PSU Volume 62 NO 01 JANUARY 2024
Contrast-induced Nephropathy
Contrast-induce nephropathy (CIN)
refers to an increase in serum creatinine or a reduction in renal
function in the form of acute kidney injury seen within the first 24
hours after intravenous contrast exposure for imaging peaking up to
five days afterwards. The proportional rise in creatinine is usually
25-30% above baseline in CIN. Creatinine increases within 1-7 days and
usually returns to baseline at 7-14 days. Permanent kidney damage
rarely develops in these patients. In children the incidence of CIN
after intravenous urographic studies is near 15%, while in adults CIN
has been reported as the third most common cause of hospital-acquired
renal failure in 11% of cases. Contrast used for radiological
procedures rely on iodine for their radio-opacity. Iodinated contrast
medium may be ionic or non-ionic. Ionic mediums create a high
osmolality in blood. This high osmolality in plasma is associated with
red blood cell deformation, systemic vasodilation with consequent
intrarenal vasoconstriction and direct kidney tubular toxicity.
Associated with the pathophysiologic of CIN is renal medullary hypoxia,
pre-glomerular vasoconstriction, and the cytotoxic effects of the
contrast material by itself. Contrast causes release of renal
vasoconstrictors such as adenosine and endothelin resulting in
reduction in medullary blood flow leading to medullary hypoxia and
tubular cell death. The degree of cytotoxicity is related to length of
exposure, high urinary flow rates and after contrast procedures is
essential. Hypotension and bleeding aggravates the renal damage
secondary to contrast. Reducing the osmolality of contrast agents comes
at the price of increased viscosity which reduces glomerular filtration
rate and medullary oxygenation with slowing of urinary flow leading to
renal retention of contrast which aggravates the cytotoxic effect.
Known risk factor for the development of CIN include hyperglycemia
(diabetes), nephrotoxic drugs, chronic or intrinsic kidney disease and
concurrent acute kidney injury. Hypotension and volume depletion
increases the risk of CIN. Repeated exposure to iodinated material and
pediatric kidney transplant recipients are also risk factors for CIN.
Kidney injury after CIN occurs within minutes of exposure to contrast
agents, though the rise in creatinine occurs a day or two latter. Most
patients are nonoliguric. Almost all cases are mild with a decline in
serum creatinine within 3 to 7 days. Other manifestations of CIN
include hyperkalemia, acidosis, and hyperphosphatemia. Fortunately,
most CIN cases are self-limited. Management is conservative with
dialyses needed in 1% of cases unless the patient has an underlying
renal impairment. Mortality rates of 20% has been reported in adults,
while there is an associated increase in hospital stay. The risk of
developing CIN in hospitalized children with stable mildly diminished
renal function is low. It is important to assess renal function before
administration of contrast material in children. Serum creatinine and
estimated GFR should be assessed. In cases of emergency, a thorough
history should be taken to rule out risk factors such as diabetes,
volume depletion, and concurrent nephrotoxic drugs use. Prevention
strategies include the volume of contrast should be determined by the
size of the child. The administration of intravenous fluids (hydration)
remains the cornerstone prevention of CIN. The most commonly utilized
fluid is isotonic saline. There is no approved drugs for the prevention
of CIN. The additional benefit of a number of drugs such as
N-acetylcysteine, statins, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor
blockers, and vitamin C in preventing CIN has not been proved
conclusively. Iodixanol is the least nephrotoxic low osmolar agents
available. In patients in dialysis the use of iso-osmolar contrast
agents to reduce the chances of volume overload are preferred. Major
contraindications for use of iodinated contrast agents include history
of allergy, impaired renal function, and
1- Karcaaltincaba M, Oguz B, Haliloglu M: Current status of
contrast-induced nephropathy and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in
children. Pediatr Radiol. 39 Suppl 3:382-4, 2009
2- Verghese PS: Contrast nephropathy in children. J Pediatr Intensive Care. 3(2):45-52, 2014
3- van der Molen AJ, Reimer P, Dekkers IA, et al: Post-contrast acute
kidney injury. Part 2: risk stratification, role of hydration and
other prophylactic measures, patients taking metformin and chronic
dialysis patients : Recommendations for updated ESUR Contrast Medium
Safety Committee guidelines. Eur Radiol. 28(7):2856-2869, 2018
4- Maloney E, Iyer RS, Phillips GS, Menon S, Lee JJ, Callahan MJ:
Practical administration of intravenous contrast media in children:
screening, prophylaxis, administration and treatment of adverse
reactions. Pediatr Radiol. 49(4):433-447, 2019
5- Paltiel HJ: Hospitalized Children with Stable Kidney Function Rarely
Develop Contrast-induced Nephropathy. Radiology. 294(3):557-558, 2020
6- Agarwal Y, Rameshkumar R, Krishnamurthy S, Senthilkumar GP:
Incidence, Risk Factors, the Role of Plasma NGAL and Outcome of
Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Children. Indian
J Pediatr. 88(1):34-40, 2021
Perioperative Respiratory Adverse Events
Perioperative respiratory adverse
events (PRAE) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children
undergoing anesthesia and surgery. PRAE have long been a primary safety
concern for health care professionals because they can be followed by
increased risk for cardiac arrest, prolonged hospital stay, and
increased long-term mortality. Age, weight, anesthesia duration, ASA
class, pain score, and surgical season are independent risk factors for
PRAE development. Children with grade II and III ASA classification
show an increased risk of developing PRAE. A detailed history of risk
factors taken from the children and families is a good predictor for
adverse respiratory events. Immunologic markers of allergic
sensitization does not predict adverse respiratory events. Common cold
and upper respiratory infections (URI) are common in children with
seasonal variations and increase incidence in colder months. URI are
the most common reason of surgery cancellation in children. Rhinovirus
is by far the most frequent virus causing URI in children. Respiratory
syncytial virus infection is a more severe form of respiratory
infection that merits attention and careful risk benefit analysis
before proceeding with anesthesia and surgery. Viral infection causes
airway inflammation that leads to increase secretions, airway
susceptibility and bronchial hyperreactivity with increased risk if
PRAE. URI is defined by rhinorrhea, sore or scratchy throat,
sneezing, nasal congestion, malaise, cough, or fever above 38-degree C.
Performing anesthesia in children with URI increase the risk of PRAE by
a factor of 30%, such as laryngospasm, bronchospasm, desaturation, and
breath holding. This is more pronounced in infants and premature
children. The majority of observational studies have shown that
endotracheal tubes are associated with the highest risk of PRAE
compared with less invasive airways such as laryngeal or face mask. In
general, the risk of PRAE is higher on removal than insertion of
airways devices. Neither the use of benzodiazepines for premedication
in children with URI nor the use of topical lidocaine to reduce
laryngospasm is recommended. Bronchodilators as salbutamol are
recommend. Propofol has good airway reflex (laryngospasm and
bronchospasm) blunting properties and is, the ideal agent to be used
during the induction in children with increased risk of PRAE. Total
intravenous anesthesia with propofol is associated with lower PRAE
compared to inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane in healthy children
following removal of the laryngeal mask during an awake state. Volatile
anesthetics agents have good bronchodilator properties but limited
effects in suppressing airways reflexes. Sevoflurane is preferred for
induction and maintenance due to its bronchodilator effect. Obese
children and adolescents are prone to numerous comorbidities.
Respiratory comorbidity is the most common and includes bronchial
hyperreactivity and symptoms of severe asthma, increase risk for
obstructive sleep apnea and obesity hypoventilation syndrome with
impaired lung function indicated by decreased respiratory variables.
With regards to the upper airways, it can be narrowed by subcutaneous
fat deposition on palatal and pharyngeal soft tissues along with flashy
cheeks and a large tongue. Obesity is linked to increase risk of PRAE,
airway obstruction, hypoxemia, and difficult mask ventilation. Obese
children are also vulnerable to airways infections and gastroesophageal
reflux. Bronchial asthma is not only more common among obese children
but also followed by increased risk for bronchospasm after general
anesthesia with tracheal intubation. To reduce the incidence of PRAE in
obese children the use of short-acting opioids and nonopioid analgesics
along with regional anesthesia should be used. Noninvasive airway
management protective mechanical ventilation, and complete reversion of
neuromuscular blockade and awake extubation also is beneficial to
prevent PRAE. Postoperative care and continuous monitoring of
oxygenation and ventilation are mandatory and can accelerate recovery
after surgery in obese children. The increased risk of PRAE also occurs
with children with sleep disorder breathing such as sleep apnea
syndrome, central sleep apnea and nocturnal hypoventilation. Most of
these cases of PRAE are limited to children with sleep disorders
undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy which are recommended to
stay in-hospital overnight for observation. Most uncomplicated children
with mild URI can typically proceed with elective anesthesia. Most
recommendations include that for a moderate to severe URI elective
anesthetics should be delayed two to four weeks, and for respiratory
syncytial viral or lower airway infection the delay should be at least
six weeks. The risk of PRAE can be predicted using the COLDS
1- Kiekkas P, Stefanopoulos N, Bakalis N, Kefaliakos A,
Konstantinou E: Perioperative Adverse Respiratory Events in
Overweight/Obese Children: Systematic Review. J Perianesth Nurs.
31(1):11-22, 2016
2- Regli A, Becke K, von Ungern-Sternberg BS: An update on the
perioperative management of children with upper respiratory tract
infections. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 30(3):362-367, 2017
3- Pehora C, Faraoni D, Obara S, Amin R, Igbeyi B, Al-Izzi A, Sayal A,
Sayal A, Mc Donnell C: Predicting Perioperative Respiratory Adverse
Events in Children With Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Anesth Analg.
132(4):1084-1091, 2021
4- Marjanovic V, Budic I, Golubovic M, Breschan C: Perioperative
respiratory adverse events during ambulatory anesthesia in obese
children. Ir J Med Sci.191(3):1305-1313, 2022
5- Jarraya A, Kammoun M, Ammar S, Feki W, Kolsi K: Predictors of
perioperative respiratory adverse events among children with upper
respiratory tract infection undergoing pediatric ambulatory
ilioinguinal surgery: a prospective observational research. World J
Pediatr Surg. 21;6(2):e000524. doi:10.1136/wjps-2022-000524, 2023
6- Karam C, Zeeni C, Yazbeck-Karam V, Shebbo FM, Khalili A, Abi Raad
SG, Beresian J, Aouad MT, Kaddoum R: Respiratory Adverse Events After
LMA© Mask Removal in Children: A Randomized Trial Comparing
Propofol to Sevoflurane. Anesth Analg. 136(1):25-33, 2023
Esophageal Anastomotic Stricture
Anastomotic stricture (AS)
is defined as a narrowing at the level of the esophageal anastomosis
detected by barium contrast study and/or endoscopy, associated with
significant functional impairment and symptoms. AS remains the most
common complication following operative repair of esophageal atresia in
children occurring in 20-50% of cases. Though there are some specific
predictors of AS formation, the majority of patients continue to
manifest this complication without risk factors. Predisposing factors
for the formation of anastomotic stricture identified include
prematurity, low birth weight, presence of VACTERL association,
anastomotic leakage, anastomotic tension, increase length of esophageal
gap between the upper and lower pouch (> 1.5 cm), type of suture
material (such as silk), traction technique repair (Foker), use of
transanastomotic tube, and gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD).Vascular compromise leading to AS affects especially the lower
esophagus, which has a segmental blood supply from the aorta or the
intercostal blood vessels. Too much mobilization risk
devascularization. No association between acid suppression duration and
stricture formation has been found. Prophylactic acid reflux therapy do
not reduce the incidence of esophageal stricture after repair of
esophageal atresia. After an esophageal anastomosis is quite natural to
see a degree of narrowing after repair due to circular wound
contraction. Children with AS develop feeding and swallowing
difficulty, drooling, regurgitation, vomiting, coughing, and choking
during feeding, regurgitation, apneic spells, foreign body impaction,
and poor weight gain. These symptoms can also be associated with
esophageal dysmotility, recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula, severe
tracheomalacia, gastroesophageal reflux, swallowing incoordination,
laryngeal cleft, or vocal cord dysfunction. Initial workup of
symptomatic children with suspected AS should include contrast
esophagogram, followed by flexible upper endoscopy, rigid or flexible
tracheoscopy as needed. Most surgeons perform an esophagogram between 5
and 10 days after repair of esophageal atresia to rule out the presence
of an anastomotic leak. An esophageal anastomotic stricture index
(EASI) has been developed using fluoroscopic evaluation of the upper
gastrointestinal tract in the early postoperative period. Two pouch
ratios are generated using the narrowest stricture diameter well filles
with contrast, divided by the maximal upper (U-EASI) and lower
respective pouch diameter (L-EASI). A ratio of 0.25 means that the
diameter at the anastomosis is 25% of the diameter of the patient
normal esophagus. The lower pouch stricture ratio (L-EASI) is superior
in determining the prognosis for patient with AS. Since the upper pouch
is dilated due to the chronic obstruction in utero, the lower pouch
provides a more accurate measurement of the real esophageal diameter.
An L-EASI les than 0.30 is highly correlated with need of esophageal
dilatation. The EASI is simple, reproducible tool to identify children
at risk of AS, guide frequency of follow-up and schedule further
contrast studies need. The treatment of choice for patients with AS
after esophageal atresia repair is dilation, typically performed in the
symptomatic patient with radiologic evidence of stricture. Prophylactic
dilatation of the anastomosis has no benefit in the prevention of
symptomatic stricture. Primary goal of esophageal dilation is to
achieve symptoms relief, permit maintenance of age-appropriate oral
nutrition, and reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration. Two types of
dilators are used: fixed diameter push type dilators (bougie dilators)
and radial expanding balloon dilators. Bougie dilators are weighted
(tungsten filled) or wire-guided dilators. Blind passage of
non-wire-guided bougies may lead to a higher risk of perforation and to
incorrect passage of a dilator into the trachea. Wire guided dilation
provides assurances the dilator is following the line of the esophageal
lumen. Bougies are reusable. Balloon dilators exert radial forces, the
force is delivered simultaneously over the entire length of the
stricture and are single use. Balloon dilatation is performed under
fluoroscopy or endoscopy. Most frequent reported complication of
dilation is perforation, hemorrhage, and bacteremia (0.1-0.4%). Balloon
dilation requires fewer procedures than bougies. Through the scope
balloon dilatation is currently the most frequently used method of
therapy. Risk of perforation is minimized by limiting dilation to no
more than three sequential dilators size once moderate resistance is
encountered (`rule of three'). Severe GERD is frequently observed in
cases of severe AS due to corrosive esophagitis or long-gap esophageal
atresia AS. Cicatricial shortening of the esophagus represents an
important cause of GERD needing PPI treatment to treat esophagitis and
acid damage, with a great need of fundoplication if the problem
persists due to reflux. Intralesional steroid injection (triamcinolone)
benefits is controversial in reducing recurrent stricture formation.
Intralesional steroid injection with dilation is well tolerated,
improves AS diameter when compared with dilation alone, but effect is
limited to the first three injections. Evidence is lacking to suggest a
benefit to systemic steroid use in AS. Mitomycin C is an antineoplastic
antibiotic with anti-fibroblastic activity. Topical application of
Mitomycin C to the stricture as adjunct to dilatation produce
significant symptoms improvement and a reduction in the need of
dilatations. Endoscopic incisional therapy with dilation can be used in
short or asymmetric strictures. Esophageal stenting is a promising tool
for management of refractory or recalcitrant AS creating prolonged
lumen patency and better oral feeding. Patient tolerance and migration
are adverse event with this therapy. Children who fail to respond to
all conservative strategies, including responding to 7-10 dilation
sessions, require surgical intervention (3-7%), which is commonly
perform with resection and re-anastomosis. Long segment (>3 cm)
strictures will need staged approach with segmental resection and
traction process. Other causes of esophageal stricture include
congenital esophageal stenosis, disk battery ingestion, peptic and
eosinophilic esophagitis, actinic or neoplastic esophageal stricture,
and epidermolysis bullosa.
1- Sun LY, Laberge JM, Yousef Y, Baird R: The Esophageal
Anastomotic Stricture Index (EASI) for the management of esophageal
atresia. J Pediatr Surg. 50(1):107-10, 2015
2- Tambucci R, Angelino G, De Angelis P, et al: Anastomotic Strictures
after Esophageal Atresia Repair: Incidence, Investigations, and
Management, Including Treatment of Refractory and Recurrent Strictures.
Front Pediatr. 5:120, 2017
3- Ngo PD, Kamran A, Clark SJ, et al: Intralesional Steroid Injection
Therapy for Esophageal Anastomotic Stricture Following Esophageal
Atresia Repair. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 70(4):462-467, 2020
4- Angelino G, Tambucci R, Torroni F, De Angelis P, Dall'Oglio L: New
therapies for esophageal strictures in children. Curr Opin Pediatr.
33(5):503-508, 2021
5- Huang J, Liao J, Yang S, et al: Anastomotic stricture indexes for
endoscopic balloon dilation after esophageal atresia repair: a
single-center study. Dis Esophagus. 34(6):doaa103.doi:
10.1093/dote/doaa103, 2021
6- Bowder AN, Bence CM, Rymeski BA, et al: Acid suppression duration
does not alter anastomotic stricture rates after esophageal atresia
with distal tracheoesophageal fistula repair: A prospective
multi-institutional cohort study. J Pediatr Surg. 57(6):975-980, 2022
7- Kamran A, Smithers CJ, Izadi SN, et al: Surgical Treatment of
Esophageal Anastomotic Stricture After Repair of Esophageal Atresia. J
Pediatr Surg.58(12):2375-2383, 2023
PSU Volume 62 No 02 FEBRUARY 2024
Total Colonic Aganglionosis
Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is characterized by bowel obstruction.
Diagnosis is confirmed by finding aganglionosis of the inert-myenteric
plexus with absent calretinin staining in rectal biopsy. Development of
result from abnormalities in the colonization of the enteric nervous
system with faulty neuroblast migration during fetal live. Most cases
involved aganglionosis of rectosigmoid. Total colonic aganglionosis
(TCA) with or without distal small bowel involvement occur in 8%
(5-15%) of all cases of HD with a 1:1 gender involvement. Within this
group, those with a transitional zone within 5 cm of the ileocecal
valve are TCA, with a transitional zone of more than five cm from
ileocecal valve to 20 cm from ligament of Treitz is called small
intestinal HD, and a transitional zone within 20 cm of the ligament of
Treitz is recognized as total intestinal HD. Digestive autonomy may be
achieved in children who have at least 80 cm of remnant ganglionic
small bowel. TCA involvement has significant morbidity and mortality
than short segment HD requiring more complex medical and operative
management. Improvement in management is associated with earlier
diagnosis of TCA, earlier management of enterocolitis and improvement
in supportive care. TCA is regarded as a genetic, sex modified,
multifactorial condition with a variable severity and incomplete
penetrance of a number of genes. Contrary to other belief, the use of
the appendix for diagnosis of TCA has a 100% sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value, and negative predictive value, but should
not be used as the sole diagnostic indicator of TCA as the absence of
calretinin corroborates the diagnosis. The appendix should not be
removed completely, just the distal 1 cm, in case is needed later for
bowel management (Malone). The surgical treatment of TCA has two goals:
remove the aganglionic bowel, and to provide children with a good
quality of life which is reflected in an acceptable frequency of bowel
movements, fecal continence, and no symptoms of enterocolitis. Most
children with TCA are managed with a diverting ileostomy with ganglion
cells from diagnosis. These children with ileostomy struggle with
growth and fluid losses, and benefit from a comprehensive nutritional
evaluation and optimization prior to a pull through. Prior to
pull-through the consistency of stool should thicken to an apple sauce
consistency. This can occur between 9 and 12 months after the
ileostomy. Pectin and water-soluble fiber can increase the consistency
and volume output. Loperamide is also utilized to increase consistency
since it increases gastrointestinal transit time by reducing activity
in both the longitudinal and circular muscle fibers, as well as
reducing secretions of gastric acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes thus
reducing the luminal fluid content. Proceeding with the pull-through
for TCA in HD once the child is growing well and the stools have
started to thicken is the best recommendation, the timing of which
usually occurs sometimes between six and 18 months of life. Once ready
for pull-through the surgery is generally performed without a covering
stoma, unless anatomic or technical decisions favor a proximal
diversion. There is no consensus on the preferred procedure to perform
in TCA. Long term TCA children may only achieve a good outcome in
50-60% of cases. Reconstruction procedure for TAC encompass two groups:
those that retain various length of aganglionic colon as a form of
patch to improve absorptive capacities (Kimura, Martin, and Duhamel),
and procedures that use small bowel ganglionic bowel such as the
straight ileoanal (Swenson, Soave, transanal or laparoscopic) or
J-pouches with short limb (4-5 cm) pull-through. The most commonly
performed surgical reconstructions in TCA are J-pouch with ileoanal
anastomosis, straight ileoanal anastomosis and Duhamel. Contemporary
expertsÕ recommendations support straight ileoanal pull-through
as preferred conduit, which should be diverted if constructed in the
newborn period. The Duhamel procedure has been popular for TCA so long
as a spur is avoided to avoid postoperative obstructive symptoms. The
residual aganglionic segment of rectum can result in
constipation/fecalomas and incontinence. Recurrent or chronic
enterocolitis and the need for intrasphincteric botulinum injections is
less common after the Duhamel operation. The Martin procedure with a
long side to side anastomosis of ganglionic ileum to aganglionic colon
has been abandoned due to technical difficulty, high complication rate
and need of multiple operations. The same has happened with the Kimura
colonic patch procedure. The Swenson procedure leaves the least amount
of aganglionic bowel behind but due to the low dissection the
sphincters can be damaged causing incontinence, or damage to other
structures such as vagina and urethra. Pena suggest an approach for TCA
consisting of colectomy with straight ileoanal anastomosis and
ileostomy at presentation in the newborn period. Closure of ileostomy
is performed when the child is toilet trained for urine and willing to
tolerate rectal irrigations. A covering enterostomy significantly
reduced the incidence of postoperative complications such as
anastomotic leak. Most frequent early complication among patients
without a protective stoma is perineal rash. Postoperative care must
consider an aggressive approach to perineal skin care
(cyanoacrylate-based liquids), optimization of stool content output
with pectin/water soluble fiber, avoidance of foods with high sugar
content, sodium supplementation, and use of loperamide for frequent
stools. Enterocolitis is overall the most common postop complication,
followed by fecal incontinence and soiling. Over time children with TCA
or long-segment aganglionosis do not suffer from worse fecal
incontinence in general. A difference in stool consistency may underlie
the association between liquid fecal incontinence and TCA and
constipation in children with rectosigmoid aganglionosis. General
quality of life is comparable on reaching adulthood in HD
1- Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Pena: Total colonic aganglionosis: a surgical
challenge. How to avoid complications? Pediatr Surg Int.
27(10):1047-52, 2011
2- Urla C, Lieber J, Obermayr F, et al: Surgical treatment of children
with total colonic aganglionosis: functional and metabolic long-term
outcome. BMC Surg. 18(1):58, 2018
3- Stenstrom P, Kyrklund K, Bautigam M, et al: Total colonic
aganglionosis: multicentre study of surgical treatment and
patient-reported outcomes up to adulthood. BJS Open. 4(5):943-953, 2020
4- Reppucci ML, Arnold MA, Lovell M, et al: Is the appendix a good
organ to diagnose total colonic aganglionosis? Pediatr Surg Int.
38(1):25-30, 2022
5- Payen E, Talbotec C, Chardot C, et al: Outcome of Total Colonic
Aganglionosis Involving the Small Bowel Depends on Bowel Length, Liver
Disease, and Enterocolitis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.
74(5):582-587, 2022
6- Verkuijl SJ, Meinds RJ, van der Steeg AFW, et al: Functional
Outcomes After Surgery for Total Colonic, Long-Segment, Versus
Rectosigmoid Segment Hirschsprung Disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
Nutr. 74(3):348-354, 2022
7- Wood RJ(1), Garrison AP: Total Colonic Aganglionosis in Hirschsprung disease. Semin Pediatr Surg. 31(2):151165, 2022
Vaginal Reconstruction
Absence of the vagina in children is rare. Vaginal reconstruction
in children is needed in patient with congenital agenesis of the vagina
(aplasia of Mullerian ducts associated with the 46 XX
Mayer-Rokitansky-KŸster-Hauser syndrome), complete androgen
insensitivity syndrome (46 XY testicular feminizing syndrome),
congenital adrenogenital syndrome with absent or hypoplastic vagina,
after pelvic tumors or posttraumatic injury. In all these cases a
vaginal replacement is needed. The proposed, motivation for performing
feminizing genitoplasty procedures earlier in life is to produce the
best psychological outcome for the child by helping them to avoid
stigma, optimizing future self-esteem and sexual satisfaction, and
reducing psychological risk. The most common condition needing vaginal
reconstruction is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (40%) with a median
age of 2.4 years and almost 75% performed in patients under age 12.
Recent studies demonstrate a low 30-day postoperative complication
(6%), readmission (7.9%) and reoperation (4%) rate after vaginoplasty
in children. Surgically assigning anatomical gender before a patient
has capacity to make informed decisions regarding their own gender
identity can be detrimental to psychological well-being. The goal of
vaginal reconstruction surgery is a technique with a very low morbidity
and complications as well as no mortality. Its aim is the creation of a
vagina that requires a simple and non-psychologically traumatic nursing
that gives the possibility to perform coitus without pain, discomfort,
and embarrassing secretions. In children basically three types of
surgical procedures has been developed for vaginal reconstruction: the
inlay skin-graft technique, the use of grafts (peritoneum, bladder
buccal mucosa, amnion), and replacement using bowel (colon or ileum).
The split-thickness skin graft is indicated only in cases of small
reconstructions of the distal vaginal tract since it requires
lubrication, prolonged vaginal dilations, or sexual intercourses to
maintain patency. Using this technique contracture, shortening,
bleeding and dyspareunia is frequently found. The amnion graft or the
pelvic peritoneum graft should be avoided in children since those
tissues are very fragile and require vaginal stenting and dilatations.
Some nonsurgical techniques to create an artificial vagina, such as the
Abbe-McIndoe procedure (perineal cleavage covered with a skin graft) or
simply mechanical dilatations are difficult to apply in preadolescent
children due to the long period of vaginal dilatations and in most
cases subsequent surgical management is needed. Most of these cases
need a well-motivated patient. These procedures are complicated by high
grade of vaginal stenosis, flap loss, graft shortening, unsightly donor
site scars, the possibility of hair in the vagina, deficient
lubrication, and potential for squamous cell carcinoma in the graft.
With paucity of local tissues, vaginal reconstruction may require
utilization of donor material. Autologous buccal mucosa is an excellent
graft material because of its robust vascularity and elasticity. With
excellent color and texture matching to genital and vaginal skin,
buccal mucosa generates moist, hairless, non-keratinized neovaginal
mucosa. The tissue is readily available, and the donor site scar are
completely hidden inside the mouth. Autologous buccal mucosa
vaginoplasty also avoids abdominal surgery with no risk for bowel
obstruction, prolapse, or anatomic leak. Autologous buccal mucosa can
be utilized in distal vaginal augmentation in patients with distal
vaginal agenesis or urogenital sinus vaginal reconstruction as well as
offer a novel technique for total neovagina creation in cases of
vaginal agenesis, the secondary repair of vaginal stenosis after
previous vaginoplasty, as well as for the creation of the external
genitalia when tissues are lacking. Buccal mucosa can be used to
augment a foreshortened vagina, create a total neovagina, or in the
repair of a vaginal stricture after prior vaginoplasty. Also, the use
of buccal mucosal graft coupled with intravaginal wound vacuum therapy
offers a promising new approach resulting in an excellent engraftment
rate. In pediatric patients isolated intestinal segments provides an
ideal tissue for an artificial vagina creation. The sigmoid segment is
the segment of choice as excellent tissue for vaginal replacement, with
the ileal bowel when the sigmoid is not available. Ileum produces more
abundant and less lubricating secretions than the sigmoid segment and
is also more fragile causing bleeding after intercourse. Sigmoid colon
is easy to mobilize, offers a more appropriate size vaginal canal and
permits to obtain an adequate length without problems. The usual length
utilized is 10-12 cm of sigmoid colon with good functional results and
low risk of diversion colitis. In colovaginoplasty the secretions are
initially excessive, but after two to 3 months they normalized. Colonic
mucosa is more resistant to trauma and a mould is not needed to
maintain patency. Using colon, the possibility of end-to-end
anastomosis between the neovagina and the uterus in cases of a patent
uterus is possible. The ideal surgical time for vaginal reconstruction
is after puberty.
1- Lima M, Ruggeri G, Randi B, DAýmini M, Gargano T, La Pergola
E, Gregori G: Vaginal replacement in the pediatric age group: a 34-year
experience of intestinal vaginoplasty in children and young girls. J
Pediatr Surg. 45(10):2087-91, 2010
2- van Leeuwen K, Baker L, Grimsby G: Autologous buccal mucosa graft
for primary and secondary reconstruction of vaginal anomalies. Semin
Pediatr Surg. 2019 Oct;28(5):150843
3- Bischoff A, Alaniz VI, Trecartin A, Pena A: Vaginal reconstruction
for distal vaginal atresia without anorectal malformation: is the
approach different? Pediatr Surg Int. 35(9):963-966, 2019
4- Avino A, Raducu L, Tulin A, et al: Vaginal Reconstruction in
Patients with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kauster-Hauser Syndrome-One Centre
Experience. Medicina (Kaunas). 56(7):327, 2020
5- Ostertag-Hill CA, Nandivada P, McNamara ER, Lee RS, Dickie BH:
Primary and secondary vaginal reconstruction with autologous buccal
mucosa and intravaginal wound vacuum therapy. J Pediatr Surg.
57(8):1687-1693, 2022
6- Nathaniel S, Oleru O, Seyidova N, Levy L, Taub PJ, Horesh E: Vaginal
Reconstruction in the Pediatric Population: An Analysis of a National
Database. J Pediatr Surg. 58(12):2405-2409, 2023
Low-Pressure Pneumoperitoneum
Over time, there has been a substantial increase in the utilization
of laparoscopy as a surgical approach in pediatric patients. Carbon
dioxide (CO2) serves as the insufflation gas, and the absorption of CO2
can lead to hypercapnia. The establishment and maintenance of a stable
pneumoperitoneum play a crucial role in minimally invasive surgery, as
it is imperative for creating adequate operative space to safely
manipulate instruments. The induction of hypercapnia through CO2
insufflation results in an elevation of cerebral blood volume and
cerebral blood flow velocity. Elevated intraabdominal pressure during
CO2 pneumoperitoneum contributes to increased intracranial pressure.
CO2 insufflation during laparoscopy has both mechanical and
pharmacological effects on the cardiorespiratory system. Hypercapnia,
resulting from CO2 absorption into peritoneal blood vessels, induces an
increase in heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) through
heightened release of catecholamines. Even after desufflation, both HR
and MAP remain elevated due to a delay in the reduction of CO2 levels.
Hypercapnia induces moderate vasodilation in most tissues and marked
vasodilation in the brain. However, CO2 pneumoperitoneum may lead to
side effects such as pulmonary hypertension, hypercapnia, and acidosis.
To mitigate these effects, patients are hyperventilated. Hemodynamic
changes observed during pneumoperitoneum with pressures exceeding 8
mmHg in children include increased heart rate and blood pressure, along
with decreased cardiac index (CI). CO2 insufflation, with the operating
table in the reverse-Trendelenburg position while maintaining constant
minute-ventilation, results in significant increases in CI, HR, MAP,
and peak inspiratory pressure (PIP). The increase in CI is primarily
due to an elevated HR. These effects are influenced by both the
intraabdominal pressure (IAP) magnitude and the neurohumoral effect
induced by hypercapnia. An IAP above 10 mmHg in children results in
decreased venous return, left ventricular preload, left ventricular
cardiac output, and aortic blood flow. Additionally, it leads to
changes in pulmonary function due to diaphragm elevation, reduced
functional residual capacity, and increased alveolar dead space.
Low-pressure pneumoperitoneum (LPP) during laparoscopy has been
introduced to minimize intraoperative hemodynamic changes and
neuroendocrine stress reactions. LPP (below 10 mmHg), facilitated by
deep neuromuscular blockade, is considered safe and feasible while
offering physiological and clinical benefits. These advantages include
lower postoperative pain scores, reduced incidence of infectious
complications, and decreased opioid consumption. Patients operated at
LPP exhibit lower surgical site hypoxia and inflammation markers, along
with less impaired early postoperative cytokine production. LPP results
in less tissue hypoxia, lower circulating tissue damage markers, and a
less impaired postoperative innate cytokine production capacity.
Increased IAP during laparoscopy predominantly affects the
cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. The primary impact of LPP lies in
postoperative pain and analgesic consumption. Post-laparoscopic pain
can be categorized into three components: referred shoulder pain,
superficial or incisional wound pain, and deep intra-abdominal pain.
Different types of pain may correspond to distinct etiologies, with
referred pain often attributed to CO2-induced diaphragm or phrenic
nerve irritation. Deep intraabdominal pain is primarily caused by bowel
traction, abdominal wall stretch, and compression of intraabdominal
organs. Symptoms attributable to pneumoperitoneum pressure may also
contribute. While the use of LPP may significantly increase operative
time due to reduced surgeon visibility, its implementation is vital in
addressing postoperative pain and promoting optimal patient outcomes.
1- de Waal EE, de Vries JW, Kruitwagen CL, Kalkman CJ. The effects of
low-pressure carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum on cerebral oxygenation
and cerebral blood volume in children. Anesth Analg. 94(3):500-5, 2002
2- De Waal EE, Kalkman CJ. Haemodynamic changes during
low-pressure carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in young children.
Paediatr Anaesth. 13(1):18-25, 2003
3- Niu X, Song X, Su A, Zhao S, Li Q. Low-pressure capnoperitoneum
reduces stress responses during pediatric laparoscopic high ligation of
indirect inguinal hernia sac: A randomized controlled study. Medicine
(Baltimore). 96(14):e6563, 2017
4- Albers KI, Polat F, Helder L, et al: Quality of Recovery and Innate
Immune Homeostasis in Patients Undergoing Low-pressure Versus
Standard-pressure Pneumoperitoneum During Laparoscopic Colorectal
Surgery (RECOVER): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Surg.
276(6):e664-e673, 2022
5- Ortenzi M, Montori G, Sartori A, et al: Low-pressure versus
standard-pressure pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a
systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Surg Endosc. 36(10):7092-7113, 2022
PSU Volume 62 No 03 MARCH 2024
Ovarian Dysgerminoma
Ovarian tumors are rare in children representing nearly 50% of all
ovarian masses with 90% being benign. Germ cell tumors of the ovary are
the most frequent histological type (60-70%) with teratoma as the main
pathology. Dysgerminoma is the most common malignant germ cell tumor of
the ovary representing only 2% of all ovarian cancers in children. It
is most frequent during adolescence and young adulthood with a peak
incidence of 15-19 years of age. Ovarian dysgerminoma is the female
counterpart of testicular seminoma derived from primitive germ cells.
Dysgerminoma are often found in association with gonadal dysgenesis and
abnormal ovaries that contain gonadoblastoma. Most females with ovarian
dysgerminoma present with non-specific symptoms, or most commonly
abdominal pain, abdominal distension, menstrual irregularity, decreased
appetite, vomiting and a palpable pelvic abdominal mass. They grow
rapidly, the tumor is quite large and may be associated with
complications like rupture, hemoperitoneum or torsion presenting as an
acute abdomen. Though dysgerminoma are hormonally inert, a few cases
have presented with precocious puberty due to elevated estradiol levels
secreted by syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells and stromal
luteinization. Most tumors arise from the right ovary.
Dysgerminoma are bilateral in 10-15% of cases. Ovarian dysgerminoma may
be associated with dysgenetic gonads that contain gonadoblastoma.
Elevation of serum lactate-dehydrogenase (LDH), cancer-antigen-125
(CA-125), beta-subunit-human-chorionic-gonadotropin (B-hCG), S-100
protein, neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and
placental-alkaline-phosphatase (PALP) are frequent findings in children
with dysgerminoma. Alpha fetoprotein is not elevated. With elevated
B-hCG pregnancy is frequently diagnosed erroneously. Pregnancy and
dysgerminoma might exist together in 20-30% of cases. LDH and PALP when
elevated are used as tumor markers to follow up these patients.
Diagnosis of an ovarian mass is done with CT-Scan and/or MRI. Findings
are of a large well-encapsulated, multilobulated, purely or
predominantly solid mass. It demonstrates an attenuation similar to
muscle and nonspecific signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The
characteristic imaging feature of dysgerminoma is fibrovascular septa
in the tumor appearing as hypodense lines on T2-weighted images and
show intense enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT and MRI images.
Ovarian dysgerminoma may also contain necrosis, hemorrhage, small
cystic change, or calcifications. Grossly, dysgerminomas are typically
large and solid with a homogenous creamy yellow to pink or tan and
lobulated appearance. On microscopic examination the neoplasm is
characterized by delicate fibrous septa, along which are lymphocytes
that intersect aggregates of polygonal clear cells with well-defined
cytoplasmic borders and angulated nuclei with prominent nucleoli giving
an alveolar pattern appearance. The histology is frequently referred to
as "fired eggs". The presence of calcifications suggest gonadoblastoma.
The finding of relatively large, round, or ovoid, "mulberry-like"
calcific foci should suggest the presence of gonadoblastoma. Most
cases of ovarian dysgerminoma present as stage I. Management of
dysgerminoma is primary surgical excision of the mass with unilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy. Fertility sparing surgery is encouraged as
frontline therapy when feasible and clinically appropriate without
compromising the prognosis. The surgical approach warrants exploration
of the peritoneal surface for nodules, prominent lymph node removal,
omentectomy if the tumor is wrap with omentum, contralateral ovarian
biopsy if abnormal and cytology of the ascitic fluid if present.
Overall survival after surgery for stage I tumor is 92%. Dysgerminoma
most frequently metastasize to the peritoneal cavity, omentum (86%),
pelvis, and abdomen as well as retroperitoneal lymph nodes. In higher
stage dysgerminoma (FIGO stages II-IV), the guidelines recommend
fertility sparing surgery followed by four cycles of chemotherapy.
Dysgerminoma are radio- and chemo-sensitive. Radiotherapy is not used
as frontline therapy due to risk of secondary malignancy, premature
ovarian failure, and a significant impact on future fertility. Standard
of care of management of advanced stage dysgerminoma (disease that has
spread outside of the ovary) is postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy
with either carboplatin or cisplatin combined with etoposide and
Bleomycin. Cisplatin based therapy is associated cardiovascular
disease, development of secondary malignant neoplasm in survivors,
ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity and gonadotoxicity (premature ovarian
failure). Patients with advanced stage dysgerminoma have an excellent
five-years event free survival and overall survival across all age
groups with both cisplatin and carboplatin therapy. Clinical trial data
support the use of carboplatin-based therapy with or without Bleomycin
as frontline treatment for all patients with advanced stage
dysgerminoma to minimize treatment related toxicity without
significantly compromising therapeutic efficacy.
1- Shah R, Xia C, Krailo M, et al: Is carboplatin-based chemotherapy as
effective as cisplatin-based chemotherapy in the treatment of
advanced-stage dysgerminoma in children, adolescents and young adults?
Gynecol Oncol. 150(2):253-260, 2018
2- Zhao S, Sun F, Bao L, et al: Pure dysgerminoma of the ovary: CT and
MRI features with pathological correlation in 13 tumors. J
Ovarian Res. 13(1):71, 2020
3- Warnnissorn M, Watkins JC, Young RH: Dysgerminoma of the Ovary: An
Analysis of 140 Cases Emphasizing Unusual Microscopic Findings and
Resultant Diagnostic Problems. Am J Surg Pathol. 45(8):1009-1027, 2021
4- Maidarti M, Garinasih PD, Anggraeni TD: Conservative surgical
staging as a means to preserve fertility in patients with dysgerminoma:
a case report. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 85(3):427-430, 2023
5- Adhikari S, Joti S, Chhetri PK: Paediatric Ovarian Dysgerminoma: A Case Report. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 60(255):985-988, 2022
6- Wood GE, Bunting CP, Veli M, et al: Seminoma and dysgerminoma:
evidence for alignment of clinical trials and de-escalation of systemic
chemotherapy. Front Oncol. 13:1271647, 2023
7- Birbas E, Kanavos T, Gkrozou F, Skentou C, Daniilidis A, Vatopoulou
A: Ovarian Masses in Children and Adolescents: A Review of the
Literature with Emphasis on the Diagnostic Approach. Children (Basel).
10(7):1114, 2023
Pouch Failure
Children with ulcerative colitis, familial adenomatous polyposis
and total colonic aganglionosis benefit from ileal pouch-anal
anastomosis (IPAA) as standard restorative procedure. Most of these
reconstructed ileo anal pouch report a good quality of life with
excellent outcomes. A significant number of patients develop short, and
long-term complications such as anastomotic leak or stricture, fistula,
pelvic sepsis, recurring pouchitis, development of perianal Crohn
disease, and pouch dysfunction. All of these complications can lead to
pouch failure which has been reported to occur in up to 15% of all
patients (5-15%). Pouch failure is defined as the need for pouch
resection, permanent diversion, or a revision/redo of the pouch
procedure. The most common causes of pouch failure have been pelvic
sepsis, poor pouch function, pouchitis and de novo Crohn's disease.
Patients who develop perineal Crohn's has the highest rate of pouch
failure (47%). Pouch failure has no significant difference in gender
distribution. Complications leading to pouch failure can occur early
(26%) or late (76%). In early failures, pelvic sepsis due to
anastomotic complications (bleeding, stapler malfunction, ischemia,
tension) play a major role. Anastomotic leakage is an independent risk
factor for pouch failure. In late pouch failures, pouch-related
fistulas with chronic sinus formation plays a major role. Primary
sclerosing cholangitis associated with ulcerative colitis can increase
pouchitis rates as well as the risk of postoperative sepsis. Patients
with pouch dysfunction present with a significant decrease in their
quality-of-life reporting bowel movement of more than 20 times per day,
urgency, tenesmus, draining fistulas, hematochezia, and abdominal
pelvic pain. Patient report food, work, and sexual restrictions,
leading to psychological impairments and general debilitation. Once
pouch failure ensues the child has several alternatives: reconstructing
the pouch, permanent ileostomy with pouch excision, or leaving the
pouch in situ. A few patients with minimal inflammatory conditions can
undergo pouch excision with ileoanal straight reconstruction depending
on the fibrotic state of the pelvis. Redo pouch surgery is lengthy and
complex with an overall morbidity rate of 40% after salvage pouch
surgery. Most common complication of redo surgery is pouch fistula,
stricture, pelvic abscess, and pouch-vaginal fistula. Complications are
more frequent in those who had pouch excision with creation of a new
pouch compared with those whose old pouch was utilized. Also, the rate
of bowel incontinence after redo surgery is higher. Pouch failure is
significantly associated with Crohn's disease-like pouch inflammation,
biologic use, and pouch revision. Pouch excision with permanent
ileostomy is a complex procedure because of the need for reoperation
within the pelvis and hence the potential for damage to pelvic
structures and risk of septic complications. Leaving the pouch in situ
has the potential drawback that patients may experience symptoms of
seepage from the anal canal (mucous drainage and anal pain), and the
risk of harboring cancer in the pouch. A permanent ileostomy is an
alternative option in circumstance where pouch excision may not be
feasible or advisable patients with incontinence, outlet obstruction,
or fistula are better served by pouch excision because they continue to
experience troubling anal symptoms after leaving the pouch in situ.
Sexual function is kept better after a pouch left in place than after
pouch excision. In general pouch excision with permanent diversion is
the treatment of choice for patients with pouch failure since its
associated with improved quality of life and prevents perineal
symptoms, including anal pain and seepage. Leaving the pouch in site is
an option when concern about reoperation in the pelvis could cause
significant urinary and sexual complications. The long-term risk of
developing dysplasia in the retained pouch seems to be minimal, though
pouch endoscopic surveillance should be performed to ensure the early
detection of any silent neoplastic transformation of the pouch or
residual anorectum.
1- Kiran RP, Kirat HT, Rottoli M, Xhaja X, Remzi FH, Fazio VW:
Permanent Ostomy After ileoanal pouch Failure: Pouch in Situ or Pouch
Excision? Dis Colon Rectum 55:4-9, 2012
2- Pappou EP, Kiran RP: The Failed J Pouch. Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 29(2):123-9, 2016
3- Helavirta I, Lehto K, Huhtala H, Hyoty M, Collin P, Aitola P: Pouch
failures following restorative proctocolectomy in ulcerative colitis.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 35: 2027-2033, 2020
4- Heuthorst L, Wasmann KATGM, Reijntjes MA, Hompes R, Buskens CJ,
Bemelman WA: Ileal Pouch-anal Anastomosis Complications and Pouch
Failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Surg Open. 2021
2(2):e074, 2021
5- Alsafi Z, Snell A, Segal JP: Prevalence of 'pouch failure' of the
ileoanal pouch in ulcerative colitis: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Int J Colorectal Dis. 37(2):357-364, 2022
6- Lynn PB, Brandstetter S, Schwartzberg DM: Pelvic Pouch Failure:
Treatment Options. Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 35(6):487-494, 2022
Refeeding Syndrome
Refeeding syndrome (RS) is an acute metabolic disturbance and
potentially life-threatening condition which occurs upon sudden and
rapid reintroduction of oral, enteral, or parenteral nutrition after
prolonged fasting or suboptimal feeding. This disease is characterized
by a rapid shift in electrolyte and fluid balance that can cause a
range of symptoms and complications including cardiac arrhythmia,
shortness of breath, seizures, and even death. Body goes from a
catabolic to an anabolic state. The result is that the body creates an
intracellular demand for metabolites such as inorganic phosphorus (P),
potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) and thiamine (Vitamin B1). This traduces
into a deficient state causing hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, and
hypomagnesemia. Re-eating, especially carbohydrates raises insulin
levels which promotes glucose uptake and utilization by cells,
eventually resulting in rapid changes in electrolytes and fluid
balance. Potassium, magnesium, and phosphate enter the cell causing a
reduction of these electrolytesÕ levels in the blood. RS in
adolescents and young adults is generally associated with marked
malnutrition, mainly anorexia nervosa. Other children at risk are those
with celiac disease, cancer, cerebral palsy, congenital heart or lung
disease, postoperative status, and Crohn's illness. RS can manifest
clinically as a mild electrolyte disturbance without significant
clinical symptoms, or as a severe electrolyte disorder leading to
severe organ failure such as respiratory and cardiac failure, cardiac
arrhythmias, seizures, muscle weakness, horizontal nystagmus, and
encephalopathy (Wernicke's). The mortality after developing RS can be
as high as 70%. Children at high risk for developing RS include those
with significant reduced energy intake for up to ten days before
reintroduction of nutrition, as well as those that are malnourished.
Patients in the pediatric intensive unit are at risk of developing RS
at the time of feeding due to the prevalence of malnutrition in this
population. The longer in PICU the higher the incidence of developing
RS. To establish the diagnosis of RS the American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition has enunciated the criteria for RS as
a decrease in any 1, 2 or 3 of serum phosphorus, potassium or magnesium
levels by 10-20% (mild RS), 20-30% (moderate RS), or greater than 30%
(severe RS), and/or organ dysfunction resulting from a decrease in any
of these and/or due to thiamine deficiency (severe RS); and occurring
within five days of reinitiating or substantially increasing energy
provision. The incidence of RS among critically ill children at risk is
high (46%) and severe most of the time. The PICU length of stay and
acquired infections were higher in children who developed RS than in
those at risk who did not. Main management strategies for RS in
children involve a multidisciplinary approach with careful monitoring
and supportive care to prevent and treat the complications of this
condition. Management of eating disorders as anorexia nervosa seen in
adolescent kid and young adults consist in the gradual restoration of
weight and the prevention or treatment of clinical complications such
as unstable vital signs, laboratory, and cardiac anomalies. Despite
this there is no clear consensus in management. Refeeding should be
started at a low level of energy replacement with vitamin replacement
started with refeeding and continued for at least 5-7 days. Correction
of fluid and electrolytes imbalance prior to feeding is not necessary
and should be done as the same time as feeding. Prevention of RS
requires small amounts of low-calorie fluids, checking electrolytes and
thiamine supplementation. This can be accomplished by gradually
increasing the number of calories in the diet and monitoring potassium,
magnesium and phosphate.RS is a serious condition that can be managed
with careful monitoring and controlled treatment.
1- Runde J, Sentongo T: Refeeding Syndrome. Pediatr Ann. 48(11):e448-e454, 2019
2- da Silva JSV, Seres DS, Sabino K, et al: ASPEN Consensus
Recommendations for Refeeding Syndrome. Nutr Clin Pract. 35(2):178-195,
3- Blanc S, Vasileva T, Tume LN, et al: Incidence of Refeeding Syndrome
in Critically Ill Children With Nutritional Support. Front Pediatr.
2022 Jun 21;10:932290. doi: 10.3389/fped.2022.932290. eCollection 2022.
4- Corsello A, Trovato CM, Dipasquale V, et al: Refeeding Syndrome in
Pediatric Age, An Unknown Disease: A Narrative Review. J Pediatr
Gastroenterol Nutr. 2023 Dec 1;77(6):e75-e83. doi:
10.1097/MPG.0000000000003945. Epub 2023 Sep 14.
PSU Volume 62 NO 04 APRIL 2024
Fish Skin for Burns
The annual burn incidence rate in the US is approximately half a
million people, including 40,000 hospitalizations as a result of
burn-related injuries and 3400 deaths. The main treatment for deep
dermal and full thickness burn injury is early excision and coverage
with autologous split skin grafting or flaps. This avoids common
complications like sepsis, multi-organ failure, and acute kidney injury.
When the wound is extensive, availability of autologous skin
becomes a problem, and allogenic and xenogeneic skin for temporary
coverage after excision will be needed. A variety of dressings are
currently available for superficial partial-thickness burns such as
silver-impregnated, alginate, hydrocolloid, hydrogel, silicone-coated
nylon, polyurethane film, or biosynthetic dressings without a gold
standard being defined.
As a matter of review, autografts are skin grafts that are
transferred from the same person with the wound but a different healthy
location, allografts are skin grafts transferred from a different
person used as a donor (cadaver), and xenografts are transferred from
an animal such as pigs, cattle, or fish. Xenografts are termed cellular
and/or tissue-based products.
Human cadaver and pig skin are the major source of temporary
coverage for deep and full thickness burn injury. Application of human
and pig skin grafts carries a risk of auto-immune response along with a
risk of viral and bacterial disease transmission. Skin from a cadaver
has a limited supply and is expensive.
An alternative for grafting extensive areas of burned skin is using
acellular fish skin (xenograft). Acellular fish skin has been described
as effective, safe, efficient skin substitute free of the risk of
transmission of viral disease and auto-immune reactions. Acellular fish
skin has also been utilized with success in the healing process of
acute and chronic wounds like diabetic foot ulcers and non-healing leg
The most exceptional property of acellular fish skin grafts that
makes it efficacious is its lipid profile. Fish skin is rich in Omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosatetraenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic
acid, which are highly effective as antimicrobial agents even against
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and in modulating the
inflammatory response of the acute wound healing stage.
Fish skin maintains its three-dimensional structure and is highly
porous, providing an extracellular matrix composed of
glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, fibronectin, and growth factors
which allows the migration of autologous cells to promote the
proliferative and epithelialization phases of the burn healing process.
Acellular fish skin grafts are also very porous, having about 16.7
large diameter apertures for every 100 µmm allowing it to
properly adhere to human skin and promote the passage of human
fibroblasts, which are known to play an important role in effective
wound healing.
Fish skin is stored at room temperature, has a shelf life of three
years, and is marketed as an off-the-shelf product. This characteristic
makes fish skin ideal in the setting of combat casualties where cadaver
or pig skin is not practical due to the short shelf life.
The fish graft contracts slightly after salination and insertion
into the wound bed, so it is recommended that pre-wetting takes place
before the product is applied so that shrinkage occurs before applying
it to the burn patient. Acellular fish skin graft is harvested from two
major species such as the Nile Tilapia or the North Atlantic cod.
Applications for the use of fish skin graft include burn skin
reconstruction, chronic and oral wound, hernia repair, breast
reconstruction, and dura mater reconstruction. Acellular fish skin
presents an effective treatment option in burn management since studies
indicate accelerated wound healing, pain, and discomfort reduction,
decrease in necessary dressing changes, as well as treatment-related
The novel approach of acellular fish skin xenografts may represent
an effective, low-cost alternative for the management of deep and full
thickness burns since existing evidence indicates accelerated wound
healing, reduction of pain and necessary dressing changes, as well as
improved long-term outcomes. Wounds managed with fish skin graft have
better functionality long-term and aesthetically superior when compared
with those managed using other cellular tissue-based products.
1- Alam K, Jeffery SLA: Acellular Fish Skin Grafts for Management of
Split Thickness Donor Sites and Partial Thickness Burns: A Case Series.
Mil Med. 184(Suppl 1):16-20, 2019
2- Ge B, Wang H, Li J, Liu H, Yin Y, Zhang N, Qin S: Comprehensive
Assessment of Nile Tilapia Skin (Oreochromis niloticus) Collagen
Hydrogels for Wound Dressings. Mar Drugs. Mar 18(4):178, 2020
3- Stone R 2nd, Saathoff EC, Larson DA, et al: Accelerated Wound
Closure of Deep Partial Thickness Burns with Acellular Fish Skin Graft.
Int J Mol Sci. 22(4):1590, 2021
4- Luze H, Nischwitz SP, Smolle C, Zrim R, Kamolz LP: The Use of
Acellular Fish Skin Grafts in Burn Wound Management-A Systematic
Review. Medicina (Kaunas). 58(7):912, 2022
5- Ibrahim M, Ayyoubi HS, Alkhairi LA, Tabbaa H, Elkins I, Narvel R:
Fish Skin Grafts Versus Alternative Wound Dressings in Wound Care: A
Systematic Review of the Literature. Cureus. 15(3):e36348, 2023
6- Garrity C, Garcia-Rovetta C, Rivas I, et al: Tilapia Fish Skin
Treatment of Third-Degree Skin Burns in Murine Model. J Funct Biomater.
14(10):512, 2023
The term Pica is derived from a brown-billed magpie bird, famous
for its habit of indiscriminate gathering and eating a variety of
objects to satisfy its hunger and curiosity. In the medical argot, Pica
refers to the persistent, compulsive craving for and the ingestion of
substances usually considered inedible.
The behavior of a patient with Pica is discordant with cultural
practices and continuous beyond the normal developmental phase of
occasional indiscriminate and experimental mouthing and swallowing over
a period of at least one month. Pica occurs worldwide with a prevalence
greatest in children eighteen months to six years. It is more common in
blacks than whites and more common in boys than girls.
20-30% of all children from one to six years of age have practiced
Pica. In the USA, less than 10% of children older than 12 years of age
meet the diagnostic criteria for Pica. Pica is more common than
generally appreciated, with prevalence higher in Africa compared to the
rest of the world. It is also more common among low socioeconomic level
children and pregnant women.
Among the etiology and pathogenesis of Pica are hunger, disturbance
in the mother-child relationship, relief of anxiety by oral
gratification, and an infantile hand-to-mouth behavioral response to
family stress or as an expression of oral fixation. Others believe it
is an attention-seeking device. Pica is common in mentally handicapped
children, and the prevalence correlates with the severity of mental
retardation. It is also more common in those with autistic spectrum
disorder, attention deficit, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, and depression.
There is an association between Pica and iron deficiency. Children
with sickle cell anemia are at greater risk for developing Pica.
Children with Pica are highly selective, and the ingested material
depends on the availability in the environment as well as conscious
selection factors. Substances that may be craved by children with Pica
include clay (geophagia), raw starch, dirt, ice, raw potatoes, hair
(trichophagia), fibrous plant roots, sand, pebbles, glass, soap, feces
(coprophagia), vomitus, and the list goes on. By far, the most common
are clay and raw starch.
In the majority of cases, the physical exam is normal. Other signs
of Pica include pallor, anemia, anorexia, easily fatigability,
malnourishment, developmental delay, abdominal discomfort, or pain if
large quantities of inedible substances are ingested. Bezoars may lead
to intestinal obstruction needing surgical evaluation.
General labs are indicated, including blood lead levels, along with
simple abdominal films looking for filling defects or radio-opaque
material in the gastrointestinal tract. Complications depend on the
substance ingested. Ferrous deficiency anemia is a common complication
since the binding of the ingested clay to the iron causes an inability
to be absorbed properly. This is particularly important in pregnant
women after geophagia.
Pica is a risk factor for accidental ingestion of toxic substances
such as lead in pencils and toys. Malnutrition results from Pica. Other
electrolyte abnormalities identified in children with Pica include zinc
deficiency, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and metabolic
alkalosis. Other complications include parasitic infestation, tooth
abrasion, constipation, and bowel obstruction. Complications from bowel
obstruction and perforation from masses of consumed matter in the
stomach and intestine might need surgical intervention.
There is no gold standard for the management of Pica. Management of
Pica includes training and supervision while eating, attention to
individual emotional needs and stress, behavioral therapy, family
counseling, and psychotherapy.
1- McNaughten B, Bourke T, Thompson A: Fifteen-minute consultation: the
child with pica. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed. 102(5):226-229, 2017
2- Leung AKC, Hon KL: Pica: A Common Condition that is Commonly Missed
- An Update Review. Curr Pediatr Rev. 15(3):164-169, 2019
3- Moline R, Hou S, Chevrier J, Thomassin K: A systematic review of the
effectiveness of behavioural treatments for pica in youths. Clin
Psychol Psychother. 28(1):39-55, 2021
4- Fields VL, Soke GN, Reynolds A, et al: Pica, Autism, and Other
Disabilities. Pediatrics. 147(2):e20200462. doi:
10.1542/peds.2020-0462, 2021
5- Schnitzler E: The Neurology and Psychopathology of Pica. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 22(8):531-536, 2022
Rhabdoid Tumors
Rhabdoid tumors (RT) are rare and highly aggressive malignant
tumors of embryonal origin typically diagnosed in early childhood.
Initially diagnosed in 1978 as a RT of the kidney, subsequent cases
identified tumors with similar histology in soft tissue and central
nervous system (CNS). In 1995 an atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor was
described in the CNS. RT are often diagnosed in late stages carrying a
poor prognosis.
These tumors are known for being particularly aggressive and
fast-growing. The three most common site for RT are the kidney, CNS,
and soft tissue (Extrarenal). Frequent sites for extrarenal RT include
skin, liver, and lung, although tumors in almost all soft tissue have
been reported. Peak incidence of RT is between one and 4 years of age.
Classic RT have been diagnosed also in adults.
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is a rare and aggressive
type of embryonal tumor of the CNS occurring in children. AT/RT
represent brain tumor in early childhood, which is the most common CNS
primary malignant tumor in children less than 6 months of age. Spinal
AR/RT has the following characteristics: children has cauda equina
syndrome (lower back pain, muscle weakness and numbness in the lower
limbs, loss of sensation in the saddle area, bladder and bowel
dysfunction, and sexual dysfunction), the mass invaded the
thoracolumbar spinal junction, and the extramedullary space of multiple
segments grew along the spinal longitudinal axis; bleeding mass was
revealed in MRI imaging; meninges, nerve root, and sacral canal
metastases occurred.
The gold standard for the definitive diagnosis of AT/RT is biopsy
combined with immunohistochemistry. The loss or inactivation of the
SMARCB1/hSNF5/INI tumor suppressor gene has been identified as the
hallmark genetic defect in RT. This mutation can arise somatically or
more commonly inherited in the germline (> 35% of tumors). Loss of
expression of this protein permitted the development of an
immunohistochemistry assay that help make the clinical diagnosis of RT.
RT are associated with a high rate of low birthweight and preterm
birth, with a higher likelihood of later gestational age. A large
number of multiple birth and twin pregnancy among case families with RT
has been identified.
Histologically RT contains characteristic filamentous cytoplasmic
inclusions, large nucleoli, and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. A
variety of neural, epithelial, mesenchymal, or ependymal patterns may
also be present. CNS RT comprise rhabdoid cells and areas of primitive
neuroepithelial tissue resembling primitive neuroectodermal tumor. The
cell of origin of RT is a primitive stem cell possibly derived from the
neural crest.
Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor. Kidney tumors may
cause a mass or swelling in the abdomen, while brain tumors can cause
increased head size, developmental delays, or symptoms related to
increased pressure in the brain. Diagnosis typically involves imaging
studies like MRI or CT scans, followed by a biopsy to confirm the type
of tumor. Brain and spine imaging studies should always be performed in
newly diagnosed children with renal or extrarenal RT.
Management of RT include a combination of surgery, chemotherapy,
and radiotherapy. The approach depends on the size, location, and
extent of the tumor, as well as the age and overall health of the
child. There are slight differences in management between COG, Dana
Farber, and the European consortium mostly regarding induction
chemotherapy and consolidation therapy. The early use of radiotherapy
is controversial in young patients due to side effects of irradiating
the spine.
The prognosis for selected patients, in particular those with
localized RT associated with an older age and lower stage disease has
improved somewhat, though the overall outcomes of RT remain poor
despite maximized therapy intensity needing better targeted novel
therapy largely focused on the biology of SMARCB1. RT has been found to
be sensitive to the protein-translation inhibitor Homoharringtonine
which could have a therapeutic potential.
1- Heck JE, Lombardi CA, Cockburn M, Meyers TJ, Wilhelm M, Ritz B:
Epidemiology of rhabdoid tumors of early childhood. Pediatr Blood
Cancer. 60(1):77-81, 2013
2- Geller JI, Roth JJ, Biegel JA: Biology and Treatment of Rhabdoid Tumor. Crit Rev Oncog. 20(3-4):199-216, 2015
3- Wu HY, Xu WB, Lu LW, et al: Imaging features of spinal atypical
teratoid rhabdoid tumors in children. Medicine (Baltimore).
97(52):e13808, 2018
4- Benesch M, Nemes K, Neumayer P, et al: Spinal cord atypical
teratoid/rhabdoid tumors in children: Clinical, genetic, and outcome
characteristics in a representative European cohort. Pediatr Blood
Cancer. 67(1):e28022, 2020
5- Howard TP, Oberlick EM, Rees MG, et al: Rhabdoid Tumors Are
Sensitive to the Protein-Translation Inhibitor Homoharringtonine. Clin
Cancer Res. 26(18):4995-5006, 2020
6- Reddy AT, Strother DR, Judkins AR, et al: Efficacy of High-Dose
Chemotherapy and Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation for Atypical
Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group
Trial ACNS0333. J Clin Oncol. 38(11):1175-1185, 2020
PSU Volume 62 NO 05 MAY 2024
Alvarado Score
Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency in
children with ana estimated 6% lifetime event risk in the general
population. More than 300,000 appendectomies are performed each year in
the Unites States, and less than 10% result in the removal of a normal
appendix. Appendicitis is thought to be caused by luminal obstruction
from various etiologies, leading to increased mucus production and
bacterial overgrowth resulting in wall tension, necrosis, and potential
The clinical diagnosis of appendicitis is based on symptoms, signs, and
laboratory data. The differential diagnosis is extensive. Appendiceal
perforation rates are higher in children and elderly patients. A
variety of different approaches are recommended to decrease the
negative appendectomy rate such as predictive scoring system, computer
aided diagnosis, inflammatory markers, ultrasound, and CT scan.
The 2020 World Society of Emergency Surgery updated guidelines
recommend the use of the Alvarado score to aid in the diagnosis of
acute appendicitis in children, but it shows that the level of evidence
is not high enough. The Alvarado score described in 1986 enables an
early clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis. The Alvarado score is a
10-point metric system composed of points for symptoms, clinical signs,
and laboratory data.
For symptoms, there is 1 point each for migration of pain to right
lower quadrant, anorexia, and nausea/vomiting. For clinical signs there
are 2 points for tenderness in the right lower abdomen, 1 point for
rebound tenderness, and 1 point for temperature greater than or equal
to 37.3 C, and for laboratory data there are 2 points for leukocytosis
and 1 point for neutrophils greater than or equal to 75%.
Once the score is reached, the total score is categorized as low (0-4),
equivocal (4-6) and high (7-10) probability for acute appendicitis.
With a low Alvarado score the child can be managed outpatient, with a
score between 4 and 6 the child should undergo emergency department
evaluation using initial ultrasound if available. Scores above 7 needs
surgical consultation or imaging with serial evaluation.
The Alvarado score metric favor specificity over sensitivity, with high
positive predictive value and diagnostic accuracy for acute
appendicitis. In a recent meta-analysis studies involving 5985 children
in 11 countries, the Alvarado score had a combined sensitivity of 76%
and a combined specificity of 71% for the diagnosis of acute
appendicitis in children. From the combined results the accuracy of the
Alvarado score in diagnosing acute appendicitis in children still needs
to be improved, and itÕs not recommended to be used alone.
The Alvarado score is practical, simple, and reproducible being a
reliable tool in two pediatric situations: when imaging is scarce, and
when a child with suspected appendicitis has difficulty finding the
appendix on ultrasound due to obesity. Also, the use of the Alvarado
score for diagnosing appendicitis can reduce radiation exposure
examination in children to a certain extent by using it several times
to evaluate the condition and observe the progression of the child
condition. Alvarado score combined with C-reactive protein can improve
the diagnostic accuracy of appendicitis and also help in the exclusion
The Pediatric appendicitis score includes similar clinical findings in
addition to a sign more relevant in children: right lower quadrant pain
with coughing, hopping or percussion. The appendicitis inflammatory
response score includes fewer symptoms than the Alvarado score but adds
an inflammatory biomarker, C-reactive protein, and allows for different
severity levels of rebound pain, leukocytosis, CRP and
polymorphonucleocytes. CT Scan continues to be the most commonly
utilized imaging study in the evaluation of suspected appendicitis in
approximately more than 75% of cases, though ultrasound is recommended
as the initial modality especially in children and pregnant women.
1- Apisarnthanarak P, Suvannarerg V, Pattaranutaporn P, et al: Alvarado
score: can it reduce unnecessary CT scans for evaluation of acute
appendicitis?. Am J Emergency Medicine. 33: 266-270, 2015
2- Peyvasteh M, Askarpour S, Javaherizadeh H, Besharati S. MODIFIED
Dig. 30(1):51-52, 2017
3- Snyder MJ, Guthrie M, Cagle S. Acute Appendicitis: Efficient Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician. 98(1):25-33, 2018
4- Awayshih MMA, Nofal MN, Yousef AJ. Evaluation of Alvarado score in diagnosing acute appendicitis. Pan Afr Med J. 34:15, 2019
5- van Amstel P, Gorter RR, van der Lee JH, Cense HA, Bakx R,
Heij HA. Ruling out Appendicitis in Children: Can We Use Clinical
Prediction Rules? J Gastrointest Surg. 23(10):2027-2048, 2019
6- Bai S, Hu S, Zhang Y, Guo S, Zhu R, Zeng J. The Value of the
Alvarado Score for the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Pediatr Surg. 58(10):1886-1892,
Kaposi Sarcoma
In high-income countries, the annual incidence of new pediatric
cancer is 15 cases per 100,000 children under the age of 15, with
leukemia being the most common diagnosis. Children infected with human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have a higher rate of malignancy when
compared with children without HIV. Most children infected with HIV
reside in sub-Saharan Africa. Children with HIV have an estimated
100-fold increased risk of developing Kaposi Sarcoma or Non-Hodgkin
Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is associated with co-infection with human
herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) and is the most common HIV-associated malignancy
worldwide and the most frequently diagnosed cancer in many African
nations. KS is an inflammatory neoplasm of endothelial cell origin,
probably a polyclonal proliferation of spindle cell latently infected
by human herpesvirus-8, which often evolves into an
oligoclonal/monoclonal disorder. Four epidemiological forms of KS
exist: 1) Classic, affecting elderly men, 2) Endemic, affecting young
adults with a rapidly lymphadenopathic course, 3) Epidemic KS in
HIV-infected patients being the most common form of pediatric KS
worldwide, and 4) Iatrogenic KS in medically immunosuppressed patients
affecting the skin, mucosa, lymphatic system, and visceral organs.
Herpesvirus-8 is the causative agent for all epidemiological forms of
KS in all patients. Pediatric classic and iatrogenic KS are extremely
Biopsy of the KS lesion is required for definitive diagnosis.
Histologic features include spindle-shaped cells, inflammatory
infiltrates, and angioproliferation with erythrocyte extravasation. KS
is staged according to the classification developed by the AIDS
Clinical trials group Oncology Committee which stratifies patients
based on tumor burden, immune status, and presence of any systemic
The main feature that differentiates the childhood form of KS from
adult disease is clinical presentation with primarily bulging
lymphadenopathy. The Lilongwe Pediatric KS Staging Classification
stratifies four distinct groups based on clinical phenotype: 1)
mild/moderate disease limited to cutaneous and oral mucosal
involvement, 2) lymphadenopathic disease, 3) woody edema, and 4)
visceral and/or disseminated cutaneous/oral disease. The clinical
course of KS in children with the epidemic form frequently follows a
more aggressive course, without cutaneous involvement but involving
mucosa and visceral organs. They are younger, with a mean age of 8
years. The endemic form is even younger (6 years of age) presenting
with generalized or localized lymphadenopathy with sparse mucosal or
skin lesions. Pediatric patients with classic KS present with more
rapidly progressive disseminated and aggressive cutaneous lesions,
oftentimes with mucosal and lymph node involvement, and can be lethal
within 1-2 years of presentation. The iatrogenic form of KS is of
variable age depending on the time of immunosuppressive therapy
post-transplantation, presenting with pancytopenia and lymphadenopathy
to more widespread visceral or mucocutaneous-cutaneous involvement.
For children with epidemic or iatrogenic KS, the most effective
treatment requires correcting the underlying immunodeficiency.
Treatment for endemic and classic forms of KS is targeted on the basis
of localized or disseminated disease. Symptomatic localized lesions are
oftentimes managed with local measures such as intralesional
vinblastine, liquid nitrogen, laser therapy, localized radiotherapy,
topical retinoic acid, or surgical resection. Multifocal, symptomatic,
or disseminated disease is managed with systemic chemotherapy.
Antiviral therapy can be considered for the prevention of (primary)
HHV-8 infection and subsequent KS development with systemic
The prognosis of epidemic KS has greatly improved with the use of
highly active anti-retroviral therapy (cART). Immunosuppression from
HIV infection and transplantation is associated with higher mortality
risks. Positive outcomes in pediatric KS have been achieved in cohorts
treated with chemotherapy and cART. Long-term survival is possible for
pediatric KS in low-resource settings.
1- Rees CA, Keating EM, Lukolyo H, et al: Mapping the Epidemiology of
Kaposi Sarcoma and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Among Children in Sub-Saharan
Africa: A Review. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 63(8):1325-31, 2016
2- Jackson CC, Dickson MA, Sadjadi M, et al: Kaposi Sarcoma of
Childhood: Inborn or Acquired Immunodeficiency to Oncogenic HHV-8.
Pediatr Blood Cancer. 63(3):392-7, 2016
3- Schneider JW, Dittmer DP: Diagnosis and Treatment of Kaposi Sarcoma. Am J Clin Dermatol. 18(4):529-539, 2017
4- Kamiyango W, Villiera J, Silverstein A, et al: Navigating the
heterogeneous landscape of pediatric Kaposi sarcoma. Cancer Metastasis
Rev. 38(4):749-758, 2019
5- Campbell LR, El-Mallawany NK, Slone JS, et al: Clinical
characteristics and successful treatment outcomes of children and
adolescents with Kaposi sarcoma in Southwestern Tanzania. Pediatr
Hematol Oncol. 39(1):28-47, 2022
6- Silverstein A, Kamiyango W, Villiera J, et al: Long-term outcomes
for children and adolescents with Kaposi sarcoma. HIV Med.
23(2):197-203, 2022
Embryonal Carcinoma
Embryonal carcinoma (EC) is a relatively rare type of
nonseminomatous germ cell tumor that usually occurs in the ovaries and
testes. EC is a malignant tumor that can be aggressive and spread to
other parts of the body.
In males, the main presenting symptom of EC is a palpable testicular
mass or asymmetric testicular enlargement. The tumor can also present
with signs and symptoms associated with the presence of metastatic
disease such as low back pain, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, hematemesis,
and neurologic symptoms. The male counterpart of EC has a normal level
of alpha fetoprotein (AFP). If elevated, the tumor suggests more of a
mixed germ cell tumor, with the elevation of alpha fetoprotein produced
by the yolk sac component. The average age at diagnosis is 31 years and
typically presents with a painful testicular mass. Almost two-thirds of
cases have metastasis at diagnosis. Testicular EC occurs mostly (84%)
as a component of a mixed germ cell tumor, with only 16% being pure.
In females, EC is quite rare, accounting for 3% of all ovarian germ
cell tumors. The median age at diagnosis is fifteen years. Symptoms and
signs might vary and may include sexual precocity and abnormal uterine
bleeding. Alpha fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
might be elevated. Children develop large unilateral tumors with a
median diameter of 17 centimeters. Metastasis is present in 40% of
cases upon diagnosis. Clinically, females present with abdominal pain,
abdominal distension, or a pelvic mass.
In both males and females, imaging with US, CT-Scan, and MRI is needed, including a metastatic workup of chest and CNS.
EC can also arise in extragonadal sites such as the retroperitoneum,
mediastinum, central nervous system, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
Primary intracranial embryonal carcinoma is a rare brain tumor. EC
accounts for 5% of all intracranial tumors. Eighty percent of these
tumors tend to occur along the midline, such as the pineal, suprasellar
region, hypothalamus, and third ventricle. Preoperative imaging
examination, blood serum, and cerebrospinal fluid levels of AFP and HCG
can support the diagnosis. Subtotal to total removal with good
preservation of important structures can be achieved in this tumor
resection. EC has a poor prognosis in the CNS.
Pathologically, EC is a poorly defined tumor with associated hemorrhage
and necrosis. Microscopic features include indistinct cell borders,
variable architecture, balls of cells surrounded by empty space on
three sides, nuclear overlap, and necrosis. Solid (55%), glandular
(17%), and papillary (11%) are the most common primary patterns.
Initial management of EC is surgical excision, meaning radical
orchiectomy through an inguinal approach in males and unilateral
adnexectomy in females. In stage 1 disease, it is the curative
treatment in 75% of all cases. The patient should be counseled for a
possible biopsy of the contralateral adnexa when appropriate.
Non-seminomatous germ cell tumors are the most sensitive testicular and
ovarian cancers to cisplatin-based chemotherapy. From three to four to
six cycles of chemotherapy with BEP (bleomycin, etoposide, and
cisplatin) is regarded as the gold-standard regimen for the treatment
of germ cell tumors at all stages of disease. After completion of
chemotherapy, tumor markers are repeated to see the decline in values,
along with a contrast-enhanced CT scan to evaluate for any residual
mass. Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection with adjuvant chemotherapy
is the mainstay of managing low-stage non-seminomatous germ cell tumors
in the United States.
Overall, fertility is reduced by an average of 30% after chemotherapy
treatment. Fertility preservation in females is of utmost importance,
including cryopreservation of oocytes, ovarian tissue, or embryos. A
question in issue is how long after chemotherapy could women conceive.
Six months is the time needed for human oocyte maturation from a
dormant state to fully mature. Cancer patients are advised not to
conceive until six months from the completion of chemotherapy. Many
studies suggest that the right time is 24 months after the end of the
last cycle of chemotherapy.
1- Kelly GM, Gatie MI. Mechanisms Regulating Stemness and
Differentiation in Embryonal Carcinoma Cells. Stem Cells Int.
2017:3684178. doi: 10.1155/2017/3684178, 2017
2- Jiang T, Raynald, Yang H, Wang J, Du J, Zhang W, Shao Q, Li C.
Primary intracranial embryonal carcinoma in children: report of two
cases with review of the literature. Int J Clin Exp Pathol.
10(11):10700-10710, 2017
3- Cerovac A, Ljuca D, Nevacinovic E, Tulumovic A, Iljazovic E. Giving
Birth After Fertility Sparing Treatment of Embrional Carcinoma Figo III
C: Case Report and Literature Review. Med Arch. 72(5):371-373, 20185
4- Seema MaheshÊ 1 ,ÊMahesh Mallappa,ÊGeorge
Vithoulkas: Embryonal Carcinoma with Immature Teratoma: A Homeopathic
Case Report. Complement Med Res. 25(2):117-121, 2018
5- Kattuoa ML, Dunton CJ. Yolk Sac Tumors. 2023 Feb 4. In: StatPearls
[Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024
PSU Volumen 62 NO 06 JUNE 2024
Prenatal Biliary Congenital Dilatation
In 1995, we reviewed the literature regarding prenatal diagnosed
choledochal cyst. At that time, we found that congenital biliary
dilatations, which cause obstructive jaundice, evidence of growth, or
marked delay in bile-enteric excretion, should undergo prompt surgical
Prenatal biliary congenital dilatation is caused by either, and most
commonly, a choledochal cyst (CC-type 1 cyst), or biliary atresia (B-
type III-d) due to a solitary cyst in the fibrous remnant, according to
the Japanese Biliary Atresia Society. They stress the importance of
distinguishing between prenatally diagnosed BA and CC as soon as
possible in order to institute appropriate treatment after birth.
Prenatal differential diagnosis of BA and CC is achieved based on
chronological changes in cyst size, cyst pattern, or timing of
expression. Cyst size decreases between prenatal diagnosis and birth in
BA babies but does not change in CC patients; in fact, they grow. A
cyst size of equal to or less than 2.1 cm is a promising criterion for
BA in the fetus after the 35th gestational week.
US is a useful diagnostic tool for the differential diagnosis of BA and
CC, while stool color is not since it's normal at birth in both BA and
CC children. The use of prenatal US uncovered CC at 15 weeks at the
earliest and averaging at 27 weeks of gestation. The prenatal US
features of CC include the diameter of the common bile duct being
greater than 3.1 cm, the cyst usually being located in the region
between the lower edges of the liver or hilum, and well separated from
the gallbladder, and the cyst wall being smooth and slightly thickened.
There is no blood flow in the cyst, and there is a connection between
the cyst and the intrahepatic bile ducts and gallbladder. The size of
the cyst increases during follow-up. The US features of BA include a
small cyst with a diameter of less than 2.5 cm, with the size of the
cyst not changing significantly during follow-up. BA patients have an
abnormal gallbladder or undetected gallbladder, the cyst is usually
round, with a clear border, smooth edge, higher tension, and without
intrahepatic ductal dilatation. Using fetal MRI, only dilatation of the
intrahepatic bile ducts may help differentiate CC from BA.
The level of G-GTP is elevated at birth in all BA patients, with a
characteristic tendency to decrease postnatally. In CC, the level of
G-GPT tends to increase in cases that develop liver fibrosis. Both the
elevation of direct bilirubin and changes in G-GPT levels should be
considered, and early surgery is performed if there is a persistently
increase in the latter. Neonatal surgery is recommended in cases of CC
with jaundice, liver dysfunction, and when BA cannot be excluded. Liver
fibrosis is observed in prenatal CC children who have some cholestatic
changes, such as sludge, large cyst, and prolonged elevation of serum
GGT. The appropriate management for a prenatally diagnosed CC after
birth is to follow a serial serum GGT and cyst size as well as the
presence of symptoms and sludge with US. With prolonged elevation of
GGT and cyst size above 30 mm, surgery at birth, patients with
intrahepatic bile duct dilatation at birth, and patients whose cyst
enlarged more than 30 mm after birth require early surgery to avoid
liver fibrosis. Some consider this should be performed within three
months old to prevent progressive liver fibrosis. Intrahepatic bile
duct dilatation seen in CC, but not in BA babies, is considered a risk
factor for the development of symptoms.
Intraoperative cholangiography is the only reliable method for differentiating BA from CC.
Management of children with CC is different from those with BA. CC is
managed with open or laparoscopic cyst excision and enterohepatic
(either hepaticoduodenostomy or hepaticojejunostomy) reconstruction.
While BA is managed with an open Kasai procedure, namely
portojejunostomy to the most proximal fibrous portion in the porta
hepatis as soon as the diagnosis is suspected to avoid further liver
1- Lugo-Vicente HL: Prenatally Diagnosed Choledochal Cyst: Observation or early surgery? J Pediatr Surg 30 (9): 1288?1290, 1995
2- Tanaka H, Sasaki H, Wada M, et al: Postnatal management of
prenatally diagnosed biliary cystic malformation. J Pediatr Surg.
50(4):507-10, 2015
3- Hattori K), Hamada Y, Sato M: Cyst Size in Fetuses with Biliary
Cystic Malformation: An Exploration of the Etiology of Congenital
Biliary Dilatation. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 23(6):531-538,
4- Chen W, Geng J, Tan YL, Zhao L, Jia HH, Guo WL: Different
characteristics of infants diagnosed with congenital choledochal
malformation prenatally or postnatally. Sci Rep. 11(1):20, 2021
5- Shirai T, Matsuura T, Tamaki A, et al: The Factors Associated with
the Selection of Early Excision Surgery for Congenital Biliary
Dilatation with a Prenatal Diagnosis.J Pediatr Surg. 58(7):1246-1251,
6- Shirota C, Hinoki A, Tainaka T, et al: Surgical Strategies for
Neonates with Prenatally Diagnosed Congenital Biliary Dilatation. J
Pediatr Surg. 59(3):385-388, 2024
Robotic Pediatric Surgery
The development of laparoscopy in the 90's brought a new era in
technical procedures performed in pediatric surgery. Throughout the
past 30 years, laparoscopy has demonstrated benefits such as shorter
hospital stays, less use of pain medication, better cosmesis, improved
postoperative rehabilitation, and safety. Relentlessly, some pediatric
surgery laparoscopic procedures have been replaced with the use of a
The word "robot" stems from the Czech word "robota," meaning servitude.
Actually, the current definition of a robot is an automated device that
can accomplish a programmed task. Neither automated nor programmed, the
robot movements are a direct result of an operator inside a high-pitch
cockpit console. Movement is controlled with two wristed hands and a
variety of foot pedals and instrumentation. Tremor is eliminated,
vision is three-dimensional, visibility is magnified 10-15 times, and
wristed hand movements articulate more than what the human hand can
With the robot, the size of the patient matters. Procedures that focus
on a single location have the highest probability of success, such as
those in the pelvis or needing suturing. Positioning is of utmost
importance. Trocar placement is often not the same as trocar placement
in standard laparoscopy due to ergonomic issues for the surgeon.
Collision of robots arms can occur if they are placed close together,
so they are placed farther apart rather than closer together.
Currently, the only robotics system that is approved for pediatric use
is the Da Vinci Surgical System. Available instrument sizes are 5 mm
and 8 mm, which is a limitation of use for neonates and small children.
Recently, the Senhance robotic system offers 3 mm instrumental sizes
for small pediatric patients.
Advantages of using robotic surgery include those found in laparoscopic
procedures, such as minimizing operative trauma, decreasing
postoperative pain, limiting the need for opioid use, reducing hospital
stay, and quicker return to school. The highly three-dimensional images
provided by the robot console allow for a degree of visualization that
cannot be achieved open or laparoscopic. The ergonomically designed
console allows optimization of visualization without requiring surgical
assistants or risking human fatigue or loss of control as with open
surgery. Robotic arms are created to mimic the movement of the human
wrist, allowing for seven degrees of freedom compared to traditional
instruments' four degrees. Robotic cameras provide tremor filtration
and operator-controlled views, making steadier and more precise
Costs are the most prohibitive restraint. There is the initial cost of
purchasing and maintaining the robot, as well as increased costs from
the disposable robotic equipment and longer operative times. The
robotic platform requires at least 8 cm of distance between trocars to
prevent collision between robotics arms. Comfort using the robot is
obtained faster than laparoscopy, attributed to the intuitive symmetric
movement of the robotic system that moves in line with the surgeon's
hand. Examining operative time, novice users who have had significant
prior conventional laparoscopy training tend to have decreased
operative times when beginning to perform robotic surgery, as opposed
to novice robotic users who had minimal prior conventional laparoscopic
In children, the most common procedures described using robotics are
urological, namely pyeloplasty and ureteral implants, followed by
fundoplication. Over time, a wider variety of cases are performed,
including thoracic cases, Kasai portoenterostomy, and excision of
choledochal cyst. Other procedures gaining wide acceptance with the
robot include partial or complete nephrectomy, cholecystectomy,
appendectomy, splenectomy, pull-through, colectomy, and bowel
resections. Likewise, thoracic procedures using the robot have
increased significantly in pediatric surgery.
Regarding safety issues, access by the anesthesiologist is limited
after the robot is docked, changes in position require detachment of
the robot, and patients must remain entirely paralyzed while docked.
Robotic-assisted surgery requires steeper Trendelenburg positions,
causing hemodynamic consequences and extra care in patient securing and
With the use of the robot, intra-abdominal tumors including
neuroblastoma can be safely resected. Mediastinal tumors are easily
resected robotically regardless of their pathology. The robotic method
has been developed as the technique of choice for all mediastinal
masses resection. It is also ideal for adrenal tumors resection.
Robotic-assisted surgery is safe and effective in children, steadily increasing in use around the world.
1- Meehan JJ: Robotic surgery for pediatric tumors. Cancer J. 19(2):183-8, 2013
2- Denning NL, Kallis MP, Prince JM: Pediatric Robotic Surgery. Surg Clin North Am. 100(2):431-443, 2020
3- O'Kelly F, Farhat WA, Koyle MA: Cost, training, and simulation
models for robotic-assisted surgery in pediatric urology. World J Urol.
38(8):1875-1882, 2020
4- Beauregard CS, Garcia JRA, Amillo EED, Cervantes G, Ramirez LFA:
Implementing a pediatric robotic surgery program: future perspectives.
Cir Pediatr. 35(4):187-195, 2022
5- Jacobson JC, Pandya SR: Pediatric robotic surgery: An overview. Semin Pediatr Surg. 32(1):151255, 2023
6- Ahmad H, Shaul DB: Pediatric colorectal robotic surgery. Semin Pediatr Surg. 32(1):151259, 2023
Phlegmonous Gastritis
Phlegmonous gastritis (PG) represents a rare but serious infection
of the gastric wall characterized by suppurative inflammation of the
submucosal layers and muscularis propria. It poses significant
diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due to its nonspecific
presentation and potentially rapid progression to septic shock and
death if not treated promptly.
PG is uncommon, with sporadic cases reported globally, affecting adults
predominantly, though it can occur at any age. The condition shows a
slight male predominance. The pathogenesis is not entirely understood;
however, predisposing factors have been consistently identified across
studies. These include previous gastric surgery, underlying malignancy,
chronic alcohol abuse, and states of immunosuppression. In about 30-40%
of cases, no clear predisposing factor is identified, suggesting that
other unrecognized environmental or physiological factors may be
involved. Even children could present with similar symptoms.
The typical symptoms of PG include acute onset of severe abdominal
pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. These symptoms are vague and can
mimic other acute abdominal conditions such as acute pancreatitis,
perforated peptic ulcer, or even myocardial infarction, making the
diagnosis challenging without a high index of suspicion. The rapid
progression of the disease highlights the critical need for prompt
medical attention to prevent severe complications like septic shock.
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen is a crucial diagnostic tool in
suspected cases of PG. It often shows gastric wall thickening with
possible intramural gas formations, pneumogastria - a pathognomonic
feature of the disease. However, given the rarity of PG, these findings
may initially be interpreted as other more common gastric pathologies.
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy can provide direct visualization and
biopsies of the gastric wall, revealing edematous and erythematous
mucosa with possible purulent exudates. However, endoscopy carries
risks of perforating the friable gastric wall in affected patients.
Immediate broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy is the cornerstone of PG
treatment, often requiring adjunctive surgical intervention. Empirical
antibiotics should cover common causative organisms such as
Streptococcus species, and adjustments can be made based on culture
results. In cases where medical management fails or complications such
as perforation develop, surgical interventions like partial or total
gastrectomy may be necessary. Recent case reports have shown that early
diagnosis and aggressive medical therapy can significantly improve
outcomes, potentially avoiding the need for surgery. Recent literature
includes several case reports that illustrate the varied presentations
and outcomes of PG. These cases emphasize the heterogeneity of PG
presentations and the need for individualized treatment plans.
This review underscores the importance of considering PG in the
differential diagnosis of acute abdomen, especially in patients with
risk factors such as recent gastric surgery or immunosuppression. The
integration of clinical, imaging, and endoscopic findings is crucial
for accurate diagnosis. Moreover, the literature suggests a shift
towards more conservative management strategies involving aggressive
antibiotic therapy, which could potentially reduce the need for
surgical interventions.
Phlegmonous gastritis remains a challenging clinical entity due to its
rare occurrence and nonspecific symptoms. This review highlights the
essential role of comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and the
effectiveness of prompt, aggressive antibiotic therapy in improving
patient outcomes. Continued awareness and education about PG among
healthcare providers are crucial to enhancing diagnosis, optimizing
management strategies, and ultimately reducing morbidity and mortality
associated with this severe gastric infection.
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