage in performing outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Children? 25th F.L. Raffucci Surgical Research Forum, February 17-19, 2005, San Juan, PR.

2.     Norman E. Colón-Casasnovas, MS3, Humberto Lugo-Vicente, MD: Distal Fragmented Port Catheter: Case Report and Review of Literature. 28th Annual Raffucci Forum, February 21, 2008, Hotel La Concha, San Juan, PR.

3.     Jorge Zequeira MD, Yatzmellie Vega MD, Carlos F. Sánchez MD, Anwar Abdul-Hadi MD, Cesar Mojica BS, Humberto Lugo MD. Spigelian Hernias in the Pediatric Population: A thorough analysis of the existing literature. 32th Annual Raffucci Forum. February 25, 2012.  La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

4.     Nahir J. Romero-Estremera MS, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD. Thyroid Nodules in Children: What should be a minimal work-up preceding surgery? 33rd Annual Raffucci Forum. February 22, 2013. La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

5.     Rafael A. Cuoto MS, Jorge Zequeira MD, Joalex Antongiorgi MD, Humberto Lugo-Vicente MD. Transanal Circular Stapled Reanastomosis: Alternative Management for recalcitrant Rectal Strictures in the Pediatric Population.  33rd Annual Raffucci Forum. February 22, 2013. La Concha Resort, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

6.      Yahaira Pizarro, Luis Baez, Humberto Lugo-Vicente: Severe Vesicoureteral Reflux with Megaureter Secondary to Unilateral Ureteral Duplication and its Complications in an Infant. 15th Medical Convention, PR Medical College, December 9-11, 2016 PR Convention Center, San Juan, PR.

7.     Edwin Alvarez Torres, Humberto Lugo-Vicente: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. 42th Annual Raffucci Surgical Research Forum. 71th Annual ACS-PR Chapter Virtual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. February 25, 2022.

8.     Edwin Alvarez Torres, Humberto Lugo-Vicente: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. 48th Annual Convention, Academia Medica del Sur. March 16, 2022.

9.     Edwin Alvarez Torres, Humberto Lugo-Vicente: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. 42nd Annual Research and Educational Forum – UPR Medical Science Campus. March 30, 31, & April 1st, 2022. Virtual Modality.

10.  Edwin Alvarez Torres, Humberto Lugo-Vicente: Surgical Management of Thyroid Illness in Children. 21st Annual Convention CMCPR 2022 “Basic Medicine in Resilient Times” - Puerto Rico Convention Center at Sheraton Hotel, San Juan December 10, 2022





1- Pediatric Surgery Update – since 1993 to present.


2- Biliary Atresia & Biliary Atresia Surgery (Kasai Operation) – – AAP newsletter to parents.





1- Las Computadoras y el Medico - El Nuevo Dia 7 de mayo de 1994


2- Dolor Abdominal Recurrente en el Niño - El Nuevo Día 21 de mayo de 1994


3- La Anestesia y Cirugía Ambulatoria en Infantes y Niños - El Nuevo Dia 28 de junio de 1994


4- Sobre Cirugía Ambulatoria en Niños - El Nuevo Dia 5 de julio de 1994


5- Como Saber si Existen Problemas - El Nuevo Día 19 de julio de 1994


6- Van a Operar a tú Niño? - Revista BUENA SALUD Volumen VIII No 7, 1994 pags 52-55


7- La Hernia Inguinal en Infantes y Niños - Revista CARAS Año 5 Vol 8 (1994) pag 110


8-Viene mi Bebé con problemas? Cuanto debo saber? - Revista CARAS Año 5 Num 9 (1994) pag 132


9- Mi hijo va a ser operado: qué debo saber? - Revista CARAS Año 5 Vol 10 (1994) pag 128


10- Dolor abdominal recurrent en los niños - Revista CARAS Año 5 Vol 11 (1994) pag 148


11- Recuperación Después de Cirugía en Niños - Revista CARAS Año 5 Vol 12 (1994) pag 186


12- Apendicitis en los Niños - Revista CARAS Año 6 Vol 1 (1995) pag 110


13- Anestesia en Niños - Revista CARAS Año 6 Vol 2 (1995) pag 104


14- Que puedo hacer si mi hijo se traga una moneda? - Revista CARAS Año 6 Vol 4 (1995) pag 126


15- Lunares Vasculares en Niños: Los Hemangiomas - Revista CARAS Año 6 Vol 3 (1995) pag 104


16- Cuida el Ombligo de tu Bebé - Revista CARAS Año 6 Num 5 (1995) pag 136


17- Cuando el Sexo no se puede determinar al nacer - Revista CARAS Año 6 Vol 6 (1995) pag 128


18- Piedra Angular en el Cuidado Quirúrgico Infantil - El Nuevo Día Sección POR DENTRO 29 de junio de 1995


19- Soluciona la Cirugía el problema de Estreñimiento en los Niños? - Revista CARAS Año 6 Vol 7 (1995) pag 102


20- Resuelve la Cirugía los Problemas de Reflujo Gastro-Esofágico en los Niños? - Revista CARAS Año 6 Vol 8 (1995) pag 98


21- El Rol de Internet en la Medicina Moderna (Parte I) - El Galeno, Publicación Oficial del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, Año 1 Núm 2, Junio 1996, pag. 6


22- INTERNET: La Super-Avenida de la Información Cibernética - Medicina Primaria -Noviembre 1996 pag 11


23- El Rol de Internet en la Medicina Moderna (Parte II) - El Galeno, Publicación Oficial del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, Año 1 Núm 9, Marzo 1997, pag. 9


24- Laparoscopia en Infantes y Niños - Periodico El Nuevo Dia, Suplemento de Hospitales, 10 de Septiembre 1997


25- Nuevos Rumbos en la Cirugía de Infantes y Niños - Revista Signos Vitales - Vol 3 Núm 3, Junio/Julio 1997


26- El Vino: Un Nutriente con un Paladar Único - Periódico El Nuevo Día - 15 de Enero de 1998


27- Aspectos Médicos del Vino -  Periódico El Nuevo Día - 21 de Enero de 1998


28- El sueño de un cirujano: Salas de operaciones para nuestros niños mas enfermos - Prensa Médica Año 9 Num 3 1997, pag 10-11


29- Que es un Cirujano Pediátrico? - El Nuevo Día - 8 de Febrero de 1998


30- El Vino y la Paradoja Francesa - El Nuevo Día - 25 de Febrero de 1998


31- Quién la puede atender? - Revista Buena Vida - Marzo 1998, pag. 126-127


32- A mi hijo lo van a operar: Cuanto debo saber? - Suplemento Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 10 de mayo de 1998


33- Química del Vino Tinto - El Nuevo Día - 22 de Julio de 1998


34- Tumores Abdominales en Niños - El Nuevo Dia - 6 de Septiembre 1998


35- Acceso Minimo Invasivo en Infantes y Niños - El Nuevo Dia - 8 de Septiembre 1998


36- Algunos Nacen con Anomalías en la Pared Abdominal - El Nuevo Día - 4 de Octubre 1998


37- Catéteres: ventajoso usar la línea de las venas centrales - El Nuevo Día - 18 de Octubre de 1998


38- Traumas que Consternan - El Nuevo Día - 25 de Octubre de 1998


39- Salas de Operaciones para el Pediátrico - Perspectiva - El Nuevo Dia - 21 de Noviembre de 1998


40- Curiosidades de la Apendicitis en Niños - El Nuevo Dia - 29 de Noviembre de 1998


41- La Cava: Un lugar especial de la casa - El Nuevo Dia - 11 de Diciembre de 1998


42- Cirugía temprana para el testículo sin descender - El Nuevo Día - 27 de Diciembre de 1998


43- Un problema serio las hernias inguinales en niños - El Nuevo Día - 24 de Enero de 1999


44- Hernias en Infantes y Niños - revista Salud al Día - Enero 1999


45-Pesticidas en el Vino - Periódico El Nuevo Día - 24 de Febrero de 1999


46- La Casa Nueva del Papa - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 24 de Marzo de 1999


47- Shiraz - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 31 de Marzo de 1999


48- El Sabor...como un beso - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 7 de Abril de 1999


49- Burbujas Perignon - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 14 de abril de 1999


50- Nuestra Madre Patria - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 21 de abril de 1999


51- Cab es el Rey - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 28 de abril de 1999


52- Los Vinos Caros - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 12 de mayo de 1999


53- Mitos y Realidades del Vino - El Nuevo Dia - 7 de julio de 1999


54- Corchofobia - El Nuevo Dia - 21 de julio de 1999


55- Una Uva Unica - El Nuevo Dia - 11 de agosto de 1999


56- Cirugia por Acceso Minimo Invasivo en Infantes y Niños - Salud al Dia - Vol II No 8, Agosto 1999, p 22


57- Mitos y Realidades del Vino - El Nuevo Dia - 1 de septiembre de 1999


58- Cata Singular - El Nuevo Dia - 8 de diciembre de 1999


59- Burdeos del 1989 - El Nuevo Dia - 22 de diciembre de 1999


60- Prevencion de Problemas del Niño por nacer - Salud al Dia - Diciembre 1999 - Año

II Vol 12, pag 20-21


61- Vino, Mujer y sexto sentido - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 12 de enero de 2000


62- Debes ser Moderado - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 26 de enero de 2000


63- Precio en Vinos - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 23 de febrero de 2000


64- El Oporto - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 12 de abril de 2000


65- Italiano Puro - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 26 de abril de 2000


66-Lo mejor de Italia - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 3 de mayo de 2000


67- En un principio... - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 17 de mayo de 2000


68- Esta Bueno? - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 24 de mayo de 2000


69- De la Fruta al Elixir - Periódico El Nuevo Dia - 31 de mayo de 2000


70- Mide tu Saber - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 7 de junio de 2000


71- La Migraña y el Vino - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 28 de junio de 2000


72- Trivia de Vinos - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 5 de julio de 2000


73- A Pasos del Volcan - Periodico 'La Prensa' de Nicaragua - 18 de julio de 2000


74- Humedad y temperatura - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 26 de julio de 2000


75- Dulce, Acido o Amargo? - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 9 de agosto de 2000


76- Riesling es Alemán - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 23 de agosto de 2000


77- Dolor Abdominal en Niños: Apendicitis o No? - Salud al Dia - Agosto 2000 - Año III, Vol 7, pag 25


78- Dejalo Respirar ! - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 13 de septiembre de 2000


79- Cuan Veraz es la Informacion Medica en la Internet? Revista Prensa Medica, Año 12 No 02, pag 17-18, 2000


80- Reflujo Gastroesofagico en Niños - Revista Salud al Dia - Año III Vol 8 Septiembre 2000, pag 28


81- Cuan Veraz es la Informacion Medica en la Internet ? - Suplemento de Internet - Periodico El Nuevo Dia 29 de septiembre de 2000, pag 14


82- La Solera y el Jerez - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 4 de octobre de 2000


83- La Bella Enotria - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - 11 de octubre de 2000


84- Anestesia y Cirugia Ambulatoria en Infantes y Niños – Revista Salud al Dia, Año III Vol 10 Noviembre 2000, pag 22


85- Descifrando el Mapa del Genoma Humano – Revista Salud al Dia, Año IV Vol 1 Enero 2001, pag 8-9


86- René Favarolo (1923-2000) – –Mayo 2001 []


87- Accidentes Celulares – Prensa Medica Vol 12 Num 3 pag 14-15


88- Et in Saecula Saeculorum – Prensa Medica Vol 12 Num 3 pag 29


89- Objetivos Audaces – “Perspectiva” Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 22 de junio de 2001


90- Impresión Arqueológica – “Perspectiva” Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 1 de agosto de 2001


91- Esfera de Acción en la Cirugía Pediátrica - Suplemento Salud – Revista Buena Vida Noviembre 2001, pags. S16-S18


92- Oro, Incienso y Mirra – “Perspectiva” Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 4 de diciembre de 2001


93- “El Ultimo bastion” – “Perspectiva” Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 27 de septiembre de 2002


94- ”Crisis que se Avecina” – “Perspectiva Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 22 de noviembre de 2002


95- “Asidero de Gratitud” – “Perspectiva Periodico  El Nuevo Dia – 10 de enero de 2003


96- “Elegia Postuma” – “Perspectiva Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 28 de enero de 2003


97- “El Hospital Pediatrico” – “Perspectiva Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 22 de abril de 2003


98- “Un Objeto Metálico” – “Perspectiva” Periodico El Nuevo Dia –22 de agosto de 2003


99- “Cumplimos un Año” - “Perspectiva” Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 12 de diciembre de 2003.


100- “Hernias en el Area Inguinal” – Por Dentro Periodico El Nuevo Dia, 14 de mayo de 2007.


101- “Pequenas piedritas en la vesicula biliar de mi hijo? – Prensa Medica Ano 20 No 01, 2008, pag 19-20.


102- “Piel sin vísceras” – Perspectiva, Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 14 de octubre de 2008.


103- “Cancer del Tiroides en Niños” – Revista Salud al Dia – Abril 2009, pags.10-11


104- “Cancer del Tiroides en Ninos” – Prensa Medica Ano 21 Num 1, pag 8, 2009


105- “La Apendicitis en los Ninos” – Prensa Medica Ano 21 Num 1, pag 15, 2009


106- “A Esos Reyes Magos” – Voces - Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 5 de enero de 2010


107- “Retrato con Peluca” – Voces – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 4 de febrero de 2010


108- “Alianzas Academico Privadas” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – 9 de octubre de 2010


109- “La Apendicitis en Niños” – Revista  Imagen – Pag 178. Diciembre 2011.


110 – “El abceso pilonidal: Conoce sobre esta rara enfermedad.  Sabado 4 de marzo de 2017


111- “Cuidado con las hernias inguinales en Niños” Domingo 9 de abril de 2017.


112- “Manejo y Diagnostico de Colecciones Intraabdominales Post-apendectomia en Niños” – Revista Medicina y Salud Publica. Agosto-Septiembre 2020. Pags 22-24.


113- “La urgencia de atender las hernias inguinales en niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 11 de marzo de 2021


114- “Cuando el niño se traga un cuerpo extraño” – Periodico El nuevo Dia. Jueves 29 de abril de 2021


115- “Aprendimos de la Pandemia” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 23 de septiembre de 2021.


116- “Laparoscopia en Niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 10 de febrero de 2022.


117- “Lobanillos en Niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 7 de Febrero de 2022.


118- “Bolsita vacia en niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 9 de junio de 2022.


119- “Bezoars en Niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 30 de junio de 2022.


120- “Signos de Malignidad en Niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 10 de noviembre de 2022.


121- “El hiato entre dos trapecios” - Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 12 de noviembre de 2022.


122- “Salas de Emergencia Atestadas: una propuesta” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 1ero de diciembre de 2022


123- “Junta de Tumores Pediatricos” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 15 de diciembre de 2022.


124- “Simbiosis entre servicio medico y academia” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Viernes 23 de diciembre de 2022.


125- “El Pueblo se desbordo en la defensa de una Lactante” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Lunes 2 de enero de 2023.


126- “El medico en Puerto Rico es un empleado sin beneficios marginals” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 5 de enero de 2023.


127- “Crisis en el Seguimiento Medico: lo que hay que hacer” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Martes 17 de enero de 2023.


128- “ El Proyecto del Senado 1134 causara mas exodo de medicos” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 9 de marzo de 2023.


129- “No queremos sistemas paralelos de enseñanza medica” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia. Jueves 23 de marzo de 2023.


130 – Punto de Vista: “Muchas tribus, muchas voces, pero no ocurre un cambio” – Medicina y Salud Publica 15 de abril de 2023.


131- “Niños en alto riesgo: la pasarela del apendice” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia Lunes 17 de abril 2023.


132- “Urge tranformar nuestro Sistema de salud” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia Viernes 19 de mayo 2023.


133- “El cuello virado y sus tratamientos” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia, Jueves 25 de mayo de 2023.


134- “Enfermedad inflamatoria del intestino en niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Jueves 8 de junio de 2023.


135- “Extasis y angustia: cuando un medico es demandado” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Sabado 22 de junion de 2023.


136- Hablemos de Salud: Predisposicion Genetica al Cancer” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Jueves 29 de junio de 2023.


137- “DosAguas Enfurecida: erosion en la costa de Dorado” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Miercoles 5 de julio de 2023.


138 – “Hablemos de Salud: Predisposicion Genetica al Cancer” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Jueves 6 de julio de 2023.


139- “Signos de Cancer en Niños” – Suplemento Salud Periodico El Vocero. Abril 12, 2023.


140- “Respeto, Gratitud y Admiracion para los medicos graduados de la UPR” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Agosto 12, 2023.


141- “El limite elastico” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Lunes Agosto 28, 2023


142- “Desenlaces de la Disputa en el Recinto de Ciencias Medicas” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Miercoles Septiembre 13, 2023


143- “Daño corrosivo al esofago” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Jueves Septiembre  

14, 2023.


144. “El traslado de pacientes entre instituciones hospitalarias” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Lunes 16 de octubre de 2023.

145. "Que causo la muerte de Bruce Lee" - El Nuevo Dia- Sabado - 28 de octubre de 2023.

146. "Hablemos de Salud: Mitos de la Apendicitis en Ninos" - Periodico El Nuevo Dia - Jueves 2 de noviembre de 2023. 


147- "Graduandos de Medicinia UPR: Por encima de las Malangas" - Periodico El Nuevo Dia -  Domingo 19 de noviembre de 2023.

148. “Hitos de la Cirugia Cardiaca en Niños” – Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Jueves 23 de noviembre de 2023.

149. “Otro Milagro de la Navidad”- Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Domingo 24 de diciembre de 2023.

150. “Tendencias y Desafios en la retención de médicos”- El Nuevo Dia – Martes 30 de enero de 2024.

151. “Cuerpos extraños quirúrgicos retenidos”- Hablemos de Salud – El Nuevo Dia – Jueves 8 de febrero de 2024.

152. “Mi amigo de andar singular”- Punto de Vista – El Nuevo Dia, Jueves 22 de febrero de 2024.

153. “Un robot para operar niños”- El Desahogo – Periodico Primera Hora – Domingo 25 de febrero de 2024.

154. “Eventos respiratorios adversos perioperatorios”- Periódico El Nuevo Dia – Jueves 7 de marzo de 2024.

155. “Cuando te retiras? – Periódico El Nuevo Dia – Martes 12 de marzo de 2024.

156. “El Natalicio de Pacheco: Cámara por Favor! – Periódico el Nuevo Dia – Viernes 5 de abril de 2024.

157. “Intromisión indebida en el cuidado de salud”- Periódico El Nuevo Dia – Martes 30 de abril de 2024.

158. “Injusticia Prolongada: Un Cirujano Frente a las Complejidades del Sistema Judicial”- Nueva Isla – Prensa Digital – Martes 28 de mayo de 2024 -

159. “Puerto Rico: implicaciones de la crisis en la natalidad”- Periodico El Nuevo Dia – Viernes 7 de junio de 2024.

160. “La crisis láctea y el sistema de salud en Puerto Rico”- Periódico El Nuevo Dia – Martes 2 de juliode 2024.

161. “Park, Bridges y Harris: Un largo camino de luchas y progreso”- Periódico El Nuevo Dia – Miércoles 24 de julio de 2024.

162. “Prejuicios de la Privatizacion de la Energia Electrica”- Prensa Digital – Nueva Isla – Miercoles 21
de agosto de 2024 -

163. “Torsión del tubo de Falopio en niñas” - PHLATAM – Agosto 22, 2024 -

164. ”Avances Tecnologicos en Cirugia del Cancer” – Prensa Digital – Nueva Isla – Lunes 26 de abgosto
de 2024 -

165. La relevancia de nuevos avances tecnológicos en cirugías de cáncer – Periódico El Nuevo Dia –Lunes 26 de agosto de 2024

166. “Servicios fallidos deparan un futuro de incertidumbre” – Prensa Digital – Nueva Isla – Jueves 12 de septiembre de 2024 -

167- “Cirugia Pediatrica Robotica: Avances, Beneficios y Desafios – Phltames”- Public Health Latam – Septiembre 20, 2024 -

168- “Reparacion de Hernia Inguinal en Infantes Prematuros” – Phltames – Public Health Latam – Septiembre 27, 2024 -

169- “Los comentarios despectivos sobre Puerto Rico desde el Madison Square Garden”- Periódico el Nuevo Dia – Martes 28 de octubre de 2024.

170- “Puerto Rico: obedecer sin preguntar”- Periódico El Nuevo Dia, Martes 5 de noviembre de 2024.

171- “Gracias Nino”- Periódico El Nuevo Dia, Lunes 11 de noviembre de 2024.

172- “Prioridades en Política Pública de Salud para un nuevo gobierno en Puerto Rico - Phtames – Public Health Latam – Diciembre 7, 2024 -

173- “La democracia en Puerto Rico: Una reflexión necesaria” – Periódico El Nuevo Dia, Martes 17 de diciembre de 2024.

174- “Elegia a Ana Judith Roman Garcia”- Periodico El Nuevo Dia, jueves 19 de diciembre de 2024.

175. “Una nueva amenaza para la medicina en Puerto Rico”- Periódico El Nuevo Dia – miércoles 15 de enero de 2025.



Reading list web site -


Scientific Articles list -


Read excerpt of Spanish books -

Paperbacks Books in Spanish -

Paperback Books in English -


1- “La Cueva”- Travoladis Hudspeth deBakey II – 2024
United States Copyright Office – Service Request #: 1-13534927781

2- “Elipsis”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I368914
Date Registered – 3/8/24
United States Copyright Office Registration Number – TXu 2-416-950
Date Registered – 02/21/2024
Kindle eBook -
Paperback book -

3- “Ellipsis” – English edition – Tito Lugo MD
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I368934
Date Registered – 3/9/24
United States Copyright Office Registration Number – TXu 2-416-950
Date Registered – 02/21/2024
Kindle eBook -
Paperback book -

4- “Aquamistic” - Spanish edition – Tito Lugo MD - 2024 -
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I368953
Date Registered – 3/10/24

5- “Aquamistic”- English edition – Tito Lugo MD – 2024 –
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I368953
Date Registered – 3/10/24

6- “El Gran Sueño”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024 -
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I369136
Date Registered – 3/17/24

7- “The Great Dream” - English edition - Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I369161
Date Registered – 3/18/24

8- “Marca de Faraón” – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I369190
Date Registered: 3/19/24

9- “Mark of the Pharaos” – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I369190
Date Registered: 3/19/24

10- “La Isla del Retiro”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America east Registration Number: I369292
Date Registered:03/23/24

11- “The Island of Retirement” – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America east Registration Number: I369292
Date Registered: 03/23/24

12- “Espejismos en la Red”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America east Registration Number: I369949
Date Registered: 04/20/24

13- “Digital Deceptions”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East
Registration Number: I369949
Date Registered: 04/21/24

14- “Voces del Silencio”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East
Registration Number: I370072
Date Registered: 04/26/24
Paperback book -

15- “Voices of Silence”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I370072
Date Registered: 04/26/24
Paperback book -

16- “Travos…”- Tito Lugo MD – Spanish Edition - 2024
Curriculum Vitae/
Page 46
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I370525
Date Registered: 05/08/24
Paperback book -

17- “Travos…”- English edition – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Writers Guild of America East Registration Number: I370525
Date Registered: 05/08/24
Paperback book -

18- “Misericordia Letal”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Kindle eBook -
Paperbook book -

19-, “Lethal Mercy” – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Kindle eBook -
Paperback book -

20- “Pirulo”- Tito Lugo MD - 2024
Kinde eBook -
Paperback book -

21- “Pirulo…”- English edition – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Kindle eBook -
Paperback book -

22- “Precognición”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Kindle eBook -
Paperback book -

23- “Precognition”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Kindle eBook -
Paperback book -

24- “Simpronio…”- Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Paperback book –
Kindle eBook –

25- “Simpronio…”- English edition – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Paperback book -
Kindle eBook -

26- “Travesía del Destino – Tito Lugo 2024
Paperback book –
Kindle eBook –

27- Journey Through Fate – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Paperback book –
Kindle eBook –

28 – El Escritor Olvidado – Tito Lugo MD - 2024
Paperback –
Kindle eBook –

29 – The Forgotten Writer – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Paperback –
Kindle eBook -

30 - PROVIDENCIA… - Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperback -
Hardcover -

31 - PROVIDENCIA… - English version – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Paperback -
Kindle eBook -

32- PROVIDENCIA… - Italian version – Tito Lugo MD – 2024
Paperback -
Kindle eBook -

33- Nido de Ratones – Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperback -
Kindle eBook -

34- Nest of Mice – Tito Lugo – 2024
Kindle eBook -
Papeback book -

35- La Sombra del Miedo – Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperback book -
Kindle eBook -

36- The Shadow of Fear – Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperback book -
Kindle eBook -

37- La Raíz Cuadrada de Pi… - Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperback book -

38- The Square Root of Pi… - Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperback book -

39- Hasta que Arda la Verdad – Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperbook book -

40- Until Truth Burns – Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperbook book -

41- La Fabula de Maria Antonieta – Tito Lugo – 2024
Paperbook book -

42- The Fable of Marie Antoinette – Tito Lugo – 2025
Paperbook book -


LANGUAGES (Include native language, others and level of command):







                        SPEAKING                                WRITING                                 COMPREHENSION


SPANISH                      1                                  1                                              1


ENGLISH                      1                                  1                                              1


ITALIAN                       3                                  4                                              1


*          1. GOOD                      2.  FAIR                        3.  A LITTLE                  4.  NOT AT ALL







            I hereby declare that the facts set forth on this Curriculum Vita are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and by no means had been made in an act of deceiving or misrepresenting.

            You are hereby authorized to make any investigation of my personal history.



ADDENDUM A: Titles of Conferences to Medical Community


1- "Abdominal Trauma in Children" Pediatric Section PR Medical Association 36th Annual Meeting Feb 17-20 1989 Hotel Caribe Hilton


2- "The Pediatric Inguinal Hernia" Pediatric Section PR Medical Association 37th Annual Meeting Feb 16-19, 1990 Hotel Caribe



3- "Prenatal Congenital Malformations" Facultad Medica Hosp El Maestro Nov 1993 Rest Johnny


4- "Common Problems in Pediatric Surgery" Asociación Médicos Pediatras del Oeste Mayagüez Hilton, PR Noviembre 1993


5- "Prenatal Choledochal Cyst: Observation or Early Surgery? 2da Convenció n Investigación Pediatrica Hospital San Jorge Hotel Condado Plaza 12 de mayo de 1994


6- " El Infante con Ictericia" 4ta. Convenció n Anual de Pediatría de la Asociación de Egresados de Pediatría Universidad de Puerto Rico y la Secció n de Pediatría Academia Médica del Sur. 8 y 9 de octubre de 1994 Ponce Hilton


7- "New Concepts in Pediatric Surgery" XV Auxilio Mutuo General Pediatric Course November 15, 1994 Auxilio Mutuo Penthouse Conference Room, Auxilio Mutuo Hospital


8- "Emergencias Quirúrgicas en el Infante" Quinto Curso General del Pediatría Hospital Hermanos Meléndez 15 de febrero de 1995


9- "The Surgical Neonate" Primer Curso de Intensivo Neonatal Departamento de Enfermeria-Hospital San Pablo Auditorio A- Plaza San Pablo Mayo 25, 1995


10- "Look Before You Cut: Minimal Invasive Surgery in Children" 2nd. Medical Staff Convention Pediatric Section 1st Annual Convention Hospital San Pablo July 16, 1995 Dorado Beach Hotel Dorado, Puerto Rico


11- "CIRUGÍA INTRAUTERINA: Hacía dónde nos dirigimos?" 36ta Convención Anual Sociedad de Médicos Graduados, Inc. Escuela de Medicina U.P.R. Septiembre 2, 1995 Hyatt Regency Cerromar Dorado, Puerto Rico


12- " Laparoscopía en Infantes y Niños" 5ta. Convenció n Anual de Pediatría de la Asociació n de Egresados de Pediatría Universidad de Puerto Rico y la Sección de Pediatría Academia Médica del Sur. 1 de octubre de 1995 Ponce Hilton


13- What OR Nurses Need to Know of Pediatric Surgery? Vigésima Primera Asamblea Anual 1995 Asociación de Enfermeras Sala de Operaciones de PR 6 y 7 de octubre de 1995 Hotel San Juan Marriot Resort & Casino


14- "Look Before You Cut: Laparoscopy in Infants and Children" General Pediatric Course XVIII Auxilio Mutuo Hospital Continuing Medical Education October 31, 1995 7:30PM Penthouse Auxilio Mutuo Hospital


15- "Mire antes de Cortar: Laparoscopía en Infantes y Niños Sexto Curso General del Pediatría Hospital Hermanos Meléndez 7 de febrero de 1996


16- "Causes of Ostomy in Infants and Children" Curso para Enfermeras Graduadas sobre pacientes ostomizados. Anfiteatro Hospital Uiversitario Ramon Ruiz Arnau 25 de enero y 8 de febrero de 1996


17- "Cancer and Children: Most Common Malignancies in Children" American Cancer Society Post Graduate Course 1996 March 2nd 1996 Hospital San Pablo Conference Room


18- " Emergencias Quirúrgicas en el Recién Nacido" Seminario sobre el Recién Nacido por el Centro Medico San Pablo. Doctor's Medical Center Hospital. April 28, 1996


19- "Correction of Congenital Abnormalities in Utero" 3rd Medical Staff Convention, Symposium in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital San Pablo, July 12-15, 1996, Dorado Beach Hotel, Dorado, Puerto Rico


20- "Pathways Leading to Pediatric Surgical Conditions" General Pediatrics Course XIX, Auxilio Mutuo Hospital CME, October 15, 1996, Penthouse Auxilio Mutuo Hospital


21- "The Role of Internet in Pediatrics" XI General Pediatrics Course, Ashford  Presbyterian Community Hospital, March 5, 1997, Condado, PR


22- "The Role of Internet in Medicine" 4th Medical Staff Convention, Minisymposium on Informatics, Hospital San Pablo, July 3-4, 1997, Dorado Beach Hotel, Dorado, Puerto Rico


23- "The Role of Internet in Modern Medicine" 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association Operating Room Nurses, July 12-13, 1997, Marriot Hotel and Casino, Condado, Puerto Rico


24- "The Role of Internet for the Primary Physician" Annual Meeting of the Academy of Medical Directors, August 7, 1997, Cerromar Hyatt Hotel, Dorado, Puerto Rico


25- "Obstrucción Intestinal en Infantes" (Intestinal Obstruction in Infants) - 7ma Convención Asociación de Egresados de Pediatría de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.  Primer Seminario de Capacitación en Emergencias

Pediátricas. 17-19 de octubre de 1997, Hotel Cerromar, Dorado, PR.


26- "Abdominal Masses in Infants and Children" 21st Anniversary Scientific Meeting Program, November 14, 15 1997, San Pablo Medical Center, Bayamón, Puerto Rico


27- "Update in Pediatric Surgery: Important Papers 1997" 5th Medical Staff Convention San Pablo Hospital, July 2-5 1998, Dorado, PR


28- "Resources of Internet for the Pediatric Physician" - PaviaHealth Annual Medical Faculty Meeting - August 28-30, 1998 - Westin Rio Mar Resort - Rio Grande, PR


29- "Basic Wine Course and Tasting" - 40ma Convencion Anual - Sociedad Medicos Graduandos -Escuela de Medicina - Universidad de Puerto Rico, 3-6 de septiembre de 1999, Hyatt Dorado Beach, Dorado, PR


30- "Internet" - Annual Meeting of the Puerto Rico Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and the Puerto Rico Society of Critical Care Medicine. February 25, 2000 - Embassy Suite Hotel, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico


31- “Logical Approach to GI Obstruction in Infants and Children” – XXIV Auxilio Mutuo General Pediatrics Course, September 25, 2001, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


32- “Logical Approach to GI Obstruction in Infants and Children” – XVI Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital, March 6, 2002, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


33- “Surgery in Down’s Syndrome” - 3rd Annual Symposium of the Down Syndrome Fundation. May 3, 2002, Wyndham Hotel, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.


34- “What’s New in Pediatric Surgery” – 55th Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons, Puerto Rico Chapter. February 19, 2005. Wyndham El San Juan Hotel, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.


35- “Thyroid Cancer in Children” – General Surgery Residency Program, November 13, 2008, Room 957, RCM, San Juan, PR.


36- “Logical Approach to Intestinal Obstruction in Infants and Children” – General Pediatric Residency Program, April 28, 2009, Conference Room, RCM, San Juan, PR 


37- “Logical Approach to Intestinal Obstruction in Infants and Children” – General Surgery Residency Program, May 21, 2009, Room 957A 9-10 am, RCM, San Juan, PR 


38- “New Standard of Care in Pediatric Surgery” – General Pediatric Residency Program. February 24, 2010. Centro Pediatrico Conf. Room. RCM, San Juan, PR


39- “Esophageal Atresia: State of the Art” – General Surgery Residency Program, November 12, 2014, Anphitheater 6th floor, RCM, San Juan, PR.



ADDENDUM B: Titles of Local Scientific Presentation


1- "Pyloric Stenosis Revisited: 137 Consecutive Cases" American College of Surgeon 44th PR Chapter Meeting Feb 16 1994 Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino San Juan, Puerto Rico


2- "Prenatal Diagnosis of Choledochal Cyst: Observation or Early Surgery?" Original Work 18th Anniversary Scientific Program November 5, 1994 San Pablo Medical Center Bayamon, Puerto Rico


3- "Prenatally Diagnosed Choledochal Cyst: Observation or Early Surgery? American College of Surgeons 45th P.R. Chapter Meeting Feb 17, 1995 Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino San Juan, Puerto Rico


4- "Trends in Management of Gallbladder Disorder in Children" Original Work 19th Anniversary Scientific Meeting November 3-4, 1995 San Pablo Medical Center Bayamón, Puerto Rico


5- "The Impact of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Children" American College of Surgeons 46th P.R. Chapter Meeting Feb 15, 1996 San Juan Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino Condado, Puerto Rico


6- "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Ten Year Experience" Pedro Serrano, MD, Gloria Reyes, MD, H Lugo-Vicente, MD 17th Annual Research & Education Forum March 26-29, 1996 Medical Science Campus, Rio Piedras, PR


7- "A Physician Oriented Introduction to Informatics: Why? How? Where?" 20th Anniversary Scientific Meeting, November 1-2, 1996 San Pablo Medical Center, Bayamon, Puerto Rico


8- "Resources of the Internet" 20th Anniversary Scientific Meeting, November 1-2, 1996, San Pablo Medical Center, Bayamon, Puerto Rico


9- "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Ten Year Experience at the University Pediatric Hospital" 47th Meeting American College of Surgeons-Puerto Rico Chapter, Feb 12, 1997, Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino, San Juan, Puerto Rico


10- "Ano-Rectal Malformations: Scoring Results after PSARP" Aviles T (Presenter), Lugo-Vicente HL, 7th Meeting American College of Surgeons-Puerto Rico Chapter, Feb 12, 1997, Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino, San Juan, Puerto Rico


11- "Perforated Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC): To Drain or to Operate" Ocasio MT, Lliteras O, Guivens A, Pagan V, Lugo-Vicente HL, Aviles T. 17th F.L. Raffucci Surgical Research Forum, February 13, 1997, Condado Plaza Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico


12- "Pediatric Thyroid Nodules: Management in the era of FNA" - 48th Annual Meeting - American College of Surgeons – PR Chapter - February 12, 1998, Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino, Condado, Puerto Rico


13- "Is Laparoscopic Splenectomy safe and effective therapy for Chronic ITP in Children" - Maribel de Hoyos, MD (presenter), Yaritza Perez MS, Humberto Lugo-Vicente, MD - 19th Raffucci Surgical Research Forum, February 10, 1999, Condado Plaza Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico


14- “New Challenges in the Management of Hisrchsprung’s Disease” – 51st Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons – Puerto Rico Chapter, February 16, 2001, Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino, San Juan, Puerto Rico


15- “ A Logical Approach to Intestinal Obstruction in Infants and Children” – 48th Annual Meeting of the Pediatric Section – Puerto Rico Medical Association, February 16, 2001, Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


16- “Surgical Causes of neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia” - 48th Annual Meeting of the Pediatric Section – Puerto Rico Medical Association, February 18, 2001, Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


17- “ Surgically Correctable Causes of Gastroesophageal Reflux” - 48th Annual Meeting of the Pediatric Section – Puerto Rico Medical Association, February 19, 2001, Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


18- “Pediatric Surgery: What’s New?” – 9na Convencion  Sociedad Egresados Pediatria Recinto de Ciencias Medicas. Noviembre 1, 2003, Embassy Suites, Dorado, Puerto Rico.


19- “Pediatric Surgery: What’s New?” – XVIII General Pediatric Course, Asford Presbyterian Hospital. March 31, 2004.


20- “Is there an advantage in performing oputpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children?” – Mendez K MSIII, Sabater R MSII, Lugo-Vicente H MD. 25th F.L. Raffucci Surgical Research Forum. February 17, 2005, Wyndham El San Juan Hotel, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.   


21- “Whats New in Pediatric Surgery” – XVIII General Pediatric Course, Hospital Auxilio Mutuo. September 27, 2005


22- “Update in Pediatric Surgery” – 58th Annual Meeting American College of Surgeons Puerto Rico Chapter, February 21, 2008, La Concha Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.  


23- “New Standard of Care in Pediatric Surgery” – 49th Annual Meeting Society Doctors Graduated from UPR. August 30, 2008, Ritz Carlton Hotel, San Juan, PR.


24- “Internet: El Pediatra en el Siglo XXI” – XV Congreso Asociacion Latinoamericana de Pediatria (ALAPE), 17 de noviembre de 2009, Centro de Conveciones de Puerto Rico, San Juan Puerto Rico.


25- “Neonatal Bowel Obstruction: From A to Z” - XV Congreso Asociacion Latinoamericana de Pediatria (ALAPE), 19 de noviembre de 2009, Centro de Conveciones de Puerto Rico, San Juan Puerto Rico.


26- “Impact of Minimally Invasive Procedures in Children” - 9th Medical Convention San Jorge Children’s Hospital, Wyndham Garden Hotel, Palmas del Mar, Humacao, Puerto Rico June 23 & 24, 2012.


27- “In Vino Veritas” – Faculty Meeting, San Jorge Children’s Hospital, February 21, 2013, Restaurant Cielito Lindo, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


28- “Pediatric Solid Tumors” – 10ma Convencion Pediatrica, Hospital de Niños San Jorge, Rio Mar Beach Resort, Rio Grancde, Puerto Rico, Octubre 5,2013.


29- “Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy in Children” – XXXVI Curso General de Pediatria, Auxilio Pediatrico, Hospital Auxilio Mutuo , Octubre 8, 2013.


30- “Surgical Management of Cholestasis in Infants” – 4to Simposio de Gastroenterologia Pediatrica, Hotel Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Agosto 9, 2014.


31- “Thyroid Cancer in Children” -  55th Annual Convention UPR Sociedad de Medicos Graduados, 30 de agosto 2014. The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.


69. “ Thyroid Cancer in Children”  - San Jorge Academic Symposium, November 15, 2014, Condado Vanderbilt Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.




ADDENDUM C:  Titles of International Scientific Presentations


1- "Age at Diagnosis Correlates with the Metabolic Disturbances in Pyloric Stenosis" (No 045) 1er Congreso Cirugía Pediatrica del Cono Sur Septiembre 25-29, 1994 Foz de Iguassu, Brasil XIV Panamerican Congress Pediatric Surgery October 17-22, 1994 Habana, Cuba International Congress of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Radiology March 26-30, 1995 Melbourne, Australia


2- "Prenatally Diagnosed Choledochal Cyst: Observation or Early Surgery?" XIV Panamerican Congress Pediatric Surgery October 17-22, 1994 Habana, Cuba International Congress of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Radiology March 26-30, 1995 Melbourne, Australia


3- "The Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: Is Contralateral Exploration Justified?" XIV Panamerican Congress Pediatric Surgery October 17-22, 1994 Habana, Cuba International Congress of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Radiology March 26-30, 1995 Melbourne, Australia


4- "Congenital Antral (Pre-Pyloric) Membrane: Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment" XIV Panamerican Congress Pediatric Surgery October 17-22, 1994 Habana, Cuba International Congress of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Radiology March 26-30, 1995 Melbourne, Australia


5- "Trends in Management of Gallbladder Disorders in Children". Vth International Congress for Endosurgery in Children, May 22-24, 1996, Vancouver, B.C., Canada (unable to attend)


6- "Gallbladder Dyskinesia in Children". Vth International Congress for Endosurgery in Children, May 22-24, 1996, Vancouver, B.C., Canada (unable to attend)


7- "Esophageal Atresia in the 90's".Vth Central American Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 1-7, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador


8- "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: The Pendulum has changed". Vth Central American Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 1-7, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador


9- "Minimally Invasive Surgery in Children". Vth Central American Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 1-7, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador


10- "Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Pathogenesis and Surgical Alternatives". Vth Central American Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 1-7, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador


11- "Trends in Management of Gallbladder Disorders in Children".Vth Central  American Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 1-7, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador


12- "Gallbladder Dyskinesia in Children".Vth Central American Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 1-7, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador


13- "The Role of Internet in Pediatric Surgery". Vth Central American Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 1-7, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador


14- " Enterocolitis Necrotizante: Cambios en Terapia Quirúrgica?" IV Jornada Nacional de Cirugía Pediátrica, 24-25 de Octubre de 1996, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.


15- "Colecistopatía y Disquinesia Biliar en Niños" IV Jornada Nacional de Cirugía Pediátrica, 24-25 de Octubre de 1996, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.


16- "Impacto de Cirugía Mínima Invasiva en Niños" IV Jornada Nacional de Cirugía Pediátrica, 24-25 de Octubre de 1996, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.


17- "Internet: Su Rol en la Práctica Médica Moderna" IV Jornada Nacional de Cirugía Pediátrica, 24-25 de Octubre de 1996, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.


18- "Gallbladder Dyskinesia in Children" II South Cone Congress of Pediatric Surgery, November 10-14, 1996, Cordoba, Argentina.


19- "Trends in Management of Gallbladder Disorders in Children" II South Cone Congress of Pediatric Surgery, November 10-14, 1996, Cordoba, Argentina.


20- "Ano-Rectal Malformations: Scoring Results after PSARP" - Aviles T (Presenter), Lugo-Vicente HL. Pediatric Surgery Alberto Peña Celebration 1000, 14-17 November 1996, Schneiders Children Hospital, New York


21- "Gallbladder Dyskinesia in Children" The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 5th Annual Meeting, Endo Expo 96, December 4-7, 1996 Orlando, Florida.


22- "Trends in Management of Gallbladder Disorders in Children". The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 5th Annual Meeting, Endo Expo 96, December 4-7, 1996 Orlando, Florida.


23-"Pediatric Thyroid Nodules: Management in the era of FNA". 49th Annual Meeting Section on Surgery – Poster Section - American Academy of Pediatrics, November 1-2, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana


24- " Hirschsprung's Disease: The end of the Stomal era? " XIV Panamerican Congress of Pediatric Surgery, June 22-26, 1998, Dominican Republic


25- " Pediatric Laparoscopy:What's New? " XIV Panamerican Congress of Pediatric Surgery, June 22-26, 1998, Dominican Republic


26- " NEC: Drain or Operate? "XIV Panamerican Congress of Pediatric Surgery, June 22-26, 1998, Dominican Republic


27- " The Role of Internet in Pediatric Surgery " XIV Panamerican Congress of Pediatric Surgery, June 22-26, 1998, Dominican Republic


28- " Pediatric Thyroid Nodules: Insights in Management " XIV Panamerican Congress of Pediatric Surgery, June 22-26, 1998, Dominican Republic


29- "Is Laparoscopic Splenectomy Safe and Effective Therapy for Chronic ITP in Children?" - Maribel de Hoyos, MD (presenter), Yaritza Perez MS, Humberto Lugo-Vicente, MD - 7th International Meeting Society Laparoendoscopic Surgeons - Endo Expo 98 - San Diego, California - December 10-12, 1998.


30- "Laparoscopia Pediatrica" IX Congreso Nacional de Pediatria, I Encuentro Asociacion Cubano-Americana de Pediatria, Managua, Nicaragua - July 5-8, 2000.


31- "Emergencias Quirurgicas en Recien Nacidos" IX Congreso Nacional de Pediatria, I Encuentro Asociacion Cubano-Americana de Pediatria, Managua, Nicaragua - July 5-8, 2000.


32- "Decisiones en el Paciente con Dolor Abdominal" IX Congreso Nacional de Pediatria, I Encuentro Asociacion Cubano-Americana de Pediatria, Managua, Nicaragua - July 5-8, 2000.


33- "Surgical Indications for Neonatal Laparoscopy" - XIII Congreso Colombiano de Cirugia Pediatrica, Marzo 14-17, 2001, Pereira, Colombia.


34- "Percutaneous Peritoneal Drainage for Perforated NEC" - XIII Congreso Colombiano de Cirugia Pediatrica, Marzo 14-17, 2001, Pereira, Colombia.


35- "Management of Esophageal Atresia in the new Millenium" - XIII Congreso Colombiano de Cirugia Pediatrica, Marzo 14-17, 2001, Pereira, Colombia.


36- "Hirschsprung's Disease:End of the ostomy era?" - XIII Congreso Colombiano de Cirugia Pediatrica, Marzo 14-17, 2001, Pereira, Colombia.


37- "Internet en Pediatria" IX Congreso Nacional de Pediatria, I Encuentro Asociacion Cubano-Americana de Pediatria, Managua, Nicaragua - July 5-8, 2000.


38- “Computación & Internet en Cirugía Pediatrica” – XXVII Jornadas Chilenas de Cirugía Pediatrica, Santiago, Chile – Octubre 21-23, 2004.


39- “Cirugía Pediatrica 2000-2004 Que hay Nuevo?” - XXVII Jornadas Chilenas de Cirugía Pediatrica, Santiago, Chile – Octubre 21-23, 2004.


40- “Enterocolitis Necrotizante” -   XXVII Jornadas Chilenas de Cirugía Pediatrica, Santiago, Chile – Octubre 21-23, 2004.


41- “Cirugía Laparoscopica Ambulatoria” - XXVII Jornadas Chilenas de Cirugía Pediatrica, Santiago, Chile – Octubre 21-23, 2004.


42- “Thyroid Cancer in Children” - 3rd Annual Gordon S. Cameron Visiting Professor in Pediatric Surgery at McMaster University and McMaster Children Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. June 11-12, 2014.


43- “Esophageal Atresia: State of the Art - 3rd Annual Gordon S. Cameron Visiting Professor in Pediatric Surgery at McMaster University and McMaster Children Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. June 11-12, 2014.


44 – “Thyroid Cancer in Children” – Keynote Speaker - 17th Annual Congress on Pediatrics & Neonatology – August 13-14, 2018, Osaka, Japan.


45 – “Thyroid Cancer in Children” – XXXIX Annual Convention and Symposium of Autism and Antibiotics Management. AMPRO 2021 Webinar Program. September 4, 2021. 11:10 – 11:40 AM.


46 – “Pediatric Surgery” – 1st Symposium for Primary Care Medicine – August 27, 2022 – Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Aguadilla, PR.

Last updated: February 2025