Only initiate the download from within the Web page document containing the hyperlink to the desired document.
1.From the Options menu select Load to Disk. Note: the Load to Disk option is a toggle. If a check mark appears before the item, it is turned on and is active; if no check mark appears, the function is turned off and is inactive.
2.When Load to Disk is active, clicking on hyperlinks will pop up a Save As... dialog box and allow you to save the selected file to a local disk without displaying it on your monitor. A directory and filename may be specified via the dialog box. From within the Web page document, select the hyperlink associated with the desired file in order to download that file.
3.After the file has been saved to your hard drive, select Load to Disk once more in order to disable it (Load to Disk will no longer have a check mark).
If you are still having trouble downloading files, send your questions, comments or problems to: pediatricsurgerypr@gmail.com
Before downloading .pdf files, you should first set up Adobe Acrobat as a helper application. For more information, check out Adobe's "Acrobat and the Web".
1.From the Options menu select Preferences.
2.From the pull-down menu, select Helper Applications. You will see a scrolling list of file types, their extensions, and the application relevant to that file type.
3.Select the New button to define a new file type.
4.Enter "application" in the box labeled MIME Type.
5.Enter "acrobat" in the box labeled MIME SubType.
6.Select the Okay button, or press the Enter key.
7.Enter "pdf" in the box labeled Extensions:.
8.To save the document to your hard drive: Select the Save radio button in the Action area.
9.To launch the Acrobat Reader automatically upon receiving the .pdf file: Enter the path to ACROREAD.EXE in the box labeled Launch Application:. If you are unsure of the location of ACROREAD.EXE on your system, select the Browse button to search the drive(s) for your ACROREAD.EXE file. Note: If you decide to launch the application from Netscape, the file will be temporarily stored in your TEMP subdirectory. In order to preserve a copy of the file for later use, be sure to move or copy the .pdf file from your TEMP subdirectory before closing Netscape.
10.Select the Okay button.
When you now select an FTP link from the web pages, you will either save the .pdf file to your hard drive, or automatically launch Acrobat Reader, bringing up the .pdf file.
If you are still having trouble downloading files, send your questions, comments or problems to: pediatricsurgerypr@gmail.com
To Download a document from MS Internet Explorer
1- Click the *.pdf file you are going to download
2- If you have Acrobat Reader 3.0 available a window will pop-up showing you the document
3- If there is no such window go to: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html and download Acrobat Reader 3.0 and install it.
4- To verify whether you have it installed in MS Internet Explorer go to VIEW >>> OPTIONS >>> PROGRAMS. Click FILES TYPE. Adobe Acrobat Document should be there. If not Download it and install it.
If you are still having trouble downloading files,
your questions, comments or problems to: pedeiatricsurgerypr@gmail.comto
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