PSU Volume 50 No 01 JANUARY 2018
Bilateral Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) includes the anterior Morgagni
hernia, hiatal hernia and the posterolateral Bochdalek hernia. Most CDH
are Bochdalek type (85%). Bilateral CDH is extremely rare occurring in
1% of all CDH cases. Most of them die in utero while 25-35% of them
survive. Antenatal diagnosis is possible with ultrasonography showing
minimal mediastinal shift, bowel In thorax, small abdominal
circumference and polyhydramnios. The prognosis of CDH depends on the
degree of pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension caused by the
intrinsic intrauterine pressure of the defect on the developing lung of
the fetus. Furthermore a higher prevalence of major congenital
anomalies (chromosomal and cardiac) has been reported for bilateral
when compared with unilateral CDH. A prenatal diagnosis is more
frequent among non-survivors compared to survivors due to the
challenging nature of establishing the diagnosis of bilaterality. The
patient with the largest defect and smaller lungs carries the worst
prognosis. Most bilateral CDH usually have an acute presentation, but
if the pulmonary impairment is subtle it can have a delayed
presentation with an excellent prognosis. The rate of surgical repair
of bilateral CDH is 50%. Most of these cases of bilateral CDH are
repaired with a subcostal abdominal incision, though there has been
scattered reports of staged bilateral thoracoscopic repair. Two-third
of repaired cases will need a patch. Larger defect size, needing a
patch repair, correlates with a more severe disease and mortality. The
mortality of patients with bilateral CDH using ECMO is significantly
larger that with unilateral CDH. 60% of the surviving patients are in
need of pulmonary support at 30 days of life which would indicate a
similar poor long-term prognosis of bilateral CDH patients at one and
five years. Lower Apgar scores, prenatal diagnosis, the need for ECMO
treatment, and patch repair have shown to be associated with higher
1- Said SM, Moir CR, Ishitani MB, Zarroug AE: Successful thoracoscopic
staged repair of bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Pediatr
Surg. 45(4):E5-8, 2010
2- Dhua AK, Aggarwal SK, Mathur N, Sethi G: Bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia. APSP J Case Rep. 3(3):20, 2012
3- James JP, Josephine JJ, Ponniah M: Late-presenting bilateral
congenital diaphragmatic hernia: An extremely rare confluence of two
rarities.Indian J Anaesth. 58(6):768-70, 2014
4- Botden SM, Heiwegen K, van Rooij IA, Scharbatke H, Lally PA, van
Heijst A, de Blaauw I; Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group.
Bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia: prognostic evaluation of a
large international cohort. J Pediatr Surg. 52(9):1475-1479, 2017
5- Oliveira PH, Piedade C, Conceiao V, Ramos M, Castro AO: Bilateral
congenital diaphragmatic hernia with delayed diagnosis. Eur J Pediatr
Surg. 23(4):322-4, 2013
6- Eroglu D, Yanik F, Sakallioglu AE, Arikan U, Varan B, Kuscu E:
Prenatal diagnosis of bilateral diaphragmatic hernia by fetal
sonography. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 32(1):90-3, 2006
Extremity Compartment Syndrome
Acute compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency caused by an
increase in the interstitial pressure within a closed muscle
compartment of an extremity causing decrease perfusion of muscles and
nerves. It can be the result of external compressing or internal
expansion forces within an enclosed fascial compartment. Most cases of
compartment syndrome are associated with trauma (80%), namely tibial
and forearm fractures followed by nontraumatic causes (20%) such as
ischemic-reperfusion event after arterial injury, thrombosis, burns,
bleeding disorder, infection and blunt injury. The normal pressure in a
muscle compartment is less than 12 mm Hg. Swelling of injured muscle
raises the intracompartment pressure closing lymphatics vessels and
small venules. Early presentation there is perifascicular and
intrafascicular edema, hypertension in the capillary bed, and
compression of arterioles, all of which worsen the ischemia. Blood flow
in the capillary circulation ceases when compartment pressures exceed
35 mm Hg. The sensory nerves are affected first, followed by the motor
nerves and muscles, fat and skin become involved later. The skin is the
most resistant to ischemia. Untreated compartment syndrome causes
irreversible neurologic damage, muscle necrosis, myoglobinuria, renal
failure and fibrous contracture (Volkmann). Symptoms include pain,
pallor, paresthesia, paralysis and pulselessness. Management consists
of urgent decompressive fasciotomy. Measurement of the compartment
pressure by needle or using near-infrared spectroscopy showing values
higher than 30 mm Hg (or 20 mm Hg below diastolic pressure) should
undergo fasciotomy. For upper limbs decompression can be achieved via
volar or dorsal approach or both. In the lower extremity
four-compartment decompression can be achieved b a single or double
incision technique. Decompression of the thigh can be achieved via
medial or lateral incision. Complications of fasciotomy include
infection, iatrogenic nerve or blood vessel injury and muscle damage.
Complications associated with the fasciotomy scar includes paresthesia,
pruritus and pain.
1- Ramos C, Whyte CM, Harris BH: Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of the extremity in children. J Pediatr Surg 41: E5-E7, 2006
2- Dover M(1), Memon AR, Marafi H,
Kelly G, Quinlan JF: Factors associated with persistent sequelae after
fasciotomy for acute compartment syndrome.J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong).
20(3):312-5, 2012
3- Erdos J, Dlaska C, Szatmary P,
Humenberger M, Vilmos V, Hajdu S: Acute compartment syndrome in
children: a case series in 24 patients and review of the literature.
Int Orthop. 35(4):569-75, 2011
4- Tharakan SJ, Subotic U, Kalisch
M, Staubli G, Weber DM: Compartment Pressures in Children With Normal
and Fractured Forearms: A Preliminary Report. J Pediatr Orthop.
36(4):410-5, 2016
5- von Keudell AG, Weaver MJ,
Appleton PT, Bae DS, Dyer GSM, Heng M, Jupiter JB, Vrahas MS: Diagnosis
and treatment of acute extremity compartment syndrome. Lancet.
386(10000):1299-1310, 2015
6- Elmhiregh A, Feghih AE, Faraj K:
Concomitant unilateral post-traumatic leg and foot compartment syndrome
in a 5 years-old child - Case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 33:151-157,
Subcutaneous Abscess in Children
Subcutaneous abscess are fairly common condition encounter in children.
The rise in community cases of methicillin resistant staphylococcus
Aureus (MRSA) infection has led to a similar rise in number of
skin infection and abscess formation requiring surgical drainage. These
MRSA soft tissue infections often present as more complicated forms of
subcutaneous abscess usually necessitating wide incision and drainage
procedures for appropriate care. Communities have reported a prevalence
of MRSA at 66-74% among pediatric patients undergoing surgical
intervention. The toddler population with less than three years of age
is at greater risk due to lack of formal toilet training and use of
diaper that promotes bacterial propagation. Standard management of
subcutaneous abscess, especially those measuring more then five
centimeters, is incision and drainage followed by packing in the
wait of secondary healing. Children are unable to perform their own
wound care, and caretakers often struggle with wound packing and
dressing changes. Minimal invasive technique has been developed to
drain these complicated abscess. Intravenous antibiotics are needed
when cellulitis and leukocytosis are present. Instead of large drains
such as Penrose, small drains such as vessel loops or rubber bands are
used to accomplish the task after manipulation of the loculations of
the abscess followed by irrigation with normal saline. Vessel loops are
used in patients with known latex allergy by all surgeons. The use of a
loop drain is safe and effective in the treatment of subcutaneous
abscesses in children. Packing gauze is not always needed. Because of
the increasing incidence of community-acquired S Aureus soft tissue
infections, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim or clindamycin, was used
empirically for a total of 10 to 14 days. The content of all abscess is
swabbed for culture routine, though this not makes a significant
process as the results are usually available when the child is
recovering from the abscess satisfactorily.
1- Ladd AP, Levy MS, Quilty J:
Minimally invasive technique in treatment of complex, subcutaneous
abscesses in children. J Pediatr Surg. 45(7):1562-6, 2010
2- Tsoraides SS, Pearl RH, Stanfill
AB, Wallace LJ, Vegunta RK: Incision and loop drainage: a minimally
invasive technique for subcutaneous abscess management in
children. J Pediatr Surg. 45(3):606-9, 2010
3- McNamara WF, Hartin CW Jr,
Escobar MA, Yamout SZ, Lau ST, Lee YH: An alternative to open incision
and drainage for community-acquired soft tissue abscesses in children.J
Pediatr Surg. 46(3):502-6, 2011
4- Leinwand M, Downing M, Slater D,
Beck M, Burton K, Moyer D: Incision and drainage of subcutaneous
abscesses without the use of packing. J Pediatr Surg.
48(9):1962-5, 2013
5- Aprahamian CJ, Nashad HH,
DiSomma NM, Elger BM, Esparaz JR, McMorrow TJ, Shadid AM, Kao AM,
Holterman MJ, Kanard RC, Pearl RH: Treatment
of subcutaneous abscesses in children with incision and loop
drainage: A simplified method of care. J Pediatr Surg.
52(9):1438-1441, 2017
PSU Volume 50 NO 02 FEBRUARY 2018
Gardner Fibroma
Gardner fibromas are superficial, poorly circumscribed
benign soft tissue tumors and sometimes painful lesions which consist
mainly of thick haphazardly arranged collagen bundles with few
interspersed spindle cells of fibroblast type. Males and females are
equally affected. They are associated with Gardner syndrome and may be
the first manifestation of the disease. Gardner fibromas are precursors
lesion of desmoid tumors. Both Gardner fibromas and desmoid tumors are
associated with Gardner syndrome. Gardner syndrome is an autosomal
dominant inherited disease characterized by the triad of
gastrointestinal adenomatous polyps, multiple osteomas and mesenchymal
tumors of the skin and soft tissue. Gardner syndrome and Familial
adenomatous polyposis (FAP) are considered to be variants of the same
disease. Both are caused by mutation in the APC gene located on
chromosome 5q21. The cutaneous and bone abnormalities precede
development of polyposis with approximately 10 years. Other cutaneous
manifestations of Gardner syndrome include neurofibromas, lipomas,
leiomyomas and pigmented skin lesions. The diagnosis of Gardner
syndrome can be made by genetic testing or by colonoscopy showing
multiple polyps. The most common sites affected by Gardner fibromas
include the back, paraspinal region and chest wall though they may
appear in any part of the body. Gardner fibromas are most commonly
observed in the first decade of life. The management of a Gardner
fibroma consists of wide total local excision something that can be
technically demanding or even impossible because of the poor
circumscription or anatomic boundaries this type of tumor is
characterized. Prediction of Gardner fibroma behavior is impossible,
but in general 5-10% resolve spontaneously, 30% undergo cycles of
progression and resolution and 50% remain stable after diagnosis, but
10% progress rapidly growing to massive sizes and infiltrating adjacent
tissue. The development of a Gardner fibroma raise sentinel suspicion
of Gardner syndrome or FAP which should be diagnosed by endoscopy or
genetic testing.
1- Coffin CM, Hornick JL, Zhou H, Fletcher CD: Gardner fibroma: a
clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of 45 patients with
57 fibromas. Am J Surg Pathol. 31(3):410-6, 2007
2- Levesque S, Ahmed N, Nguyen VH, Nahal A, Blumenkrantz M, Puligandla
P, Chong G, Foulkes WD: Neonatal Gardner fibroma: a sentinel
presentation of severe familial adenomatous polyposis. Pediatrics.
126(6):e1599-602, 2010
3- van Geel MJ, Wijnen M, Hoppenreijs EP, Gierenz N, Spruijt L, van
Koolwijk MP, Flucke U, Blokx WA, Seyger MM: Hypertrophic left calf and
multiple flesh-coloured subcutaneous tumours in a 5-year-old girl: a
quiz. Gardner-associated fibroma. Acta Derm Venereol. 94(5):619-22, 2014
4- Vieira J, Pinto C, Afonso M, do Bom Sucesso M, Lopes P, Pinheiro M,
Veiga I, Henrique R, Teixeira MR: Identification of previously
unrecognized FAP in children with Gardner fibroma. Eur J Hum Genet.
23(5):715-8, 2015
5- Schafer M, Kadmon M, Schmidt W, Treiber I, Moog U, Sutter C, Stehr
M: Neonatal Gardner Fibroma Leads to Detection of Familial Adenomatous
Polyposis: Two Case Reports. European J Pediatr Surg Rep. 4(1):17-21,
6- Santoro C, Giugliano T, Bifano D, D'Anna C, D'Onofrio V, Perrotta S:
From Gardner fibroma diagnosis to constitutional APC mutation
detection: a one-way street. Clin Case Rep. 5(10):1557-1560, 2017
Renal Rhabdoid Tumor
Renal rhabdoid tumors (RRT) are highly malignant neoplasms
first described in the kidney of young children. Rhabdoid tumors also
arise in extra-renal sites such as soft tissue and central nervous
system. RRT have a common genetic abnormality, namely the mutation or
deletion of the SMARCB1/hSNF5/INI-1 gene located at chromosome 22q11.2.
A concomitant brain tumor is present in almost 21% of children with a
RRT. The exact cell type of derivation of Rhabdoid tumors of the kidney
remains unknown though a possible origin has been ascribed to primitive
cells located in then renal medulla. Histologically RRT cells are
arranged as diffuse sheets or as alveolar or trabecular pattern. RRT
can occur sporadically or as part of hereditary cancer syndrome known
as Rhabdoid Tumor Predisposition Syndrome. Prognosis of malignant
rhabdoid tumor of the kidney is related to age at time of diagnosis and
stage of disease and not to the location of the tumor. The younger the
child with RRT the less probable is his long-term survival. Older than
age 1.5 years at diagnosis regardless of anatomic location has higher
overall survival. RRT is commonly diagnosed between 0-3 years of age
with a peak incidence between age of 10-18 months. It is also
associated with extensive metastasis at time of diagnosis and as
mentioned before can have synchronous brain tumor. There is no standard
management for RRT and the prognosis is very poor with overall survival
of 15-36% though more recent treatment regimens using surgery,
radiotherapy, high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell rescue
may increase survival to 66.7%with a median follow up of almost two
years. Surgical treatment of RRT follows that used in Wilms tumor.
Biopsy of the primary tumor is usually not carried out prior to removal
to avoid rupture of the tumor capsule and spillage of tumor cells.
Germline analysis is recommended for individuals of all ages with
rhabdoid tumors and prenatal diagnosis can be performed in families
with a known SMARCB1 alteration. Surveillance guidelines for patients
with germline mutation have been developed.
1- Gadd S, Sredni ST, Huang CC, Perlman EJ; Renal Tumor Committee of
the Children's Oncology Group: Rhabdoid tumor: gene expression clues to
pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets. Lab Invest.
90(5):724-38, 2010
2- van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, van Tinteren H, Rehorst H, Coulombe A,
Patte C, de Camargo B, de Kraker J, Leuschner I, Lugtenberg R,
Pritchard-Jones K, Sandstedt B, Spreafico F, Graf N, Vujanic GM:
Malignant rhabdoid tumors of the kidney (MRTKs), registered on recent
SIOP protocols from 1993 to 2005: a report of the SIOP renal tumour
study group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 56(5):733-7, 2011
3- Shukla D, Pradhan A, Bhardwaj M, Malhotra V: Malignant rhabdoid
tumor of kidney and brain in an infant. Indian Pediatr. 52(1):65-6, 2015
4- Lee JS, Sanchez TR, Wootton-Gorges S: Malignant renal tumors in children. J Kidney Cancer VHL. 2(3):84-89, 2015
5- Brok J, Treger TD, Gooskens SL, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM,
Pritchard-Jones K: Biology and treatment of renal tumours in childhood.
Eur J Cancer. 68:179-195, 2016
6- Farber BA, Shukla N, Lim IIP, Murohy JM, La Quaglia MP: Prognostic
factors and survival in non-central nervous system rhabdoid tumors. J
Pediatr Surg 52: 373-376, 2017
Endocarditis Prophylaxis
Infective endocarditis is a rare potentially life
threatening infection of the heart valve or endocardium. Congenital
heart disease (CHD) and palliative or corrective surgery associated to
the structural defect are the two most common predisposing conditions
for the development of infective endocarditis. Cyanotic CHD, left-sided
lesions and endocardial cushion defects are associated with increase
risk of infective endocarditis in children. The risk of developing
infective endocarditis is substantially elevated during the six months
postoperative period of cardiac surgery and in children less than three
years of age. Lesions associated with cyanosis at birth
(dextrotransposition of great arteries and tetralogy of Fallot) has the
highest incidence of infective endocarditis. Infective endocarditis is
less common in right sided than left sided lesion. Endothelialization
of prosthetic material introduced by cardiac surgery occurs within six
months following the procedure. The most common organism covered during
endocarditis prophylaxis is Streptococcus viridans a commensal bacteria
that populate the skin, oral, gastrointestinal and respiratory mucosa.
The American Heart Association guidelines recommend providing
prophylactic antibiotic coverage for endocarditis to children who are
to undergo a procedure including dental which has an unrepaired
cyanotic CHD including palliative shunts and conduits, completely
repaired CHD with prosthetic material or device (whether placed by
surgery or catheter intervention) during the first six months after the
procedure. Also prophylaxis is recommended for repaired CHD with
residual defect at the site or adjacent to the site of a prosthetic
patch or prosthetic device (which inhibit endothelialization) and
cardiac transplantation recipients who develop cardiac valvulopathy.
Any child with CHD undergoing a general surgery or dental procedure
should be evaluated by its pediatric cardiologist in seek of advice
regarding endocarditis prophylaxis. Procedures that require prophylaxis
include dental including manipulation of gingival tissue or perforation
of oral mucosa, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Endocarditis
prophylaxis is no longer needed for gastrointestinal and genitourinary
procedures since they all receive broad spectrum prophylaxis by nature
of the clean contaminated classification.
1- Rushani D, Kaufman JS, Ionescu-Ittu R, Mackie AS, Pilote L, Therrien
J, Marelli AJ: Infective endocarditis in children with congenital heart
disease: cumulative incidence and predictors. Circulation.
128(13):1412-9, 2013
2- Al-Fouzan AF, Al-Shinaiber RM, Al-Baijan RS, Al-Balawi MM:
Antibiotic prophylaxis against infective endocarditis in adult and
child patients. Knowledge among dentists in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J.
36(5):554-61, 2015
3- Grattan MJ, Power A, Fruitman DS, Islam S, Mackie AS: The Impact of
Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis Recommendations on the Practices of
Pediatric and Adult Congenital Cardiologists. Can J Cardiol.
31(12):1497.e23-8, 2015
4- Thornhill MH, Dayer M, Lockhart PB, McGurk M, Shanson D, Prendergast
B, Chambers JB: Guidelines on prophylaxis to prevent infective
endocarditis. Br Dent J. 220(2):51-6, 2016
5- Isaacs D: Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. J Paediatr Child Health.
53(9):921-922, 2017
PSU Volume 50 NO 03 MARCH 2018
Peliosis hepatis (PH) is a very rare benign disease
characterized by multiple small blood-filled cysts of various sizes and
shape within the liver parenchyma. Peliosis comes from the Greek
word ‘pelios' that means reddish or bluish (extravasated blood).
What triggers PH is unknown, but dilation of sinusoids might be due to
an altered outflow damaging the sinusoid wall and creating dilation of
the central vein of the hepatic lobules. Peliosis can be focal or
widespread with most cases involving the right hepatic lobe. Peliosis
can also occur on other organs such as the spleen, bone marrow, lymph
nodes, etc. Etiologic factors associated with PH include drugs,
autoimmune mechanisms and infectious causes. Drugs associated with PH
include steroids, oral contraceptives, tamoxifen, methotrexate,
thiopurine, azathioprine and iron chelators. Alcohol consumption can
trigger PH. Imaging studies such as CT-Scan and MRI angiography suggest
the diagnosis, but cannot be precised enough since PH cannot be
differentiated from adenomas, hemangiomas, focal nodular hyperplasia,
Caroli disease or multiple abscess. Lesions are from few millimeters in
diameter to 4 cm. Ultrasound may show a pseudocystic lesion of the
hepatic parenchyma with intra- or perilesional vascularity. Angiography
demonstrates multiple hypervascularized nodules during the late
arterial phase with enhancement more pronounced during the parenchymal
phase which persists during the venous phase. MRI when combined with
hepatospecific contrast material represents the gold standard for
radiological diagnosis of PH. Due to the high risk of bleeding an open
biopsy using intraoperative US is needed to establish the diagnosis of
PH. The disease can cause stenosis of the vena cava when developed in
young age. Though mainly asymptomatic, PH can rupture and produce
spontaneous hemoperitoneum. Management is usually in the acute setting
due to bleeding and consists of either hepatic lobectomy,
transplantation or percutaneous embolization.
1- Crocetti D, Palmieri A, Pedulla G, Pasta V, D'Orazi V, Grazi GL:
Peliosis hepatis: Personal experience and literature review. World J
Gastroenterol. 21(46):13188-94, 2015
2- Hong GS, Kim KW, An J, Shim JH, Kim J, Yu ES: Focal type of peliosis hepatis. Clin Mol Hepatol. 21(4):398-401, 2015
3- Iwata T, Adachi K, Takahashi M: Peliosis Hepatis Mimicking Malignant
Hypervascular Tumors. J Gastrointest Surg. 21(6):1095-1098, 2017
4- Dai YN, Ren ZZ, Song WY, Huang HJ, Yang DH, Wang MS, Huang YC, Chen
MJ, Zhang JJ, Tong YX, Pan HY: Peliosis hepatis: 2 case reports of a
rare liver disorder and its differential
diagnosis. Medicine (Baltimore). 96(13):e6471, 2017
5- Tan CHN, Soon GST, Kow WCA: Liver lesions detected in a hepatitis B
core total antibody-positive patient masquerading as hepatocellular
carcinoma: a rare case of peliosis hepatis and a review of the
literature. Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 21(3):157-162, 2017
6- Biswas S, Gogna S, Patel P: A Fatal Case of Intra-Abdominal
Hemorrhage Following Diagnostic Blind Percutaneous Liver Biopsy in a
Patient With Peliosis Hepatis. Gastroenterology Res. 10(5):318-321, 2017
Renal Clear Cell Sarcoma
Childhood renal tumors account for 7% of all pediatric
cancers. Most cases (90%) are Wilms tumor. Renal Clear Cell Sarcoma
(RCCS) is a rare and very aggressive pediatric tumor characterized for
its tendency to metastasize to bone often called the bone metastasis
renal tumor of children. The term clear cell sarcoma relates to the
presence of numerous intracytoplasmic vesicles present in the tumor
histology. Other features that differentiate RCCS from Wilms tumor are
that they are unicentric in the medullary region of the kidney with
foci of necrosis and cyst formation. RCCS is the second most common
malignant kidney tumor in children after Wilms tumor comprising
approximately 4-6% of all pediatric renal tumors. RCCS is not
associated with genetic predisposition syndrome and familial cases have
not been reported. RCCS is rare below the age of one year, have a peak
incidence between three and five years of age and are more common in
males patients. Metastasis from RCCS can also occur to lymph nodes,
lungs, liver and brain. RCCS occurs in the same age range as Wilms
tumor with no specific radiological features to help distinguish one
from the other. Grossly RCCS include large tumor size (more than 10 cm
in diameter), mucoid texture, foci of necrosis and prominent cyst
formation. Nine histologic different patterns of RCCS have been
described. The four important prognostic factors associated with RCCS
include treatment with doxorubin, beyond stage I, age at diagnosis
greater than two years and tumor necrosis. Management of RCCS at all
stages requires aggressive surgical approach followed by chemotherapy
and radiotherapy as per NWTS-5 protocols. Overall survival after
treatment is 69%. Relapse rates are high and often occur late. Adverse
prognostic factors identified are young age, advanced stage IV disease
and those with relapse disease.
1- Walke VA, Shende NY, Kumbhalkar DT: Renal Clear Cell Sarcoma -
Anaplastic Variant: A Rare Entity. J Clin Diagn Res. 11(1):ED10-ED11,
2- Sinha S, Khurana N, Sarin YK: Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney: report of two cases. APSP J Case Rep. 5(3):32, 2014
3- Brok J, Treger TD, Gooskens SL, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM,
Pritchard-Jones K: Biology and treatment of renal tumours in childhood.
Eur J Cancer. 68:179-195, 2016
4- Mandal KC, Mukhopadhyay M, Barman S, Halder P, Mukhopadhyay B, Kumar
R: Uncommon renal tumors in children: A single center experience. J
Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 21(2):61-5, 2016
5- Weaver J, Ho T, Lang A, Koenig JF, Coplen DE, Dehner L, Traxel EJ:
Bladder Recurrence of Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney Seven Years
After Initial Presentation. Urology. 106:193-195, 2017
6- Wong MK, Ng CCY, Kuick CH, et al: Clear cell sarcomas of the kidney
are characterised by BCOR gene abnormalities, including exon 15
internal tandem duplications and BCOR-CCNB3 gene fusion.
Histopathology. 72(2):320-329, 2018
Prophylactic Thyroidectomy
Prophylactic removal of all the thyroid gland (total
thyroidectomy) is curative treatment for children at risk of developing
medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) caused by mutation in the RET
proto-oncogene. Medullary thyroid cancer arises from the parafollicular
cells which are responsible for secreting calcitonin. Calcitonin is a
sensitive and specific tumor marker for MTC. MTC has an early and high
penetrance in hereditary syndrome caused by the RET mutations including
multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2A and type 2B, and familial
MTC which progress to regional lymph nodes and distant metastasis if
left unmanageable. The vast majority of MTC in children is hereditary.
Children with MEN 2A, MEN 2B and familial MTC can be followed after
total prophylactic thyroidectomy with calcitonin levels to monitor for
recurrence or development of MTC. Thyroglobulin, a protein precursor of
thyroxine produced by the thyroid follicular cells can be a useful test
following prophylactic thyroidectomy since many times surgeons leave
behind thyroid tissue specially in the nearby region of the recurrent
laryngeal nerve (Zuckerkandl tubercle or ligament of Berry). If
thyroglobulin is high, an US should be performed to quantify how much
residual thyroid tissue was left behind since it has parafollicular
cells that can become MTC. Children with MEN2B should go RET genetic
analysis and genophenotype ranking or risk level at birth and those
with MEN2A and familial MTC before age of five years. Age of
prophylactic thyroidectomy recommended include before the first year of
age for those MEN children with RET gene mutation and highest
genophenotype risk (ATA-D), before age five years for RET mutation and
lower risk (ATA-C) and before 10 of age with the minimal risk (ATA-B
and ATA-A) or familial MTC. During prophylactic thyroidectomy central
lymph node removal is not warranted unless the child has elevated
calcitonin level (> 40 pg/mL) with clinical MTC. Annual calcitonin
level is needed in all cases and if abnormal thyroidectomy should be
performed immediately. The high rate of postoperative hypocalcemia in
very young children undergoing prophylactic thyroidectomy has hampered
others not to recommend it before the age of three years.
1- Lifante JC, Blanchard C, Mirallia E, David A, Peix JL: Role of
preoperative basal calcitonin levels in the timing of prophylactic
thyroidectomy in patients with germline RET mutations. World J Surg.
38(3):576-81, 2014
2- Seib CD, Harari A, Conte FA, Duh QY, Clark OH, Gosnell JE: Utility
of serum thyroglobulin measurements after prophylactic thyroidectomy in
patients with hereditary medullary thyroid cancer. Surgery.
156(2):394-8, 2014
3- Starenki D, Park JI: Pediatric Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma. J Pediatr Oncol. 3(2):29-37, 2015
4- Kluijfhout WP, van Beek DJ, Verrijn Stuart AA, Lodewijk L, Valk GD,
van der Zee DC, Vriens MR, Borel Rinkes IH: Postoperative Complications
After Prophylactic Thyroidectomy for Very Young Patients With Multiple
Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2: Retrospective Cohort Analysis. Medicine
(Baltimore). 94(29):e1108, 2015
5- Boybeyi-Turer O, Vuralli D, Karnak I, Gonc N, Yalcin E, Orhan D,
Kandemir N, Tanyel FC: Surgical and clinical strategies in the
management of thyroid medullary carcinoma in children with and without
ret proto-oncogene mutations. Turk J Pediatr. 58(4):436-441, 2016
6- Bussieres V, Roy S, Deladoey J, Rousseau E, St-Vil D, Piche N:
Prophylactic thyroidectomies in MEN2 syndrome: Management and Outcome.
J Pediatr Surg
PSU Volume 50 No 04 APRIL 2018
Toxic Colitis
Toxic colitis (TC) refers to an acute severe colitis which
threatens life of the child. When associated with megacolon it is
called toxic megacolon (TM). Toxic megacolon is an acute dilatation of
the colon associated with symptoms of toxemia such as abdominal
distension, constipation, reduced bowel sounds and fever, tachycardia
or hypotension. The colonic dilatation can be total or segmental
depending on the incipient disease that cause it. Patients can develop
toxicity without megacolon. The hallmark of toxic megacolon (or
colitis) is a nonobstructive transverse colonic dilatation larger than
6 cm associated with signs of systemic toxicity such as fever above
101.5 F, tachycardia and leukocytosis or anemia. The child might also
present bloody stools, dehydration, altered metal status, electrolytes
abnormalities and hypotension. Toxic colitis (or megacolon) is mostly a
complication of ulcerative colitis but can be seen in other
inflammatory disease such as Crohn, ischemic colitis, infectious
colitis associated with Clostridium difficile, after radiation therapy
or with Hirschsprung's disease. The most dreaded complication of
toxic colitis with megacolon is perforation of the colon. Since many
children with ulcerative colitis are in steroid therapy, the classic
signs of peritonitis are absent when free perforation occurs due to a
blunt systemic inflammatory response from the steroids. The microscopic
hallmark of TC or TM is transmural inflammation extending beyond the
mucosa into the smooth-muscle layers and serosa. The extent of
dilatation correlates with the depth of inflammation and ulceration.
Medications such as anticholinergics, antidepressants, loperamide and
opioids negatively impact bowel motility and could be implicated in
cases of TM. The prognosis with medical management of TM is poor though
with tumor necrosis factors alpha inhibitors more cases can be managed
medically. When TC or TM is established surgery will be needed. Total
colectomy with ileostomy is the procedure of choice in the very acute
situation. Later proctectomy with j-pouch ileal reconstruction can be
1- Benchimol EI, Turner D, Mann EH, Thomas KE, Gomes T, McLernon RA,
Griffiths AM: Toxic megacolon in children with inflammatory bowel
disease: clinical and radiographic characteristics. Am J Gastroenterol.
103(6):1524-31, 2008
2- Turner D, Griffiths AM: Acute severe ulcerative colitis in children:
a systematic review. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 17(1):440-9, 2011
3- Dayan B, Turner D: Role of surgery in severe ulcerative colitis in
the era of medical rescue therapy. World J Gastroenterol.
18(29):3833-8, 2012
4- Ashton JJ, Versteegh HP, Batra A, Afzal NA, King A, Griffiths DM,
Beattie RM, Stanton MP: Colectomy in pediatric ulcerative colitis: A
single center experience of indications, outcomes, and complications. J
Pediatr Surg. 51(2):277-81, 2016
5- Siow VS, Bhatt R, Mollen KP: Management of acute severe ulcerative
colitis in children. Semin Pediatr Surg. 26(6):367-372, 2017
6- Seemann NM, Radhakrishnan S, Gazendam A, King SK, Falkiner M,
Sckumat N, Greer MLC, Langer J: The role of imaging in the preoperative
assesment of children with inflammatory colitis. J Pediatr Surg. 52:
970-974, 2017
Musculoskeletal Deformity after Thoracotomy
Posterolateral thoracotomy is the most common
surgical approach for thoracic and cardiovascular procedures in
children. This type of procedure many times is performed dividing the
latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior muscle which results in
postoperative muscular atrophy hence the development of thoracic and
spinal deformities. The thoracotomy incision can result in long-term
physical impairment and chest wall deformity. Typical deformity
findings after thoracotomy includes wing scapula, anterior chest wall
deformity, rib fusion and scoliosis. Damage to the innervation of the
serratus anterior muscle can contribute to the chest wall deformity.
The rate of sequela is not affected by age or birth weight at time of
the procedure. The majority of deformities develop at three to four
years after surgery thus a long follow up is needed to evaluate these
children for musculoskeletal deformities. Musculoskeletal deformity
develops in 25% of children who have undergo one or more thoracotomies.
Division of the serratus anterior muscle is the only independent risk
factor associated with an increased incidence and risk of developing a
musculoskeletal deformity. The incidence rate of any musculoskeletal
deformity (scoliosis, scapular winging or chest wall anomaly) in
children who had undergone a right posterolateral thoracotomy for
repair of esophageal atresia is 2.92 per 100 child-year. A rate which
decreases to 1.82 when muscle sparing thoracotomy is utilized
preserving both the serratus anterior and latissimus muscle. Muscle
sparing thoracotomy does diminish the postoperative occurrence of
musculoskeletal deformity. A classic muscle-sparing thoracotomy often
allows excellent exposure of the lung and thoracic structures in
neonates, infants, and young children. Ribs should never be resected in
children. Tight closure can lead to rib fusion and increase the chances
of chest asymmetry and deformity. Rib fusion takes longer to developed
and leads to thoracogenic scoliosis. Thoracoscopy has less impact on
the thoracic wall compared with open thoracotomy.
1- Panda SS, Agarwala S, Bhatnagar V, Kabra SK, Jayaswal A, Bhalla AS:
A survey of musculoskeletal and aesthetic abnormalities after
thoracotomy in pediatric patients. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg.
18(4):136-42, 2013
2- Makita S, Kaneko K, Ono Y, Uchida H: Risk factors for thoracic and
spinal deformities following lung resection in neonates, infants, and
children. Surg Today. 47(7):810-814, 2017
3- Wei S, Saran N, Emil S: Musculoskeletal deformities following
neonatal thoracotomy: long-term follow-up of an esophageal atresia
cohort. J Pediatr Surg. 52(12):1898-1903, 2017
4- Bastard F, Bonnard A, Rousseau V: Thoracic skeletal anomalies
following surgical treatment of esophageal atresia. Lessons from a
national cohort. J Pediatr Surg. 2017 Jul 21. pii:
S0022-3468(17)30428-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2017.07.013.
5- Saiad MO: The Modified Posterior Thoracotomy for Esophageal Atresia. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 22(4):217-219, 2017
6- Bal S, Elshershari H, Celiker R, Celiker A: Thoracic sequels after
thoracotomies in children with congenital cardiac disease. Cardiol
Young. 13(3):264-7, 2003
Sclerotherapy for Rectal Prolapse
Rectal prolapse is a relatively common condition in children
with a peak incidence between one and three years of age when toilet
training is occurring. Male predominance occurs in most cases. Rectal
prolapse can be partial when only protrusion of the mucosa from the
anal verge occurs, or complete when the full thickness of the rectum
prolapses. The cause of rectal prolapse can be anatomic such as a
vertical configuration of the sacrum, greater mobility of the sigmoid
colon, loose attached rectal mucosa and absence of Houston's valve in
most cases. Children with prolapse have lower basal and squeeze
pressures during anorectal manometry when compared with normal control.
Diagnosis of rectal prolapse is made by physical exam and history.
Prolapse of mass, bleeding after defecation, diarrhea, prolapse rectum
and constipation are the most common signs and symptoms. Most (>
80%) children with rectal prolapse do not need specific surgical
treatment if constipation, parasites and excessive straining are
managed. Children that fail medical therapy will eventually need some
surgical management. Injection sclerotherapy is the first surgical
method used to manage rectal prolapse and is likely to cure the child
with one or two injections 80% of the time. Transrectal sclerotherapy
is performed with 50% saline solution, ethyl alcohol or cows milk. A
volume of 0.50 ml/kg of sclerosant divided over four quadrants appears
a prudent volume to managed rectal prolapse. Older scholar children and
those overweight are likely to experience recurrence eventually needing
an operation. If sclerotherapy fails then the Thiersch procedure is
recommended. The Thiersch procedure is a minimally invasive procedure
involving placing a suture encircling the anal canal under the skin.
The aim is to narrow the relaxed anal sphincter and cause proliferation
to form adhesions within the surrounding tissue. If sclerotherapy and
Thiersch procedures fail, then other more sophisticated major abdominal
or perineal procedure such as stripping of the mucosa or rectopexy
should be used.
1- Zganjer M, Cizmic A, Cigit I, Zupancic B, Bumci I, Popovic L,
Kljenak A: Treatment of rectal prolapse in children with cow milk
injection sclerotherapy: 30-year experience. World J Gastroenterol.
14(5):737-40, 2008
2- Flum AS, Golladay ES, Teitelbaum DH: Recurrent rectal prolapse
following primary surgical treatment. Pediatr Surg Int. 26(4):427-31,
3- Puri B: Rectal prolapse in children: Laparoscopic suture rectopexy
is a suitable alternative. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 15(2):47-9, 2010
4- Sarmast MH, Askarpour S, Peyvasteh M, Javaherizadeh H,
Mooghehi-Nezhad M: Rectal prolapse in children: a study of 71 cases.
Prz Gastroenterol. 10(2):105-7, 2015
5- Chauhan K, Gan RW, Singh S: Successful treatment of recurrent rectal
prolapse using three Thiersch sutures in children. BMJ Case Rep. 2015
Nov 25;2015. pii: bcr2015211947. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-211947
6- Dolejs SC, Sheplock J, Vandewalle RJ, Landman MP, Rescorla FJ:
Sclerotherapy for the management of rectal prolapse in children.
J Pediatr Surg. 53 (1): 73-76,
PSU Volume 50 No 05 MAY 2018
Non-Immune Hydrops
Hydrops is the accumulation of extravascular fluid within
two or more cavities of the fetus within the utero which may include
ascites, pleural or pericardial effusions or skin or trunk edema,
anasarca and placentomegaly appearing in advanced stages.
Polyhydramnios develop due to pressure on the esophagus and decreased
swallowing of amniotic fluid. Hydrops result from various underlying
congenital anomalies that cause increased central vascular pressure,
decrease lymph flow or decreased plasma oncotic pressure leading to a
net imbalanced of fluid movement between the intravascular and
interstitial compartments. Non-immune hydrops (NIH) is the most common
cause of hydrops in the fetus since Rh alloimmunization or immune
hydrops is rare due to routine immunization of Rh negative mothers.
Congenital infections account for up to 8% of cases of NIH. NIH can
occur in the fetus with chest occupying lesions or highly vascularized
tumors that compress the mediastinum or increase cardiac demands
respectively. Chest occupying lesions compress heart, SVC, IVC or
ductus venosus leading to impaired atrial venous return and low output
cardiac failure. Vascularized tumors causes high output cardiac failure
from arteriovenous shunting and marked vascularity. Either way the
perinatal mortality of NIH is very high. Prenatal ultrasound and
echocardiography diagnose, predict outcome and dictate management of
fetus with NIH. Patients with NIH who are able to have fetal
intervention for their underlying condition benefits from improved
survival especially when hydrops resolve ad there is no preterm
delivery. Echocardiographic findings of NIH deterioration are the best
predictors of the need of fetal surgical resection for fetuses with
high-risk lung masses. Well-recognized causes of recurrent NIH are
homozygous alpha-thalassemia and metabolic storage disorders such as
mucopolysaccharidosis, Gaucher's, sialidosis and gangliosidosis. It is
important to detect NIH early, diagnose the underlying cause and
institute appropriate treatment. There is need for autopsy of all
fetuses or neonates who die from NIH.
1- Derderian SC, Jeanty C, Fleck SR, Cheng LS, Peyvandi S, Moon-Grady
AJ, Farrell J, Hirose S, Gonzalez J, Keller RL, MacKenzie TC: The many
faces of hydrops. J Pediatr Surg. 50(1):50-4, 2015
2- Cass DL, Olutoye OO, Ayres NA, Moise KJ Jr, Altman CA, Johnson A,
Cassady CI, Lazar DA, Lee TC, Lantin MR: Defining hydrops and
indications for open fetal surgery for fetuses with lung
masses and vascular tumors. J Pediatr Surg. 47(1):40-5, 2012
3- Simoncic M, Kopriva S, Zupancic Z, Jerse M, Babnik J, Srpcic M,
Grosek S: Mediastinal teratoma with hydrops fetalis in a newborn and
development of chronic respiratory insufficiency. Radiol Oncol.
48(4):397-402, 2014
4- Weitz J, Das S: Acute non-immune hydrops fetalis caused by
intrauterine echovirus infection. BMJ Case Rep. 2010 Oct 21;2010. pii:
bcr0320102787. doi:10.1136/bcr.03.2010.2787.
5- Goh SL, Tan JV, Kwek KY, Yeo GS: Recurrent non-immune fetal hydrops:
A case report. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 35(10):726-8, 2006
6- Okeke TC(1), Egbugara MN, Ezenyeaku CC, Ikeako LC: Non-immune hydrops fetalis. Niger J Med. 22(4):266-73, 2013
Laparoscopic CO2 Embolism
Laparoscopic procedures using carbon dioxide as insufflating
gas can alter circulatory, pulmonary, renal, splanchnic and endocrine
function in some patients. Cardiac arrest has been reported in one of
every 65,000 laparoscopic procedures with a mortality rate of 28%.
Cardiac arrest is related to a vasovagal response after rapid
peritoneal distension and CO2 gas embolism as detected by
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). CO2 embolism is a very rare but
potential serious complication. It is caused by entrapment of carbon
dioxide in an injured vein, artery or solid organ resulting in blockage
of the right ventricle or pulmonary artery. Laparoscopic CO2 embolism
has been reported in various surgical procedures. Most serious cases
occur during the beginning of the procedure due to Veress needle
misplacement directly into a vein or solid organ. Late onset embolism
is due to an injured vessel in the abdominal wall or operative site.
Clinical manifestations depend on volume of CO2 entering the
circulation and that which is removed with ventilation. It causes a gas
lock effect obstructing right ventricular ejection, right and left
cardiac failure, paradoxical embolism with or without a patent foramen
ovale, arrhythmia, pulmonary hypertension and cardiovascular collapse.
CO2 embolism does not cause the bronchoconstriction or changes in
pulmonary compliance seen during air embolism. The patient develops
hypotension, dyspnea, cyanosis, tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia
and asystole. TEE is the most sensitive method to diagnosed
laparoscopic CO2 embolism. Other less sensitive methods include
transesophageal or precordial Doppler and ETCO2. Preventive measures
include correct position verification of Veress needle, use of low
insufflating pressures, reverse Trendelenburg position and increasing
the end-expiratory pressure. Management must be expeditious and include
discontinuing CO2 insufflation and releasing the pneumoperitoneum,
hyperventilating the patient with 100% oxygen, volume expansion to
elevated the CVP, vasopressors, inotropic agents to maintain cardiac
output, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy specially for neurologic deficit
caused by cerebral gas
1- Kjeld T, Hansen EG, Holler NG, Rottensten H, Hyldegaard O, Jansen
EC: Resuscitation by hyperbaric exposure from a venous gas emboli
following laparoscopic surgery. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 20:51,
2- Park EY, Kwon JY, Kim KJ: Carbon dioxide embolism during laparoscopic surgery. Yonsei Med J. 53(3):459-66, 2012
3- Kudsi OY, Jones SA, Brenn BR: Carbon dioxide embolism in a
3-week-old neonate during laparoscopic pyloromyotomy: a case report J
pediatr Surg $$: 842-845, 2009
4- Azevedo JL, Azevedo OC, Miyahira SA, et al: Injuries caused by
Veress needle insertion for creation of pneumoperitoneum: a systematic
literature review. Surg Endosc. 23(7):1428-32, 2009
5- Cobb WS, Fleishman HA, Kercher KW, Matthews BD, Heniford BT:Gas
embolism during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg
Tech A. 15(4):387-90, 2005
6-Smith HJ: Carbon dioxide embolism during pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery: a case
report. AANA J. 79(5):371-3, 2011
Vacuum Bell Device
Pectus excavatum is the most common chest wall deformity in
children occurring in approximately one in 300 live births. Initially
pectus excavatum in children was managed surgically using the open
Ravitch technique until Nuss developed a minimal invasive technique
using a bar in 1998 to repair satisfactorily the defect. The Nuss
technique is operator dependent with a small but significant number of
potential complications associated with a learning curve and number of
cases performed. Conservative management of pectus excavatum can be
carried out using a glass bell to elevate the sternum called the Vacuum
bell (VB). The Vacuum bell is a suction cup that creates a vacuum on
the anterior chest wall and is activated by a patient-controlled hand
pump. There are three types of VB - 16, 19 and 26 cm in diameter and a
model fitted for women. The device is used at home for a minimum of 30
minutes twice a day during 4-6 weeks afterward it can be used up to a
maximum of several hours daily. VB therapy is indicated in patients
with mild pectus excavatum or who wish to avoid a surgical procedure.
It is also used in preparation for surgery, if a surgical implantable
bar has to be removed earlier than scheduled, and as intraoperative
vacuum device to lift the sternum away from the heart during the Nuss
procedure and avoid the dreaded complication of heart rupture.
Contraindications for VB include musculoskeletal disorders,
vasculopathies, coagulopathies and cardiac disorders. Complications of
VB therapy include subcutaneous hematoma, petechial bleeding, dorsalgia
and transient paresthesia of the upper extremities during application
of the device. For this therapy to have success the child must be
motivated and be compliant with treatment. All children are encouraged
to continue sporting activities and physiotherapy in order to improve
body control. VB therapy is recommended to be started before the age of
10 years. Duration of treatment can be from 12 to 36
1- Obermeyer RJ: Incorporating vacuum bell therapy into pectus
excavatum treatment. J Vis Surg. 2016 May 18;2:99. doi:
10.21037/jovs.2016.05.01. eCollection 2016
2- Haecker FM, Sesia S: Non-surgical treatment of pectus
excavatum. J Vis Surg. 2016 Mar 23;2:63. doi:
10.21037/jovs.2016.03.14. eCollection 2016
3- Haecker FM, Sesia S: Vacuum bell therapy. Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 5(5):440-449, 2016
4- Nuss D, Obermeyer RJ, Kelly RE Jr: Pectus excavatum from a pediatric
surgeon's perspective. Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 5(5):493-500, 2016
5- Togoro SY, Tedde ML, Eisinger RS, Okumura EM, de Campos JRM,
Pego-Fernandes PM: The Vacuum Bell device as a sternal lifter: An
immediate effect even with a short time use. J Pediatr Surg 53:
406-410, 2018
6- Sesia SB, Heinrich DM, Kocher GJ, Haecker FM: Treatment of isolated
sternal fracture with a vacuum bell in an 8-year-old boy. Interact
Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2018 Jan 3. doi: 10.1093
PSU Volume 50 NO 05 MAY 2018
Neonatal Hyperparathyroidism
Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) is a very rare
autosomal recessive disease presenting in children during early
infancy, usually within the first six months of life though the
majority of cases occur in the first few weeks. Babies present with
signs of hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism including poor feeding,
polyuria, dehydration, lethargy, failure to thrive, hypotonia,
gastrointestinal dysmotility, osteopenia and respiratory distress due
to poorly developed chest cage. Early diagnosis and management of NSHPT
is critical due to high morbidity, mortality and devastating effect to
neurodevelopmental status. Calcium sensing receptors (CASR) are the
major sensors of serum calcium level and have a critical role in
maintaining calcium homeostasis. CARS are present in parathyroid chief
cells and epithelial lining of renal tubules. The human CASR gene maps
to 3q13.3. Through this receptor serum calcium higher than the set
point inhibits the parathyroid hormone release from chief cells
preventing renal tubular reabsorption of calcium. Mutation of the CASR
causes loss or gain of function of the receptor. Heterozygous mutation
of CASR results in familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and homozygous
loss of function mutation results in NSHPT due to uncontrollable
release of parathyroid hormone and severe hypercalcemia. Management of
NSHPT hypercalcemia initiates with aggressive hydration and forced
diuresis with furosemide and use of calcitonin which may provide some
transient improvement in heterozygous cases. Homozygous cases do not
respond well. Treatment could be escalated to the use of bisphosphonate
therapy and calcimimetic such as Cinecalcet which is effective in
heterozygous cases. If the child does not respond to medical therapy
due to the homozygous state of the mutation then will require early
parathyroidectomy. Total parathyroidectomy is performed without
autotransplantation due to the high incidence of recurrence of the
disease. Localization of parathyroid glands preoperative using
Sestamibi nuclear scan and MRI influence the surgical approach.
1- Reh CM, Hendy GN, Cole DE, Jeandron DD: Neonatal hyperparathyroidism
with a heterozygous calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) R185Q mutation:
clinical benefit from cinacalcet. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
96(4):E707-12, 2011
2- Gannon AW, Monk HM, Levine MA: Cinacalcet monotherapy in neonatal
severe hyperparathyroidism: a case study and review. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab. 99(1):7-11, 2014
3- Fisher MM, Cabrera SM, Imel EA: Successful treatment of neonatal
severe hyperparathyroidism with cinacalcet in two patients. Endocrinol
Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2015;2015:150040. doi: 10.1530/EDM-15-0040.
Epub 2015 Jun 18.
4- Murphy H, Patrick J, Baez-Irizarry E, et al: Neonatal severe
hyperparathyroidism caused by homozygous mutation in CASR: A rare cause
of life-threatening hypercalcemia. Eur J Med Genet. 59(4):227-31, 2016
5- Hendy GN, D'Souza-Li L, Yang B, Canaff L, Cole DE: Mutations of the
calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) in familial hypocalciuric
hypercalcemia, neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism, and autosomal
dominant hypocalcemia. Hum Mutat. 16(4):281-96, 2000
6- Atay Z, Bereket A, Haliloglu B: Novel homozygous inactivating
mutation of the calcium-sensing receptor gene (CASR) in neonatal severe
hyperparathyroidism-lack of effect of cinacalcet. Bone. 64:102-7, 2014
Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia Revisited
Inguinal hernia is the common surgical condition in children
affecting almost 30% of premature infants. Inguinal hernia results from
an incomplete obliteration of the processus vaginalis developed around
the 6th month of fetal development. Most inguinal hernia in children
are indirect. Incarcerated inguinal hernia is a common and serious
emergent situation in pediatric patients. The risk of incarceration in
children with inguinal hernia fluctuates between 3 and 16% with the
highest incidence of 30% in premature. The rate of inguinal hernia
strangulation is also higher in prematurely born infants. The
median age of presentation of inguinal hernia is two years.
Incarcerated inguinal hernia occurs in 12% of all cases at a mean age
of 1.5 years, mostly in boys and mostly on the right side. Due to the
significant incidence of incarceration of inguinal hernia, once
diagnosed inguinal hernias in children should be repair within the next
two weeks. The management of incarcerated inguinal hernia is manual
reduction which is successful in most cases, followed by open repair of
the hernia in the next 48-72 hours once the edema of the cord has
subsided. The procedure can also be done laparoscopically. The
advantage of laparoscopic incarcerated inguinal hernia repair include
excellent visual exposure, reduction of the incarcerated viscera and
inspection for gangrene, immediate repair of the defect, the ability to
evaluate the contralateral side, minimal dissection and avoidance of
access trauma to the vas deferens and the testicular vessels,
iatrogenic ascent of the testis and decreased operative time specially
in obese and recurrent cases. The cons are that a subcutaneous
procedure is converted into a transabdominal procedure with the
incidence of adhesions and later bowel obstruction development. In the
case of female patients the possibility of having an incarcerated
ovarian inguinal hernia is high. The use of US to determine if an ovary
is incarcerated can provide evidence of flow and plan urgent surgery
before torsion occurs. Both open herniotomy and laparoscopic repair
offer safe surgery with comparable outcomes for incarcerated inguinal
hernia in children.
1- Ksia A, Braiki M, Ouaghnan W, et al: Male Gender and Prematurity are
Risk Factors for Incarceration in Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: A Study of
922 Children. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 22(3):139-143, 2017
2- Jun Z, Juntao G, Shuli L, Li L: A comparative study on
trans-umbilical single-port laparoscopic approach versus conventional
repair for incarcerated inguinal hernia in children. J Minim Access
Surg. 12(2):139-42, 2016
3- Yan XQ, Yang J, Zheng NN, Kuang HF, Duan XF, Bian HQ: Treatment for
incarcerated indirect hernia with "Cross-Internal Ring" inguinal
oblique incision in children. J Res Med Sci. 22:106, 2017
4- Choi KH, Baek HJ: Incarcerated ovarian herniation of the canal of Nuck in a female infant:
Ultrasonographic findings and review of literature. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 9:38-40, 2016
5- Yin Y, Zhang H, Zhang X, Sun F, Zou H, Cao H, Wen C: Laparoscopic
surgery in the treatment of incarcerated indirect inguinal hernia in
children. Exp Ther Med. 12(6):3553-3556, 2016
6- Chan YY, Durbin-Johnson B, Kurzrock EA: Pediatric inguinal and
scrotal surgery - Practice patterns in U.S. academic centers. J Pediatr
Surg. 51(11):1786-1790, 2016
Eccrine Spiradenoma
Eccrine spiradenoma is a very rare benign tumor of the skin
and subcutaneous tissue originating from the eccrine glands described
by Kersting and Helwig in 1956. Eccrine spiradenoma (ES) usually
appears as a single bluish/pinkish cystic nodule with size between 0.3
and 5 cm, but in rare occasions can be multiple distributed as a linear
form or zosteriform. Generally occurs in young adults age 15 to 35
years and rarely can be found in infants. ES occur mainly in the head,
neck and trunk associated with paroxysmal pain and tenderness. It tends
to arise on the upper part of the body. It is difficult to
differentiate eccrine spiradenoma from other more common lesions and
biopsy is necessary to establish a diagnosis. The pathogenesis is
thought to be related to differentiation mainly of the secretory coil
of eccrine sweat glands. It is important to find epithelial cells,
myoepithelial cells and lymphocytes along with void spaces between
blood vessels under the microscope for diagnostic confirmation. The
presence of myoepithelial cells and phosphorylase demonstrate the
eccrine origin of the tumor. ES may be associated with similar tumors
of apocrine origin such as trichoblastoma and cylindroma. A few cases
of malignant changes in eccrine spiradenoma has been reported very
rarely. Malignant changes may occur if the eccrine spiradenoma lasts
long enough and clinically shows rapid cystic growth pattern. US study
reveals a well-demarcated mass with lobulated contours and does not
extend into the musculi-fascial tissues. Management consists of local
excision removing the tumor completely to avoid recurrence. In cases of
incomplete surgical removal a high risk of local recurrence has been
reported. Early and complete surgical excision is curative in most
1- Kim J, Yang HJ, Pyo JS: Eccrine Spiradenoma of the Scalp.Arch Craniofac Surg. 18(3):211-213, 2017
2- Kwon KE, Kim SJ, Choi HJ, Jung YY, Park NH, Park JY, Baek SH:
Sonographic appearance of an eccrine spiradenoma: A case report. J Clin
Ultrasound. 2017 Dec 22. doi: 10.1002/jcu.22572.
3- Donaldson K, Scott G, Cantor FK, Patronas NJ, Quezado M, Heiss JD:
Eccrine spiradenoma mimicking a painful traumatic neuroma: case report.
J Neurosurg. 2017 Oct 27:1-4. doi: 10.3171/2017.5.JNS162999.
4- Son JH, Choi YW, Cho YS, Byun YS, Chung BY, Cho HJ, Kim HO, Park CW:
A Case of Eccrine Spiradenoma: A Rarely Seen Soft Tissue Tumor on the
Extensor Surface of Arm. Ann Dermatol. 29(4):519-522, 2017
5- Rekhi B, Agarwal A: Cytopathologic features of an unusual case of
multiple eccrine spiradenomas misdiagnosed as a malignant round cell
tumor. J Cytol. 34(1):39-42, 2017